20-07-2005, 21:05
Yesterday I saw a program on national geographic about yellowstone. A couple years ago scientist discovered that there is a supervolcano under yellowstone national park. They said that it has erupted on a period of about every 600,000 years and that the last time it did was 640,000 years ago and they have seen signs that it is still active. According to them if it was to blow again it could put in great danger worldwide civilisation as the toxic gasses could cover the admospher and stop sunlight, meaning a great faming worldwide, not to mention the millions that could die instaly on a rage of a couple miles around it. They said that there are a couple of more supervolcanos in the world, but the one that appears to be the nearest to blow again is the one in yellowstone. Now this is very scary because they said that a supervolcano in indonisia almost destroyed the human raze some hundreads of thousands of years ago. You can go here they have soem more info about it and here