View Full Version : Avantgarde "Scenarios"

14-01-2005, 21:42
Hello everybody

First i want to say my english is not that good, im from switzerland (a german language).

I build 2 "Scenarios" for me and the community.

Lithuania "Scenario"

In the first one, the "Lithuania" is based on heathens and its possible to build a university on the starting province, cause there is grassland and minerals...

Country: Lithuania
Religion: Heathens
Contracts: No
Wars: No
Position of power: -5
Middle age: early (1000)
Credits 1014 ( -8 )
Difficult: difficult with active war- break

Provinces: 1
Province name: Samogitien
Provinz attribute: grassland minerals and silver
Buildings: No

Royal family:
King: 3 (e) ,2 (d) ,0 (w) ,3 (s) ,0 (r)
Prince: 0 (e) ,3 (d) ,1 (w) ,1 (s) ,2 (r)

Link to the Picture:

Link to the Download:

The second "scenario" is called Reunite Germany.

Germany is destroyd through wars. The country is split in diffrent provinces.
You are the King of Bavaria(germany) and you have to reunite germany. You are in alliance with palatinate, where youre daughter is married with. You are in war with Austria.

Country: Germany
Religion: catholic
Contracts: Married and allied with palatinate (view picture)
Wars: Austria
Position of power: Normal
Middle age: Virtual, 1400 aChr.
Credits 1000 ( -10 )
Difficult: difficult with active war- break

Provinces: 1
Province name: Bavaria
Province attribute: Silver, Salt
Buildings: No

Royal family:
King: 0 (e) ,0 (d) ,3 (w) ,3 (s) ,0 (r)
Prince1: 1 (e) ,0 (d) ,2 (w) ,0 (s) ,1 (r)
Prince2: 0 (e) ,2 (d) ,3 (w) ,0 (s) ,0 (r)
Princesse: Married with palatinate

Link to the Picture:

Link to the Download:

Copy the file:
By XP and win2k:
C:\documents and settings\username\programm datas\Black Sea Studios\Knights Of Honor\save
(is invisible)

This "scenarios" are made by official bss cheatcodes, no round is elapsed since beginning.

Wish you a lot of fun by playing...

German Clan only!!!
Clanleader from Avantgarde
ICQ 212189024
Teamspeak ohne PW:

16-01-2005, 22:34
Maybe I'm the only one but I have no idea what your "scenarios" are about.

but if it is about pre-defining province advantages(fertile soli, silver, etc.) could you post how could you change it from totaly random system to system of combined pre-definiton and randomness


17-01-2005, 13:10

My "Scenarios" are random based too. I started a lot of times until i had a starting position like i want. Then i began to mod by cheats (give land as gift, cancel contract...). I really hope that somebody will play my "scenarios" otherwise its a pitty and useless...

It is just to have a new effort to play KoH with special target or mod-map.

Please give feadback if you playd...

17-01-2005, 13:23
I see. Thanks

I haven't played it yet(I prohibited the game for myself for some time :) )
honestly I hoped those were some improvements.

For example I edited quest uniting germany to unite HolyRomanEmpire, made it able for all HRE nations(Austria, Bohemia, Brandenburg, Germany, Pomerania, Palatinate and Mecklenburg)
+ I tried to create my own quests:
unite Bohemia (into size of late Premyslid empire-including most of Poland and parts of Hungary)
unite Rome (for Germany, France and Byzantia if they own at least half of Roman empire with Rome and Constantinople etc.)

so I hoped you found a way to pre-define province features...

17-01-2005, 14:08
so I hoped you found a way to pre-define province features...

It is not possible to pre-define province features!

We all wait and hope on a editor to do real scenarios...

17-01-2005, 14:11

yes, editor would really enrich the game. Or at least random map generator

I'm not sure if your german version save would work in cooperation with my english version

17-01-2005, 14:36
I'm not sure if your german version save would work in cooperation with my english version
I have the english version too.


18-01-2005, 14:24
that's good news :go:

20-01-2005, 01:49
I tried to download the scenarios but I had problems.
1. do I open the file or do I save it
2. If I save it where do I save it to.

20-01-2005, 12:56
1. You save it.
2. You save it to:
By XP and win2k:
C:\documents and settings\username\programm datas\Black Sea Studios\Knights Of Honor\save
(is invisible)

If you need more help please post again!