View Full Version : Glory of God - My type of KoH
12-02-2005, 19:26
Progress progress! :go:
The new trade revenues are perfect now. Now traders can't give you unlimited amounts of money anymore. The new knight skills worked out fine, too. I was still able to win the game (well, I'm the second mightiest nation after 6 hours of gameplay) with these changes but I suffered some serious defeats. But I never fought against any mayor power. Diplomacy is mightier than the sword :wink: .
I'll have to translate some englisch texts tomorrow. The rest seems okay now, so I can release the new version of the mod tomorrow. :go:
Angryminer for world president! :hello:
question - can the battle lagoritms be tweaked?
13-02-2005, 11:05
The values of the units can be tweaked. Yes.
If you have any ideas (like... "Heavy Swordsmen should have better defense but should walk slower") please post them. Every thought that might lead to a better game will be appretiated :go: .
My suggestion: a bit tuned down balista, like attack speed decrease. To shoot more slowly.
Can you make some managment about the units fortified in a tower. For example to get +1 range or sort...or they already got that?
Okay, during the last days I tested it out.
To avoid miunsderstandings I write it down in english and afterwards in german :
First of all I wanna say THANKS to angryminer for this Mod. :go:
It made fun playing it becuase new problemes were installed. Problmes I've never seen before.
First I was very surprised when the 2nd marschall should cost more 2000 in balance.
Okay ... i sent him to exile , made the king a marschall and qucikly conquered round about 30 cities. Meanwhile my balance was over 2000.
Then, with 3 marshalls I conquered the rest step by step in an easy way.
The 2nd surprise was the brilliant feature that I could not convert new provinces staright away. I solved it with three Rider-Armys .
The Rest was very easy, bescause the AI was absolutely passive.
The AI hardly declared war to me. (especially not in the beginning of the game)
The AI never declared war to annother Ai, too.
The Ai always wanted to trade with me , but I denied of course.
The AIs had over 800.000 Gold all the time, but not more than 2 armies. (and a balance of +32 :biggrin: )
So, the whole map was very passive . So it was easy to take it over step by step ... :smile:
War zunächst sehr überrascht dass ich keinen weitern Marschall einstellen konnte. Weil er mit 2000 Unterhalt einfach zu kostspielig war.
Nun hatte ja nicht nur ich das Problem, sondern die KI auch. Und demzufolge verhielt sich die KI äußerst passiv.
Auch nach einigen Spielstunden sah die Welt noch so aus wie zuvor.
In der Zwischenzeit hatte ich allerdings ausbaufähige Küstenstädte erobert. Mit dem König und dem Anfangsmaraschall (hier müßte die Readme Datei geändert werden die empfiehlt iesen zu entlassen - denn genau das sollte man nicht tun ) hatte ich immer zwei, nach ca. 30 Städten war die Bilanz derart gut dass ich mir sogar den dritten Marschall lsieten konnte :smile:
Der Rest war dann relatoiv leicht wenn, ja wenn nicht diese geniale Feature mit den zunächst nicht bekehrbaren provinzen eingebaut gewesen wäre.
Dadurch bekam ich natürlich Problem mit den Aufständischen. Zumal diese stets eine "Wagenburg" errichteten die meinen Truppen schon vor dem Angriff teure Verluste zufügte.
War aber meine Scjhuld weil ich die Rebellen zulange habe gewähren lassen. Dann habe ich auf Reiterheere umgestellt und sie sofort bekämpft wo sie nur auftauchten. Der Kontostand war immer bei weit über 100.000 und so konnte ich Schritt für Schritt leicht Europa erobern.
Weil sich die Kis leider zu passiv verhielten. Kaum militärische Attacken untereinander. Erst meine Spione halen ein wenig nach :biggrin:
Die KI hatte hinterher durchweg 800.000 Gold und mehr.
Dieser Mod war abwechslungsreich, nur für die KI leider zu schwer :wink:
13-02-2005, 13:42
Thanks for the feedback Frieden! :go:
1. Did you remember to start the game at "Hard" difficulty setting? I didn't modify the others and the gameplay was expected to be rather poor in the other settings.
2. Do you have any suggestions?
3. I released a new Version of GoG here ( ( or in german here ( ). The new version fixes the issue with "lots of money".
@ 1.: Yes, I started with "hard" difficulty.
@ 2.: I'm not so very experienced with modding so far.
I alreday played Laudans Mod and came to the coclusion: it's to eays.
Reason: Laudans makes the AI stronger, but us too.
Your one makes us weaker, but th Ai too.
@ 3.: Great :smile:
I'll answer over there in german, okay.
Fine .... evening an come :biggrin:
I like your mod, Angryminer. I had quite big problems while playing Jerusalem when counquered Egypt (cairo) and after 2 invasions of Saladin's army I had 5 loyalists and 1 local rebel there and was almost to lose the province when 2 loyalists (level 8 and level 7) besieged the town of Cairo. Fortunately my king has crossed the border of Egypt just before they assaulted it and in bloody battle my troops, protected by palisade have won and then after few minutes smashed (cooperation of 2 marshalls) all other rebel armies. Beating rebelion took me about 1,5 hour!
but I have came across one bug.
I can't open Kingdom advantages, the game always crashes.
I don't know if it's caused by your mod, but probably is, since I edited only 2 things in your mod, concerning marshal education and upkeep only.
13-02-2005, 16:28
In GoG 1.4 with KoH 1.03?
The kingdom advantages screen works over here with this configuration...
GoG the older one
I'll try 1.4
it happens with your mod only installed, so I don't know. I'll try 1.4 and let you know....soon
PS: forgot that I should follow your progress when I want to make my version compatible to yours :smile:
keeps crashing even with GoG 1.4 :sad:
KoH 1.03 is community hack? Original patch is 1.02 I guess, I still use only patch+GoG + my edits (in europe.pak and texts.pak and they work ok by themselves)
13-02-2005, 17:19
1. The official patch is 1.03
2. GoG 1.2 didn't modify the kingdom advantages at all. I tested 1.4 with english KoH 1.03 (german and english) and the kingdom advantages screen worked fine.
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