View Full Version : Multiplayer Problems

Prince Osczievski of Balihi
22-08-2005, 04:54
Is there anybody out there that knows what the problem with connecting on the Internet and playing others is? Because I have been having these problems and can't seem to connect to other people. The Internet option in the game simply does not work. Please Reply if you are going through these same problems.

22-08-2005, 05:25
I am not going through those problems, but I have some questions for you.
Are you lining up people to play with prior to attempting to connect with someone on the internet?
Are you trying to host a game or join a game?
If you are trying to host a game you must tell the other players what your IP address is so they can find you,
If you are trying to connect to a game someone else is hosting, you need to acquire their IP address from them so you can find them.
Are you running a firewall?

22-08-2005, 08:04
..and in addition to that - is anybody of you using a router ?

Prince Osczievski of Balihi
31-08-2005, 06:28
What is the difference between your IP address and your street address? Is it necessary to have IP addresses in all multiplayer connections? Does Modem connections require the same phone number as your house phone or is it some other number?

Prince Osczievski of Balihi
31-08-2005, 06:33
Is there anybody that will be able to play multiplayer in 48 hrs from when this is posted, tues. the 30 of August 6:35 Hawaii time.

31-08-2005, 06:39
I think you should post here (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=3435) in order to have more chances to find a partner to play with :smile:

31-08-2005, 09:50
1. What is the difference between your IP address and your street address?
2. Is it necessary to have IP addresses in all multiplayer connections?
3. Does Modem connections require the same phone number as your house phone or is it some other number?
Welcome to the board, Prince Osczievski of Balihi. :halloha:

Concerning your questions:
1. The IP address is for your computer, the street address is for "real life". While your street address is static (unless you move to another home), the IP address may change every time you log into the internet.
2. As soon as you are connected to the internet, you have an IP address, irrespective if you want it or not. The host has to tell you the IP address, and you have to connect to it.
3. Modem connections go out from you (you dial in), so you need the phone number of your internet provider. Of course, you use your own phone line, so you cannot receive phone calls if you are connected to the internet via modem - except if you have a second line for that.

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
31-08-2005, 23:37
Do you have one or more instant messangers? Most of the people I play with have Yahoo Messenger and we use it to make plans for our multiplayer sessions - We can see when other players are online; we can chat and decide who is playing; we can decide who is hosting the game and the host can provide his/her IP#. It is a very handy tool.

You can use http://whatismyip.com/ to find your IP#.

Prince Osczievski of Balihi
01-09-2005, 06:16
I don't have another instant messenger yet but I will soon. I've been kinda busy with all different things so I won't have a chance to play a while just curious for future use and for some friends of mine that also curious. Thanx for all the tips. :biggrin: [QUOTE]