View Full Version : December Statistics

03-01-2005, 11:50
Decmeber Statistics

Happy New Year Everyone! Here's the stats for Dcember 2004 :)

22 new members joined in December, and totals the active members to 91

and the "+" on the list means new members

Countries represented:

Australia: 1 member
Canada: 1 member
Germany: 23 members
Germany/EU: 1 member
Holland/Netherlands: 1 member
Sweden: 1 member
Switzerland: 2 members
USA: 9 members
Unknown: 52 members

Happy Adolf - Germany - 2,823 / Age: 16 Dob: 1988-08-01
Dobber - USA - 1,507 / Age: 49 Dob: 1955-05-21
Lord Dragon - Switzerland - 1,322 / Dob: January 01
Webmaster - Germany - 1,238
Noldy - Holland - 884 / Age: 15 Dob: 1989-04-17 - scholar

Sinta - Germany - 427 / Age: 13 Dob: 1991-02-17 - Schülerin
binchen - Germany - 391 / Age: 18 Dob: 1986-06-17 - Schüler
Sentra - Germany - 359 / Age: 26 Dob: 1978-02-10 - Bürokaufmann, Übersetzer
Roadrunner - Germany - 295 / Age: 41 Dob: 1963-12-31 - banker
Lanzelot - 280 / Age: 15 Dob: 1989-09-08 - Schüler
Frieden - Germany/EU - 273
Cro_Knight - Canada - 258 / Age: 20 Dob: 1984-04-28
karima - Germany - 257 / Age: 15 Dob: 1989-06-03
Goku - Germany - 235 / Age: 14 Dob: 1990-01-18 - Schüler
Robitoby - Germany - 196 / Age: 26 Dob:1978-06-02 - Student
Simpsonslover - 186 / Age: 10 Dob: 1994-04-01
Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan - USA - 139 / Age: 42 Dob: 1962-07-31
wkw427 - USA - 137 / Age: 46 Dob: 1958-02-12
Moryarity - Germany - 135 / Dob: April 06 - Student
Anguille2 - Switzerland - 111 / Age: 33 Dob: 1971-07-11
Falke - Germany - 107 / Age: 40 Dob: 1964-07-24 - Staatliche Verwaltung
Austin Chang - Germany - 102 / Age: 13 Dob: 1991-11-03

Hilda - Germany - 91 / Dob: January 10
Lord-Piecemeal - 83 /Age: 60 Dob: 1944-04-15
Helen - Sweden - 68 / Age: 22 Dob: 1982-04-26 - Unemployed
Dread Pirate Terry - USA - 66 / Age: 53 Dob: 1951-07-07 - Mailman
+ monstercrash - Australia - 60 / Age: 35 Dob: 1968-01-04
Günter - Germany - 56 / Dob: October 04
acon - 55 / Age: 15 Dob: 1989-01-17 - Student
mamayourpeoplearehungry - USA - 49 / Dob: May 20 - Programmer
Robbie47 - Germany - 42 / Age: 52 Dob: 1952-07-04 - Airliner
mamawagonburner - USA - 39 / Age: 68 Dob: 1963-12-07 - Retired
W-O-D - 38
furdude6 - 35 / Age: 21 Dob: 1983-10-06
Budgie - 30 / Dob: November 01
Matt McCorman - 25 / Age: 24 Dob: 199-10-12
Ghost Walker - Germany - 23 / Age: 18 Dob: 1986-12-09
JoeCool2 - USA - 22 / Age: 17 Dob: 1987-09-01
maik_r - 22 / Dob: July 23

Blue - 16 / Age: 14 Dob: 1990-01-29
tobias - 16 / Age: 15 Dob: 1989-05-26
rovingcowboy - 16 / Dob: November 14
+ Luapske - 13 / Dob: January 18
RobinBanks - 13 / Dob: September 01
+ shivt - 12 / Age: 18 Dob: 1986-09-05
+ farrella - 11 / Age: 29 Dob: 1975-07-16
+ Grawshak - 11 / Age: 20 Dob: 1984-12-18
moonman73 - Germany - 11 / Age: 31 Dob: 1973-11-30
+ Fears2036 - 10 / Age: 31 Dob: 1973-06-20

Shane - 9 / Age: 14 Dob: 1990-11-07
Zomby Woof - Germany - 8 / Age: 39 Dob: 1965-01-04 - Librarian
+ T0by - 7 / Age: 20 Dob: 1984-11-13
tobiboch - 6 / Age: 30 Dob: 1974-07-15
FCK´Lauternfan - Germany - 6 / Age: 29 Dob: 1975-03-15
+ Stelein - 5 / Age: 32 Dob: 1972-06-18
chrisg1263 - 4 / Age: 41 Dob: 1963-01-12
lilmisswagonburner - 4 / Age: 50 Dob: 1954-11-09
Moguntius - Germany - 4 / Age: 24 Dob: 1980-03-13
+ profeta_gero - 4 / Age: 29 Dob: 1975-07-06
+ Silke - 4 / Age: 30 Dob: 1974-10-30
+ †Illuminu† - 3 / Age: 16 Dob: 1988-01-14
Hippie - 3 / Age: 17 Dob: 1987-05-13
Norten - Germany - 3 / Age: 43 Dob: 1961-03-08
paradise - 3 / Age: 23 Dob: 1981-10-31
+ return ofblacstorm - 3 / Dob: September 02
+ TheAlcoholIsRunningOut - 3 / Age: 17 Dob: 1987-09-17

