View Full Version : Need Help with Unit Experience
20-01-2005, 23:51
How do I get it. I spent three marshal experience point already andI fought three battle already and the experience of my units is still at 0 what is going on????
HELP!!! :angry:
21-01-2005, 00:25
Make sure that the skill is for the unit. Ex. sword mastery is for units with swords etc. Also increase the skill as much as possible. Then experience will come with more battles. It is just a matter of time.
21-01-2005, 01:31
Do you know by any chance where I could read about which Units are associated with which skill?
For example Boyars correspond to spear or hourse units?
21-01-2005, 05:03
Go to the knighs of honor website n check out "unit showcase" under "Medival"
Each Unit is listed there under many categories. (Ex. Polearm Units, Mounted Units...)
21-01-2005, 13:42
Your units do gain experience without having the technologies research<experience modifiers> You just need to fight a lot of battles with them. I have had lvl3 peasants. So, just fight more.
22-01-2005, 08:13
Thanks guys the ploblem has been eliminated just like my enemies :evil:
Do you lose squad experience when you re-fill squads?
22-01-2005, 13:55
Yes, of course, because the squad is refilled with rookies.
22-01-2005, 22:46
@ Angryminer: Does the squad lose stars when they are refilled?
the knightly sword
22-01-2005, 22:58
@ Angryminer: Does the squad lose stars when they are refilled?
so times yes sometimes no , it depends on your squad star , if its new i doesnt mean it will stay there forever, but after some battles your stars will stay , and then it really is fun scareing off the enemies all the time :go:
23-01-2005, 09:35
Let's pick up the calculator...
A squad recieves it's first star after 5000 points of experience. Let's take some swordsmen and fight with them until they have 5001 experience points. In the process of fighting about 50% of them died in combat. So now you refill 50% of the squad with fresh swordsmen that each have 0 experience. The average experience drains to 2500,5 - the squad lost a star.
The experience-skills (swordsmanship, marksmanship, etc.) of the marshalls can lower this penalty. At least the scripts say so...
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