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30-01-2006, 07:57

Some Interesting threads (I didn't had time to read them all):

Poll: Што со Бугарите на VMacedonia? (http://forums.vmacedonia.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12877) <-- They want to ban you all
Bugarskata propaganda vo Makedonija (http://forums.vmacedonia.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12870)
Фазата на српска свест кај Ј.Х. Константинов-Џинот (http://forums.vmacedonia.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=13145)
Makedonci, prv oformen slavenski narod (http://forums.vmacedonia.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12866)
Site dilemi okolu Ohridskata Arhiepiskopija ! (http://forums.vmacedonia.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12898)
I have a suggestion, Traveller. We should join the forum just to piss them off... I could play an evil Serb, I could put a map of Great Serbia in my avatar, along with Macedonia. You play a Bulgarian nationalist, put something about Samuilo in your sig, or something. :evil:

It could be fun.
Wooh, so you revived it after all, huh? :evil: Well, I've already seen that forum and yes - they're banning you immediately if they have some doubts that you're a Bulgarian "Tatar"! Just like in most of the Macedonian forums actually... But I'm already tired of arguing with Macedonists - if you've ever argued with a donkey, you should know what it is like. And everyone, who has argued with me should also know it. :wink: Anyway, it doesn't really matter so much - 6 decades of lying are hard to be changed! And Macedonia will remain being just the most romantic part of Bulgarian history... But, hey, maybe after we join that EU they'll finally open their eyes and join us! At least one good thing from Europe... :biggrin: Nah, just joking!
Btw, Xuca, do you understand Macedonian? If you do, I could give you a link to the forum, which actually made me start this thread (they really pissed me off there, especially when making sexual remarks to a 14-year old Bulgarian girl)! At least you could learn how to be a pig there...

30-01-2006, 14:18
There are some Macedonians on my ISP's CS server. They figured out when the admins aren't there, and they come there and unsult everybody, so yes, I know how it is.
Six decades of lies... Well, maybe more, but different lies. Much different.
And yeah, I could use a link. I don't speak Macedonian, but I understand almost everything.

30-01-2006, 16:43
Don't worry! You'll have no porblem with the Macedonian - the modern Macedonian "language" is a good mix of Bulgarian and Serbian and both languages are understandable between each other anyway... About the link - here (http://forum.idividi.com.mk/forum_topics.asp?FID=50) it is, but note that my "presence" was from around the beginning of July 2005. Anyway, I see they're still the same "great minds of humanity" as before, so I won't try to write anything senseful to them! If you wish - good luck!