3xtr3m0 - 2 / Age: 22 Dob: 1982-08-07
Captain Nemo - Germany - 2 / Age: 30 Dob: 1974-09-17 - Selling Hearing Aids
+ Christian Herzog - 2 / Age: 23 Dob: 1981-04-06
jun-jun - 2 / Age: 23 Dob: 1981-08-05
+ Kate - 2 / Age: 27 Dob: 1977-12-25
Landsknecht - Germany - 2 / Dob: September 17
LegolasD - 2 / Age: 14 Dob: 1990-03-11 - Bagger (Grocery)
masodoflo - 2 / Age: 30 Dob: 1974-07-11
+ Phillip the Great - 2 / Age: 41 Dob: 1963-05-05
+ Reviewer - USA - 2 / Age: 17 Dob: 1987-11-11 - Student
Robinson80 - 2 / Age: 18 Dob: 1986-05-28
Sanctitas - 2 / Age: 44 Dob: 1960-01-01
Santa - 2 / Age: 15 Dob: 1989-09-27
+ Wermillious - 2 / Age: 15 Dob: 1989-03-30
XtC - 2 / Age: 20 Dob: 1984-04-11

+ annophil - 1 / Age: 59 Dob: 1945-06-19
+ arca - 1 / Age: 16 Dob: 1988-05-06 - playing StarCraft Broodwar
danielcart - 1 / Age: 20 Dob: 1984-11-14
+ Heross - 1 /Age: 24 Dob: 1980-03-05
+ Hiro - 1 / Age: 34 Dob: 1970-03-19
+ Kirby - 1 / Age: 20 Dob: 1984-08-19
markeymakey - 1 / Age: 17 Dob: 1987-04-03
Moguntia - 1 / Age: 24 Dob: 1980-03-13
Nic0r - 1 / Dob: October 29
Warren1954 - USA - 1 / Age: 50 Dob: 1954-10-12 - Retired

03-01-2005, 11:51
And this was the activity in Dec 2004:

Posters: 59 (Nov: 63)
Posts: 859 (Nov: 621)

Frieden - 117 (86)
RoadRunner - 85 (61)
Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan - 83 (34)

wkw427 - 66 (52)
+ monstercrash - 60
Webmaster - 44 (9)
Dread Pirate Terry - 38 (31)
Helen - 28 (13)
mamayourpeoplearehungry - 28 (10)
Dobber - 22 (18)

furdude6 - 19 (14)
Ghost Walker - 16 (7)
Budgie - 15 (12)
mamawagonburner - 15 (23)
Falke - 14 (18)
+ Luapske - 13
JoeCool2 - 12 (9)
Robitoby - 12 (36)
+ farrella - 11
+ Grawshak - 11
+ shivt - 11

+ Fears2036 - 9
Günter - 8 (8)
+ T0by - 7
binchen - 6 (13)
Goku - 6 (2)
RobinBanks - 6 (5)
Sentra - 6 (1)

Matt McCorman - 5 (-)
moonman73 - 5 (6)
rovingcowboy - 5 (7)
tobias - 5 (11)

Hilda - 4 (14)
+ profeta_gero - 4
Robbie47 - 4 (17)
Shane - 4 (3)
+ Silke - 4
Simpsonslover - 4 (-)
Sinta - 4 (-)

acon - 3 (10)
+ †Illuminu† - 3
Austin Chang - 3 (-)
Lord Piecemeal - 3 (-)
+ return ofblacstorm - 3
+ Stelein - 3
+ TheAlcoholIsRunningOut - 3
tobiboch - 3 (3)

+ Christian Herzog - 2
FCK`Lauternfan - 2 (1)
karima - 2 (1)
+ Kate - 2
+ Phillip the Great - 2
+ Reviewer - 2
+ Wermillious - 2

+ annophil - 1
+ arca - 1
+ Heross - 1
+ Hiro
+ Kirby - 1

03-01-2005, 12:26
Great Job Helen. It makes us feel at home on the new board.

03-01-2005, 12:33
Great job Helen::go::smile:

03-01-2005, 12:40
Thank you, Helen. Great job, as always... :go:

03-01-2005, 12:53
you rock the boat! please, stop. i get motion sickness easily! but, WOOO!!!!HOOO!!!

03-01-2005, 12:54
i guess i have been very active lol - well guess what i lost that auction boys and girls some idiot came along but once it hit $25 AUS i bailed as i have found it cheaper that other idiot really did go overboard but i had it sown up at $11 guess he needed to be taught a lesson so i pushed it to $26.50 and he will be paying more than he can buy it for new - i have found somewhere else to purchase it so looking forward to actually playing it.

03-01-2005, 14:18
With no words. :D

03-01-2005, 15:57
if everything would be as reliable as Helen....
Thank you !! :hug:

03-01-2005, 16:00
Thanks :smile:
I hope I didn't make anyone younger/older this time :holy:

03-01-2005, 17:21
thanks Helen,
btw I was born on the 26th :D

03-01-2005, 20:39
Good work, as every month.
Thanks Helen. :smile:

03-01-2005, 22:29
Is no thread sure for your comment about taking 1602 to freeware. :nono:

1503 has a own place in the www.
Just search for it. :biggrin:

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
03-01-2005, 23:57
Nice work again, Helen!:smile:

04-01-2005, 03:03
apart from me there are quite a few other members that have risen up the rankings and have contributed good posts.

You got any other interesting statistics perhaps a yearly recap ? mots popular threads

04-01-2005, 04:12
Excellent Job Helen! Cant have asked for anything better. :bowdown:

04-01-2005, 10:54
You got any other interesting statistics perhaps a yearly recap ? mots popular threads

No, just the monthly stats. :) I do this on my free time, and I need some free time aside from this ;)