View Full Version : Modding help

26-02-2005, 20:37
I was wondering if anyone can help me with editing.

I want to edit the names of provinces and their capital cities/forts but I am not exactly sure how and I don't want to mess things up.

I'd also like to put in a new descritpions for kingdoms because I think some are pretty bad.
Also I've noticed that Croatia and Serbia are lumped toghether by names and titles and this is totally wrong and I want to create a new Croatian province with it's own historical titles(Ban). The names are good, but they are purely Croatian. Serbian and Croatian traditional(and modern) names are very much different and unique from each other so I want to add new traditional names for Serbia too with parting Croatian and Serbian regions.


26-02-2005, 20:57
Look at Elvain's mod. He modified the provinces at it works with his changes. :go:


01-03-2005, 16:56
Yes but I don't quite get it how he changed the names of towns and provinces....it looks complicated to me...

01-03-2005, 20:28
OK I got it and I've made all the corrections I wanted and I combined it with Elvain's mod, but when I added it and started the game it says that Carinthia and some other provinces are withouth the regions. What the hell is with that? :confused:

I made all what was nescesarry, Carinthia is Elvain's thing btw. and I did the corrections of Croatia-Bosnia region on that example and now it says it doesn't work?!?!
Where is Elvain anyway?

02-03-2005, 09:59
I am back. I had some problems with internet conection at home and got sick also... but hopefuly it will work today evening.
Read carefully what I have wrote in my modīs thread and also use the sticky thread ("what to edit and how" I guess). It is described there(there are new files created, so they need to be copied to new directory: my tip: by PakMan, extract one of nationsī files to original directory and copy file carinthia.in2 from my mod to that directory

btw I appreciate your interest :go: if youcould, please, send me changes you suggest, I will possibly add it to my mod (next version)

26-03-2005, 05:47
I've been looking around the modding forums to find some information on possibly changing grammar mistakes in the game ("long did we have waited..."), but I haven't found anything. Does anyone have any suggestions?

26-03-2005, 10:41
You can edit the texts in koh by extracting the file /paks/texts.pak and editing the new files in /Texts/. Use Tempest's PakMan to extract the files. :go:


28-03-2005, 07:54
Thanks. I'll certainly give it a shot! :-)