View Full Version : How do I remove a unit for the game for factions?

02-06-2005, 16:51
I am playing the Glory of God mod and would like to remove the peasants ans see what happens, I notce the AI tends to use them for garrisons etc. Can someone tell me the files to edit that would allow me to do this and can I specify for the rebels to keep them or will they do that automatically?



02-06-2005, 20:18
I already tried this removing of the peasants and it works quite fine, though I only tested it for ~3 hours.
The correct file is
.../Knights of Honor/maps/europe/map/TrainUnits.txt
Lower in the file there are the units for each area. Just remove the peasants. Tipp: Better add the swordsmen where none are available as a replacement for the peasants...

I hope that is enough info. I'm on the wrong computer to give an exact guide. :wink:


03-06-2005, 04:43
I'll check it out thanks! I know it will be a while before your next release that is why I asked. lol

I figured it would work good, as the same thing was done to several other strategy games and it worked fine, actually works the best for the AI.


03-06-2005, 13:26
Ok I have looked at the file and noticed Militia, but I am not sure if I should put n/a to reomove or just leave it blank?

I also am not sure which ones to remove and exactly what you mean, I see some have sowrdsman what dowd the list going sideways. So THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE THE UNITS. lol Can you copy and paste the section changed or and example of wht you did? Or can you just post the File you changed to remove the Militia, since I am using your mod anyway? :-)))


03-06-2005, 22:04
So I'll give you an example from \Knights of Honor\maps\europe\map\TrainUnits.txt:
At the top of the file there are the kingdom-units. A bit lower there is a section "REALMS".
There is the line
"hi scot militia highlander archer swordsman spearman cavalry"
I edited it to
"hi scot highlander archer swordsman spearman cavalry"
now peasants aren't anymore available in Strathclyde (later in the file Strathclyde has it's "area" defined as "hi scot").
Side note: Remember to also remove the space (" ") between milita and highlander. KoH is a bit sensitive about spaces...

I have to test my current "TrainUnits.txt" because I just saw I forgot to remove the peasants in Rome. I'll load up the file in some minuted here when I have tested the file.


So here (http://forum.sunflowers.de/attachment.php?attachmentid=77&stc=1) it is. But I can't seem to be able to remove the peasents from Rome...

05-06-2005, 08:37
Thanks a BUNCH! :-))