View Full Version : Will There Ever Be Online Tournys
12-01-2005, 04:12
hello, any news on this topic
William Blake
12-01-2005, 06:55
Online what? Tournament? Between who?
Few can stand fury of my armies, why bother :biggrin:
Would be nice to get some people together, but you need to make a great deal of PR to gather even 6 men at one time to play some good KoH, not to mention "tournament"
12-01-2005, 08:01
well maybe we can setup something here
12-01-2005, 10:40
i guess, it woulda be interesting :) but maybe some1 should ask if ppls are interested in a tourney allready :)
12-01-2005, 10:46
That would be great to have some clans set up some game,s.
Haveing been on the MP for some time now, I find not many players there.
You set up a game for say 2v2, and only one person turns up, and In most cases I have found.
Allso there should be rules when playing that you have to use at least Diff units, and not just archers or cav as some do, en mass in castle games.
To me thats not a game, but a cheat.
It brings the game down to a brawl and slogging match,' no fun at all'.
In others like towers/open thats ok
12-01-2005, 10:54
As usual we have the bad guy's in thease games, so a clan would be the best place to keep thease people from spoiling the game.
If this keeps up, then nobody will play this game.
I had one guy crash me to desktop, on returning I joined one of his games again, and tried to ask him why he crashed me, 'guess what', he crashed me again.
If this is allowed to go on, as I know it doe's in other games, then clans are the only way to put a stop to this sort of behavour.
I would also like to see a list of clans for this game, so I can join one. :cheers:
12-01-2005, 13:27
Allso there should be rules when playing that you have to use at least Diff units, and not just archers or cav as some do, en mass in castle games.
To me thats not a game, but a cheat.
Umm, this would not be a cheat. This, many people would call a strategy, however for you, we might call it exploiting the overwhelming power of massed units.
William Blake
12-01-2005, 19:18
There is no rules other then game enforced ones. If I can buy 7 cavalry I can use it. And the last one will be like twice of the price mind you. The progressive price on same type of units was introduced specificaly to make it hard to use just one type in masses.
Maybe you should think before the combat "what if he has a lot of..." and life could be easier for you.
Cavalry ****s now, ranged units are nerfed, take sword infantry and you'll cut everything in no time. The real problem will be then you lose will all that uber units, because army doesn't win the game, player does.
13-01-2005, 11:05
Did you ever hear of an army of say just Archers.
If thats the case, then It do'es not become a real time game anymore, just a slogging match, and if thats how its going to be played, then have fun folks.
Same as MOST of the other Multi games, Its no tactics, just build and hammer it out, thats no fun of an evening.
There are one or two RTS games that allow you to play tactical, so I will stick to them.
I was hopeing this would be better.
Thanks for your replies. :biggrin:
William Blake
13-01-2005, 18:34
Did you ever hear of an army of say just Archers....
Once upon a time a roman army was fighting rebel barbarians in germany I believe. The barbarians had no fear and rushed with a great fury on any opponent to tear him up. They also never stoped if wounded, moreover, they showed their wounds to each other as a sign of great bravery and more ugly the wound was with more blood and stuff the more excited they became. They neglected amor and even close and fough naked to show they perfect bodies of a warriors with scratches and old scars.
Now the roman commander had a decent army of good soldiers who can probably beat the enemy hand to hand... or probably not. So he moved around a bit, barbarians followed, he came to a place with some hills and put men on them. Then he moved his ranged units with javellings and slings forward and tell them to run if enemy rush them.
Long story short, the battle was won by roman ranged only, then enemy never covers his body he is easy to hit, small missles cause pain and drain your stamina. There was no hand to hand fight whatsoever, yet a great enemy army was defeated.
The roman commander got back to Rome and demanded a triumph for himself and his army, but after some though senate declined saying that victory is great no doubt about that, and enemy is know to be hard to fight, but well "roman sword never touched them" so kinda technicaly there was no battle - no triumpth.
Original of the story can be found in "History of Rome from the foundation of the City" by Titus Livius.
If thats the case, then It do'es not become a real time game anymore, just a slogging match, and if thats how its going to be played, then have fun folks.
Let me put it this way. KoH multiplayer is ALL ABOUT tactics. Then you play noob vs noob army matters because some army can stand more mistakes from the commander then others. But then you come up against decent players best army in the world wont save you from their MOVES. Player wins KoH, army just can make it easier sometimes.
Select all -> click on enemy -> watch wont work in KoH if you face decent player.
14-01-2005, 00:21
I note you pick just one aurgument on Archers, good for you, but do you note the lack of people playing on the Multi player.
I noted you not getting a game on Gamespy.
Your long winded explanation still brings me to the problem, that if controls on numbers of units are not sorted, then people will,WILL, see that Its not fair play.
There fore numbers In play will drop, or dare I say, fail all together.
Best army is not just one arm of it, but in this game one type of unit is able to beat anyone, so some sort of unit limit Is ness. :cheers:
BTW: I looked to have a game against you, but you quit before I got there.
Hope you had mixed units. :biggrin:
14-01-2005, 14:38
lol, just leave this topic as it is unless ANYONE can add constructive and TOPIC RELATED information, before this comes into a flaming match.
Bottom line
This game was not designed for multiplayer, which is why there are many distinct flaws in its multiplayer capabilities.
... but in this game one type of unit is able to beat anyone, so some sort of unit limit Is ness. :cheers:
What is the "one type of unit" you can beat everyone with???
I do not think there is one... yes, some of them are "better" some not that "good", BUT... it all depends how U are going to use them, against what units, what is terrain like and so on... - in my opinion there is a lot to do with tactical thinking - much more than most players really think of it...
William Blake
15-01-2005, 02:47
Guys, if you want to meet some1 to play but you can't find games on gamespy, post a date and time. But if you post anything, be there and wait a bit.
By the way, why I see so many people playing 1.02? Cracked cds can't be patched or something :)
What is the "one type of unit" you can beat everyone with???
Hm.... me? :angel:
Sir Turylon
15-01-2005, 07:23
unfortunately, it appears that the "appeal" of KoH in tourney play will probably remain at best a European oddity. I doubt this game will ever break out over here. I have seen no press on it all. None. Nada. Gamers do not go around searching obscure European websites for possible games, they check major gaming blogs on the web. Sadly, this also reduces the chance that the game will see mass Multiplaying. No press in largest market = not good for business. I hope Sunflowers realize they lost their potential sleeper hit in the rts market.
No luck for KoH in 2005, Age of Empires III, Stronghold 2, and other BIGGER and more KNOWN games will overshadow it quickly.
It's sad. :nono:
maybe next time they'll go with a different distributor that does not have heir own titles coming out at the same time.
I thought, there was some website with tournaments, or? Somebody here who played there sometimes?
Nicolin de Odel
15-01-2005, 19:53
I think people are playing the 1.02, because they can't win without there tanked out units, they think the patch is to hard on multiplayer. They may not be able to win really battles, so they do it using cheep stratagies.
If you want a real hardcore opponent, find William playing some time. You can think you had his armies in a choke hold, and cornered, but even a mouse while cornered can be dangerous, and he's most defenitly not a mouse. Most of the time you'll never beat, but all the fun is trying. :cheers:
15-01-2005, 23:02
No, most people who playing 1.02 are on cracked cds waiting on a new crack for the patch.
The big question that can be asked about a game with multiplayer. How can it lack the simple function of RECORDED GAMES? Even FPS like HL you can record your games. Age of Empires in 1996 had the ability to record games. 2004 KoH lacks the ability to record multiplayer games. Go figure...
Nice game, but it is lacking the x-factor.
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