View Full Version : Kings and Princes Mod

11-06-2005, 02:58
OK, here's my mod called 'Kings and Princes'. Here are the files that have been altered:

defs\economy\buildings.in2 - I deleted all the military buildings except for the castle upgrades. This means you no longer can/need build them. Units now are automatically available at their normal price. This allows you to fight what I like to think of as "real" battles. This change is balanced by the fact that now you have to "pay" and "supply" your army (50 per corn, 5,000 to completely resupply). This is inspired by Angryminer's 'consume equipment' mod and just plain common sense. No longer can you keep campaigning your army without 'paying' them and 'resupplying' them through these changes without serious consequences. You still need to get 'Horses' for Cavalry but now every province can get 'Horses', and it's a little more expensive to fortify your castle.

defs\misc\econst.in2 - A lot of changes here:

1. Changed the trade structure. Getting money from traders was too easy imo. Traders now make much more reasonable income for you. This also reinforces the fact that land was the prime commodity.

2. You'll notice that it's now 100,000 to hire a marshall and 500 upkeep for him. Why? So neither you nor the computer can hire/keep a marshal. That's why my mod is called 'Kings and Princes'. Your King and your Princes are now the only ones able to lead your army. If you think about the miedeval times, that was usually always the case anyways. Also, you won't have super marshals with their super armies with you forever. (sidenote, if you marry your heir early, you get kids sooner i've found.)

3. The exotic upkeep is now at 20. This makes winning the game by getting all the advantages a lot more challenging.

4. 'Kingdom Power'. Don't really know why that was put in because it's kind of useless imo, so I've made it impossible to increase. It was also too easy a way to make money. But it will still decrease. I like the dishonorable consequences part of it. Don't worry, the game automatically increases you back to 0 gradually after you've suffered the consequences of your dishonorable behaviour.

5. Tweaked the battle experiences a little. In short, your marshal and your army get experience a little faster, but not much.

6. Put the Maxpiety and Maxbooks at 10,000 just because. Oh and because Jihads are now 5,000 piety and 10,000 gold. Jihads are too cool and I didn't want Islam nations to abuse them.

7. Starting gold is at 5000.

That's it here I think.

defs\misc\inflation.in2 - Tweaked this to make money a litle easier to keep when you're poor and to have a reasonable limit when you're rich.

defs\knights\menu.in2 - Took out the "recall" marshal to throneroom button. Found a bug that when you recall marshal and then reappoint, he automatically gets his supply wagon refilled. Didn't want a way around the new army system. Besides, what King or Prince really wants to become a trader, priest, landlord or builder once he's tasted the glory of combat?

defs\religion\modifiers.in2 - Hated the fact that Orthodoxes get a -2 moral lost. I'm sure it was put in specifically to kill off the Byzantine Empire like in history, but what about the awesome Rus Empires that eventually formed the powerhouse Russia? Nixed the money from piety. Don't remember money flowing away from the church in midieval times. It also reinforces the fact that land was the prime source of income. The changes in there are kinda superficial except for the money and the morale. Those changes will change the flow of 'Kings and Princes'.

defs\misc\-morale.csv - Tweaked it so that hunger now has a more serious effect to compliment the new army system.

defs\units\military\units.xls and units.txt - I changed the DEFENSE of most the units. I went off the pictures and sprites in the game. For instance, Normans have a huge shield and look to be fairly well armored, but they have "0" defense?! It kinda goes like this: if I see they have a shield, they get 5 defense. If they look like they're all armored up, they get an additional 5. If you can't tell em from a robot, they get an additional 5. Didn't touch the DEFENSE that was already there. Made the Mongols better soldiers like they deserved and decreased the Steppe Cavalry stats because no way were they better than Mongols or the threat the game makes them. Decreased the stats on the Janissarys too because they were not that dominating in history.

So that's my mod. It's the style I like. Some notes are: You should exile the first marshal the game automatically gives you right away; when you're playing a small country, you'll feel it and...laddermen are awesome.

Files can be downloaded at www.xtwebbiz.com/KingsAndPrinces/files

11-06-2005, 04:50
I like the pay and resupply bit a lot...could you post/PM the details of that?

11-06-2005, 05:20
I changed the settings for the 'pay' and 'resupply' thing here:

def\misc\econst.in2 file. Find this line:

; upkeeps
ArmyEatTime = 30
ArmyMaxFood = 100
FoodCost = 50
SurfCost = 30

The "FOODCOST" used to be '0'. I changed it to 50 so that it becomes 50 gold to replenish 1 little wheat thing in your wagon. You won't see the cost when you resupply, but it will automatically be taken from your account. And if you don't have enough to resupply, it will not let you. I lumped the 'pay' your men and 'resupply' under this cost of 50 gold per 1 wheat. You can still march around and fight with your wagon at '0', but your morale will suffer a big hit (and I think guys will start dying on the battlefield, saw it happing to ai), so make sure your men's purses and stomach's are full when you go on campaign.

P.S. does anyone know what the "SURFCOST" controls?

11-06-2005, 11:04
Hello rnbwtrout!
About the surfcost: It is the amount of money you have to pay to make a construction finish immediately. For example a granary, that needs 100

This mod sure looks nice, but I have two questions:
1. I already tinkered around with the "only royals can be marshals"-thing, but the AI ended up having no army at all in about 40% of the cases. Sometimes it wouldn't even make the king a marshall when an enemy invaded. That was silly.
What did you do to encounter that?
2. How did you make it possible that the AI can effort so much equipment-cost? Even in my setting, where food costs 5 gold per unit, the AI often runs out of money and can't support it's army. Then all AI-armies suffer the hunger-penalty and can be wiped out easily.
Nice to see another mod around! Be sure to ask if you have questions about modding things. Elvain and me already experimented a lot with various settings. :go:


11-06-2005, 18:15
So before I go and kill off 40% of the armies of medieval Europe with a couple of keystrokes, is there a way to balance this (e.g. the AI won't even purchase an army of a given number of men without knowing it will be able to support it with the gold it has as of the moment of purchase?)

