View Full Version : New mod?

Master King
19-04-2005, 10:40
:confused: Hey I am not into all this modding thing but I have begun to wonder over that some people say that sertant aspects of the game is to easy. I was wondering if you could make a mod where you had to achive sertain goals at kingdom rankings lets say you should have a sertain trade income, happiness, military strenght or a combination of em? One goal could be to conquer sertain provinces without going trough sertain kingdoms, or to defend a smaller allied kingdom from other kingdoms who wants their lands. I donīt know if it is realistic or not, but it could be interesting to have sertain goals in the game. I have read some of the treads about modding, but not all, so donīt know if it has been made. :confused:

19-04-2005, 10:53
I'm not sure if I understand you well.
Do you mean you want (somebody) to make quests(goals) where the game will end by reaching some score or conquering certain province or destroying certain kingdom. Am I right?

So when a player achieve a trade income of 500 gold, he will be the winner and the game would end?
or he captures Rome and game ends as his victory?

As far as I know it's not in our mods(my, Angryminer's, Laudan's, Aeseniuses) We are only making it hard to have high trading income or such military power etc., I added some quests of uniting kingdoms that are not possible in original game

19-04-2005, 11:17
Quests in this context ("Achieve the following goal!") have been disabled sometime in december 2003 and there seems to be no way to get them back.
But, I have an idea... I think I'll talk with Elvain about that...


Master King
20-04-2005, 10:19
No I dosenīt want someone to make a mod I just want to hear the possibilities around it all.

When I say that a specific province should be conquer then yes. Take the province of Rome (Papacy)forexsample. Rome holds the head of the catholic church, so If a player plays as Muslim Kingdom, his goal could be to take Rome and turn into a muslim ruled province. Of course since most of the european kingdoms are catholic they probably would come to Romes aid, to fight your armies in the province of Rome.

Another goal could be if you are a muslim kingdom, could be to have good relations with all other muslim kingdoms and to have at least a pact of non-agression to those kingdoms.

If we are talking specific mods, the specific mod should make it hard to achive the goals that are set.

I donīt know if this is possible. I wrote it so I could hear the oppinions of the profs and to check the possibillities for the idea.