View Full Version : 1.7.371 : "Trading Partners"

27-08-2005, 13:56
(Deutscher Text weiter unten, german text below)

Tomorrow morning I played a new scenario, created by Dobber :go: Thank you !!

You can downlad it h e r e (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Anno_1602/)
Or you can access this file at the URL:

It is recommendable i.m.o. , but, please play it yourselves :wink:

@ Dobber , there were 7 tools to much :wink:


Konnte heute ein neues Sceanrio von Dobber spielen :smile:

Wer#s auch spielen mag kann es h i e r (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Anno_1602/) downloaden.
Oder direkt auf diese URL klicken:

Finde es empfehlenswert, nur soll bitte jeder selbst spielen :wink:

B.t.w.: ich fand es waren 7 Werkzeuge zuviel drin :wink:

17-09-2005, 11:38
Frieden, The version you played was not the final version, the final version leaves you hunting for tools(you only have 33 to begin with) and/or trying to figure out how to come up with more.

Sir Henry
17-09-2005, 14:56
I am currently playing this (revised) scen and it is big fun. :go:

I pushed all three partners to > 1000 inhabitants, and I am currently trying to figure out the maximum that can be reached. Doing this I got the idea of a contest with the simple goal to reach as many inhabitants as possible in your partners' cities.

Of course, the population must be stable over a longer time, so I would run the game on maximum speed for say 10 minutes then add up the population values of the three partners.

What do you think? :rolleyes:

Dread Pirate Terry
18-09-2005, 01:43
Excellent idea Sir Henry, this is a very good scenario. The 1,000 can be improved upon quite a bit so maybe a contest is in order!

18-09-2005, 02:13
I'm game for that type of contest. :cheers:

18-09-2005, 07:00
I also think it would be a good idea, I pushed all 3 to over 1400 inhabitants in my testing of it. As author of the scene, you have my permission to turn it into a contest!

18-09-2005, 10:07
It would be the same as in annophils contest "Golden eye 2", or ? :scratch:
(Though there was only one AI to support)

Sir Henry
18-09-2005, 11:35
... and in Trading Partners you do not have the military option to "improve" your partner's town planning. :wink:

I am a bit busy at this time, but this scen is worth a contest. It should be possible in a few weeks. Thanks @ Dobber! :smile:

18-09-2005, 11:48
... and in Trading Partners you do not have the military option to "improve" your partner's town planning. :wink: ...

Oh yes, that's right :biggrin:
A challenge, really :go.

03-11-2005, 02:52
Sir Henry, are you still considering a contest?

Sir Henry
03-11-2005, 20:57
considering... yes, that is the right word... :wacko:

I do not have the time to fully prepare and evaluate a contest. If somebody is willing to help (e.g. a web page with goals and conditions) we could perhaps manage it with combined forces. :knight:

04-11-2005, 01:29
I would consider helping you! It would not really be fair for me to compete anyway!