12-06-2005, 14:57
This patch seems very interesting, has anyone tested it yet? How is it?

16-06-2005, 03:56
Thanks for the input guys.

Those ae good points Angryminer:

1. I've found that in my mod (because of the stricter income), if I give the AI a free marshal or marshals at the beginning, he ends up spending all his money on troops for them and never concentrates on building. If I put an upkeep to the marshal, he's even more broke.

Yeah, a lot of the AI's don't make their kings marshals, but I've found that in those cases, they spend their money building and on their garrison. I like to think of these as "domestic, peace-loving" kingdoms. The ones that are more agreesive (which surprisingly there are, personalities maybe?) I've modded some changes to control their bullying, namely the loyalists and food wagon. As the game goes on and their realms are pretty well built, they do start itching for battle.

2. You're right, the AI don't care a bit about their soldiers' tummies. I've changed this to a gentler yet firm resupply mod. It's hard to balance this without a direct patch I think.

For Illuminatus:
see above.

For Ghost:
Try it for yourself (and give input plz). If you back up your files, you can easily try and restore if you don't like.

16-06-2005, 04:04
OK, been on a modding marathon and here are the results for Kings and Princes 2.0:


1. Practically changed the whole economy system. Now, you get gold income from each industry your land lets you build! You will find that provinces with the 'fertile field' and 'pasture' features are now worth going to war for.

2. Made it easier to build the elite structures like a Cathedral and Merchant Guild by importing the needed goods instead of needing the actual industry in your province.

3. Lowered the food storage bonuses on buildings to 50 storage. More on this later.

4. Made all the dock buildings upgrades of one another (except the pickler) and made the market an upgrade of the tax collector.

5. Made the 'palisade' a requirement of a lot of buildings so the AI would fortify. Made the 'gate tower' and 'drum tower' a requirement for some elite buildings so the AI would fortify first then build these if the space was there.


1. Took out the 'resupply', 'pay' your soldiers feature because the AI would not (thanks goes to Angryminer).

2. Introduced a new 'resupply' feature in that the wagon load has been upped to 300. With the change to food storage buildings now only at 50 each, this will balance your war campaigns somewhat. The AI actually resupplys now because there is no cost.

3. Introduced a new 'domestic upkeep' feature! Now, some money in your budget will have to go to the governing of your people (amount is shown where the 'tax income' line is). The amount is in direct proportion to your population size. That's right, you actually have a domestic policy! It throws another wrench into your decision to expand: Will your resources support your population?

4. Copied all of Angryminer's AI settings to here since I'm lazy and his mod is great! :wink:

5. Made it so it's pratically impossible to erase nostalgia by a cleric. Only time and an iron fist will win you loyalty. Also was put in because some kings just don't like war (thanks goes to Angryminer), so their people do the fighting for them.


1. Made it impossible to become a famous rebel. Hated it when a neighbor's problems spilled into my realm. Your mess, your clean-up. And if it is your problem and you don't take care of it quickly, you'll regret it.


1. Goes back to the nostalgia/realm loyalty thing. Only time and an iron fist will win you loyalty; in the meantime, have fun with those loyalists (You didn't think it was gonna be that easy to take over a new realm did you? If you thought that was hard, try conquering a new realm with a different religion...)


1. Tuned down most of the effects because I wanted fairer fights.

defs\units\military\units.txt and units.xls

1. Upped the peasant stats a little for a better chance of a "people's revolution".

2. Made all siege weaponry immediately available. They're just too cool to not use.

3. Made all squads 2x bigger because it's cooler! This is a superficial change and you can mod this how you like it.


1. Copied from Angryminer because I'm lazy and because his mod is great! :wink:


1. Copied from Angryminer because I'm lazy and because his mod is great! :wink:


1. Copied from Angryminer because I'm lazy and because his mod is great! :wink:


1. Copied from Angryminer because I'm lazy and because his mod is great! :wink:

That's it. All input is welcome. Files are at www.xtwebbiz.com/KingsAndPrinces2.0/files

16-06-2005, 16:38
Nice, you created communism in KoH! :go:
All companies belong to the king, he recieves all profits and the people that work there are paid by the king (negative tax).
Please don't mind, I'm just playing jokes... :wink:

You could raise the price of military buildings. That would lead to more economic buildings in the AI's provinces (the AI constructs only the buildings it can effort, thus it usually builds the cheapest).
You might also want to take a look at .../defs/economy/ai_build.in2. Under certain conditions the AI constructs buildings according to this file.

Great to see your mod developing! :go:


16-06-2005, 20:51
trout and angry, question for both of you re: the army upkeep (gold and food to replenish army's cart). I really like this idea but your comments suggest that the AI once again doesn't cooperate. What if the cost was low, such as 1 gold per food? Would the AI still not do it?

Don't mean to take this thread off-track and if this turns into more than a one-reply issue I will move it to a new thread.


16-06-2005, 20:54
I used the equipment-cost 4 gold per food-percentage. The AI-kingdoms was usually able to cope with that, but it's a rather heavy burden for them because the AI let's their army always patrol through the kingdom, continuously consuming food and equipment while the player lets the army wait in a town and doesn't have to pay anything.
