View Full Version : Text editing

10-03-2005, 14:42
I want to make an hungarian version of this game. I have the Packman downloaded and startet with the translation. But how can I reach the characters like: áéÁÉöüÖÜűŰ. The place these letters is always void. Please help! Tnx.

10-03-2005, 16:33
I don't know how you can reach the. When I made some Czech names I simply wrote them as tey are writen and it was ok (there was á and í which arenot normal in english alphabet)

10-03-2005, 19:37
Can you use the character map utility that comes with windows?
Also isn't there a numeric combination that you can use to get those characters by depressing ALT + a combination of numbers? ALT + 9876 gives you ö
Alt + 014789 = Å
Alt + 0194 = Â
Alt + 0452 = Ä
Alt + 01478 = Æ

Alt + 0225 = á
Alt + 0741 = å
Alt + 0483 = ã
Alt + 0486 = æ

Alt + 9856 = Ç
Alt + 0999 = ç
Alt + 01479632 = Ð
Alt + 0142536 = È

Alt + 0714 = Ê
Alt + 0234 = ê
Alt + 0491 = ë
Alt + 07913 = é

Alt + 0142536 = È
Alt + 927 = ƒ
Alt + 022222 = Î
Alt + 0751 = ï

Alt + 0492 = ì
Alt + 0417 = ¡
Alt + 0123857 = Ñ
Alt + 14756 = ñ

Alt + 01479635 = Ó
Alt + 153 = Ö
Alt + 9876 = ö
Alt + 0243 = ó

Alt + 0245 = õ
Alt + 9875 = ô
Alt + 0248 = ø
Alt + 0147852 = Œ

Alt + 044444= œ
Alt + 0222 = Þ
Alt + 0254 = þ
Alt + 0666 = š

Alt + 21 = §
Alt + 666 = Ü
Alt + 09787 = Û
Alt + 0729 = Ù

Alt + 0249 = ù
Alt + 0252 = ü
Alt + 486 = µ
Alt + 0215 = ×

Alt + 0159 = Ÿ
Alt + 157 = ¥
Alt + 152 = ÿ
Alt + 0444 = 1/4

Alt +0 957 = 1/2
Alt + 20 = ¶
Alt + 3569 = ±
Alt + 0759 = ÷

Alt + 44444 = £
Alt + 02222 = ®
Alt + 0681 = ©
Alt + 0153 = TM

Alt + 248 = °
Alt + 249 = •
Alt + 03512 = ¸
Alt + 0168 = ¨

Alt + 426 = ¬
Alt + 15 = ¤
Alt + 0953 = ¹
Alt + 0125874 = ²

Alt + 01459 = ³
Alt + 0426 = ª
Alt + 0447 = ¿

just to name a few.

13-03-2005, 17:23
I want to make an hungarian version of this game. I have the Packman downloaded and startet with the translation. But how can I reach the characters like: áéÁÉöüÖÜűŰ. The place these letters is always void. Please help! Tnx.

Same thing happened to me. First l tried to write in cyrilic, and in titles of mesages and in screens after you lead a battle l got a * instead,but everything else was fine. Then l tried to write in latin, and instead ČĆŠĐŽ, l got * again