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Error from the game -
A Hook Process was found. Please Deactivate all Anitviruses and Aniti Trojan programs and Debuggers.
Only thing i have running is my firewall, Tiny.
The patch is installed.
30-11-2004, 12:47
do you use somekind of spyware or spam stopper?
hooks are used to sniff and identify windows events.
no none what so ever.
i know how to configure windows to stop all that but shutting off system Services.
Would shutting off specific Services in 2000 effect this?
Btw i dont shut off vital windows Services only the ones you dont need. or the ones which allow microsoft to hack you.
but even so this should not effect the game in any way.
no they dont change anything i turned them all back on and it didnt let me run it still.
30-11-2004, 12:58
the standard windows services aren't responsible for this.
to you use tools like "Spy Sweeper", "0190 Warner", "YAW", "Dialer Control", "A2 Guard", "Antidialer" or "Antitrojaner"
or a skinning software for windows?
no i dont.
In fact
i just recently yesterday reinstalled windows.
and i only have drivers installed so far.
so everythings fresh and clean.
30-11-2004, 13:03
okay ... ;(
does is work before the patch?
these are all tools known to use hook sniffing. a debugger or coding environment you don't use either, or?
did you scanned your system for viruses? adware?
yeah game worked great befor the patch.
I use Microsoft Visual Stuideos, thats a codeing Environment. But ive always had that installed and KOH worked with that.
Nothings diffrent in my system from befor the patch.
I dont have no viruses, my computers a iron safe. no viruses get past me. hehe
dont worry im not mad or anything, disappointed i cant play today. But no big deal....
30-11-2004, 13:30
visual studio i know ;)
this comes with a debugger, maybe this is the reason, but why is the patch now reacting to it, if this is the reason.
can you please send in an email with dxdiag.log and msinfo32.log as well as a short description to our support guy will check this out than.
sorry, that i couldn't provide any more help ;(
I cant find eaither log on my computer.
i ran a search and nothing came up for eaither.
30-11-2004, 16:06
the logs you must create with
start > run > dxdiag (save the log)
start > run > msinfo32 (save the log)
Im sorry, but something just dawned on me....
Why is it that Knights of Honor, is being Effected by other things running? Im not getting that.
All the games ive played, All the Program ive Made, Did not Run based apon what programs are installed on your system.
All your game should require is the Minimal Requiriments and Directx 9.0c.
I didnt see a list on the box saying that this game wouldnt work with certain programs running or installed. Futher more, if it wont work with some programs, which ones will it work with, and would anyone care to explain why and how the game is like this.
What is your game doing diffrent then all the other programs out there, which wont let it run with anti-viruse software?
Is it because maybe Knights of Honor is a Virues itself?
And if it ran with anit Viruse software then it would detect it as a viruse.
i think im onto something here.
30-11-2004, 22:06
actually its not the KoH itself but the copy protection system ;(
sunflower acctally expects people to pay for there games even after the 1503 disaster?
even if they have to force them hehe.....
30-11-2004, 23:03
did you send in the email ?
01-12-2004, 16:55
I found the same problem, and I got no debuggers, anti-trojan or anti-virus but the Tiny Personal Firewall also.
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