View Full Version : Cleric Death %

21-04-2005, 16:02
Hi everyone. I wanted to decrease the chance of clerics dying as a result of failing to convert the province, so i wanted to ask where this is regulated in the game files. I believe one of you modders wrote that youve changed this in your mod, so perhaps you could help me out with this, if you remember where this is controlled from? Thanks, i would be grateful for any assistance.

22-04-2005, 17:46
The chances of success and failure or death are set in defs/misc/econst.in2
Search for the section called "Missionary".
You should find the following lines:
MissionaryTimePerTownLevel = 10000
MissionaryTimePerMonastery = 10000
MissionaryGoldPerTownLevel = 1000
MissionaryGoldPerMonastery = 2000
MissionaryPiety = 1000
MissionaryFailBase = 75
MissionaryFailPerStar = 10
MissionaryFailPerKingStar = 3
MissionaryKillBase = 65
MissionaryKillPerStar = 10
MissionaryKillPerKingStar = 3These are the values that are used in GoG.
<MissionaryKillBase> is the percentage for a completely unskilled cleric to die when the king has no religion-skill. Each experience-star he gets this percentage will lower by <MissionaryKillPerStar>. As an example a cleric with one star experience would have a chance of 55% to die while converting when the king has no religion-skill.
Additionally the chance to die will lower by <MissionaryKillPerKingStar> for each religion-skill-star of the king.

I hope that helps. :go:


22-04-2005, 21:39
That is exactly what i was looking for! Thank you for the help, angryminer! :D