View Full Version : Plearse help me about upgrade !!!

06-07-2005, 06:44
I have upgrade the game version to 1.03. for some reason ,I uninstall the game without the savegames and profiles. After my second install to version 1.02 ,and continue my savegames ,I found when I select a knights,all the icon under the knights display only one type"X",how can i change them .

06-07-2005, 10:11
Do you have American or some other version?

Why do you uninstall 1.03 version to 1.02(honestly I'm not even sure if there is any 1.02 version)

06-07-2005, 16:43
1.02 is the unpatched european version. Apply the patch and it should work.
If patching doesn't work do the following:
1. Uninstall KoH.
2. Manually remove the "Knights of Honor" folder (this doesn't affect your savegames).
3. Install KoH.
4. Apply the 1.03 patch.
(Now it should work)

I hope this helps. :go:


07-07-2005, 05:42
Thanks,for version 1.03 on my PC often cause a wrong to PC restart during when I lead a fight.