View Full Version : How do I change Trade gold income for GoG mod?

27-05-2005, 01:05
I recently downloaded the Glory of God mod which I love by the way,and I wanted to know how you changed the trade income to zero unless a trade item is available for exchange? I also wanted to know if its hard to modify this so that I can gain alittle more income from trading without having a trade item as in how it is in the default game.But just not so much money earned.


"Additionally to food an army will consume "equipment". Each 30 seconds a squad will consume equipment of the value 4 gold while marching."

Where do I go and how Do I remove this?
Thank you. :go:

27-05-2005, 10:40
Hello and welcome to the forums, Dan! :halloha:
Both items can be edited in the file .../Knights of Honor/defs/Misc/econst.in2. Open it in Notepad to edit it.
The trading is influenced by the values on the top of the document.
In GoG-1.5 the specific lines read
"GoldPerTownLevel = 0
GoldPerMarket = 0
GoldPerMerchants = 10
GoldPerValuable = 10
GoldPerExotic = 20"
The values are very self-explenatory. Head back here if you encounter any problems. And a last note: Please note that you can't set point-values like 0.5 in the KoH scripts and don't remove any lines.

After changing the trading-values to your liking you can press "Ctrl + F" and search vor the string "FoodCost". Notepad will find a line that reads
"FoodCost = 4
; Angryminer: Introduced food-costs!"
Edit the line so it reads "FoodCost = 0" and you're done. :go:

I hope that helps. :wink:
Feel free to write feedback in my GoG-1.5-thread.


27-05-2005, 16:07
Thank you for your thorough reply.Again I love your mod and will do on the feedback.

Gustavus Adolphus
03-06-2005, 21:31
"Goldpermerchants" What does this do? Oh and im not going to lower the cost of food, im gonna raise it. :go:

03-06-2005, 21:51
When the Ai has a trader trade with you, you will get more profit from trading with them. The amount of extra-profit is determined by GoldPerMerchant.
