View Full Version : Modding

09-11-2004, 16:26
okey i know this has been asked once before but in any case im gonna ask again...
How on earth do u mod KoH? I mean how do u edit the .pak files?
someone in this forum said if u had Winhex u could open the .pak files with Microsoft Word! How?!

- basicly all I want is to Make East Anglia a Kingdom (or a empire?) grant them some Men-At-Arms and make their color a bit more blue... and maybe change their name...

Plzz... Im not gonna make it unbalanced or anything...

BTW is it possible to make your own flags?

09-11-2004, 17:46
KOH is very hard to mod. Some changes have effect, others dont. Some changes even make the game crash.
To open .pak files with word(except for the logos.pak, fonts.pak, sounds.pak and others act strange when opening it with word) right click the .pak file, then choose 'open with' then choose word or notepad or whatever.
To edit the flags youll probably need to extract the images.pak and then choose the picture you need then edit it with paint shop. But i havnt found a good extractor yet, because few can open .pak and those that can only open .pak such as those that are found in Quake-games. uly knows alot more on this than i.

09-11-2004, 18:53
Then could u get him? if his still active that is...

09-11-2004, 19:49
I dont know. I sended him a PM but he hasnt answered for a looong time.

09-11-2004, 19:54
I did that to.... but no answer...
anyho u say u CAN open the .pak files with notepad or word? well my comp says otherwise - when i try to open say "units" the program goes white and freezes...!
ive heard somewhere u need a "hex" editor, but i dont like hex editing...

10-11-2004, 11:50
Hi OsirisDK, I just read your PM today and then I found this thread, so I decided to answer your PM here so that any one who want to edit .pak file can read.

Before I begin, I tell you that my English is NOT good so if you can't understand my reply, please excuse me.

In KOH all of the data that you need to edit is in "defs.pak" file. To edit the file you need a hex editor or easier way is to use a text editor program like Textpad (http://www.textpad.com/), it allow you to save things that you had edited in the same file format not the text file like word, wordpad or any other text editor, try it by your self.

Now the bad thing about editing the file is that you can't add extra thing in this file, for example: you want to edit Swordsmith, which cost 300s (labor) and 1000g (gold). In this case you can edit the Swordsmith to cost like 100s and 1000g not 50s and 100g as the game will not allow you to delete or add any extra digit to the file. Therefore, OsirisDK you can not make East Anglia a Kingdom, what you can do here probably change the colour but I don't know how unfortunately.

10-11-2004, 17:56
sad... is there anyway to change this? The most importent thing really is to add Men-At-Arms to either Scotland or East Anglia (havent dicided yet) and if u cant add anything that sounds kinda impossible... :-( If only those darn KoH's devs would be so kind to release their so called editor..!

Anyway thanks, and your english - really not that bad, mines even worse and im from DK!

11-11-2004, 18:27
Okey, hate to admite it but I kinda need yalls help again.
Now I have been able to open the different paks, (much is still encryptet)
and now I want to add Men-At-Arms as a kingdom special unit to Scotland.
Also I want to decrease the building time of walls and other defence buildings.
I have found that u can edit the unit cost in defs.pak, but where do u edit structure cost?
And where do u edit the "origin" of units?
Can u even do that?

11-11-2004, 21:05
Osiris and Noldy: I answered your messeges before I saw this thread, so please post my reply up here if you think they were helpful. (They probably weren't, but hell...)

Manoi: The reason that you can't add bytes to the .pak files is that the .pak files are packed and their sizes are checked. The way around it is to make a file with the same name in the KoH directory that overrides the files in the .pak. You can find more detailed explanation in my original modding info post.

According to my untested observation, kingdoms are organized into many groups, each of these group share the common kingdom units. To add a unit to your kingdom, you need to either change the group this kingdom belongs to or create a new group that comes with the desired units, then change the kingdom to this group. Can't recall exactly the file name for these settings, but I think they were found in eurpoe.pak. As far as I know, there's not much useful in unit.pak; most of the things seem to concern animation there.

Osiris: What do you mean by unit origin?

Frujin: If you're reading this... Please, please tell us: are the modding support you promised really coming? Don't keep my hopes up just to shatter it...

12-11-2004, 19:30
Okey im slowly getting the hang of it... I have made my new Kingdom to replace York!
Crimea, with East Anglia's flag and with the beauty of cyan colors! :hello:

However, unfortuanally there is already a city called Crimea (NOT a kingdom) so it's all pretty f***** up... (excuse me)

See I had the Men-At-Arms unit as I wantet because i replaced York, however now that I change the name to "Crimea" (is it pronauts (<spelling?) with a K or with a S?) I have all the "Local Unit" from the city Crimea as "Kingdom Units" !!!

Little help? plzz?
I guess I need to change the "Local Units" for the city Crimea but still,
where do I change this? someone said kingdoms, citys and units was divided into "groups" m'kay but in which .pak are they all locatet...?

BTW im learning pretty fast so if anyone have any questions ill be happy to share what i have learnt (<spelling?)...

13-11-2004, 10:49
The modding of KoH is easier than you think. You just didn't figured out that :)

13-11-2004, 12:12
You Betcha it's easy! How about this:

The Empire of Crimea (York), ruled by emperor Corrino, of House Corrino, with his queen/empress Akima,
will lead Crimea, with aid of Crimeas kingdom units, the Men-At-Arms, and the local units from Cambria - the Feudal Knigths, Templars and Heavy Crossbowmen
to greatness and power over Europe!
However, the real emperor, and the creater (me) is currently trying to grant Corrino the power to produce the feared
Sardaukar Warrior unit, still no luck though as he cant figure out how to add any new units...
He could however just change the Teutonic Champion (the name) to "Sardaukar", however he still aint sure what to change... and could really use some help
because he just cant STAND to see another "Black Sea Studios ADD" or "Sunflowers" in order to test it. :silly:

ANYHOW thats pretty much what's ive achived so far...
And just of the record, is it possible that a Emperor marrige a Queen? and if so, does that turn her into a "empress" or him into a "king"? anyone? :rolleyes:

15-11-2004, 17:25
DARN IT! just figured: if I change the kingdom NAME, I wont be able to "Unite" stuff will i?

OKey Update: I WONT be able to unite stuff!!! where do I change this? in scripts? ARHH!!

(this is like a drama or something - Me vs the .pak)

- Speaking of "vs" Alien VS Predator will get it's premier the 19. November in Denmark!!!
It startet like the 23. August in US!!!! can ya belive us!

16-11-2004, 14:36
Im SOO good - deft/quests/unite_"kingdom".ini is the one to edit!!! HAHA!
that way u can as, say Wales, unite Russia!!! im SOO good

Me: 1 - .pak: 0 !

17-11-2004, 22:14
Interesting stuff, but i also need help with this. What i basically want is to up the hitpoints or defence of the teutonic knights even higher and also decrease their speed to zombie values. Ive found some stuff in defs.pak but its all a little weird, values are here and there etc dunno what to change. Osiris, can you help me?

18-11-2004, 15:17
Search on "teutonic" - u will come across this line in .defs

class = CUnitDef
id = teutonic champion
name = units;teutonic champion
selradius = 16
selimage = images/units/selection/sel.img
walk_speed = 40

I belive u can change the "walk_speed" but i dont know - yet.
im not sure about their defence and armor thing...
I also found great news! Insted of restarting the game so darn many time when modding - use the "play on europe" mode, then if u need to change anything simply exit to main and the Alt-Tab to desktop. You can now edit what u want and when u bring up the game again and go to europe it will load the new change when the game starts!