View Full Version : Mystery Island,Enclosed, The Invaders, Under fire!

09-10-2005, 10:33
Well, I'm searching for the person(s) who created these scenarios. They were created by an english writing person.
I've already asked some scenario-creators but they didn't create them.
The scenes are very tricky and I'd like to discuss about with the person who made them

By the way, are they known at all ?


Nun, ich suche die Person(en) welche diese 4 Szenarien erstellt haben.
Dem Aufgabentext nach kommen sie aus dem englischsprachigen Raum.
Habe auch schon bei den üblichen Verdächtigen :wink: nachgefragt- leider nicht positiv.

Das Besondere an diesen Szenarien ist u.a. dass hier trickreich versucht wurde mit dem Editor den Piraten neue Spielerrollen zu geben. Was teilweise zwar sehr verbesserungsfähig ist (zB machen sich die eigenen Schiffe selbständig ), teilweise aber auch bereits sehr gelungen (...)
Würde mich gerne austauschen.

Mal ganz nebenbei, kennt diese Szenarien überhaupt jemand ??

10-10-2005, 12:31
Das Scenario kenne ich nicht.
wo kann ich das herbekommen?

14-10-2005, 21:10
Hi, Where are they posted? I would like to download and play them. Thanks, Bill

29-11-2005, 14:30
I do not know from whom they came Frieden, but I would like to have a look at them if you have them.

Dread Pirate Terry
01-12-2005, 01:46
It seems I have all four of those scenarios in my "own scenarios". I'm still trying to figure out where they came from however. All four files are dated May 25, 2005. I'll let you know if I figure out who made them.

11-01-2006, 13:56
@ Phil @ Steven ..please check your mailbox :wink:
@ Terry, any idea meanwhile :scratch:

11-01-2006, 17:51
Kürze doch den Gegner die Schiffe und Soldaten!Neee...macht sonst keinen Spaß!

Kannst aber die Verteildigungsanlagen des KL kürzen usw...

11-01-2006, 21:52
Du würdest wirklich ein gutes Szenario ändern, bloß weil Du es nicht schaffst? Aber... dann kannst Du es doch auch gleich sein lassen... :silly:

Dread Pirate Terry
12-01-2006, 01:59
@ Phil @ Steven ..please check your mailbox :wink:
@ Terry, any idea meanwhile :scratch:

Hi Frieden!

I'm sure that these are the scenarios that you were asking about Frieden. "Annomaster" uploaded them to the Anno-Pool .
Hope this helps,

Sir Henry
12-01-2006, 07:53
I resolved the issue with Annomaster, and the said scenarios were put into the Annopool in June last year. You can download them from here (http://www.annopool.de/comment.php?dlid=410).

Sorry@all, I did not immediately remember the scenario names Frieden mentioned in his first post. Only when Dread Pirate mentioned Annomaster, I began to remember... :wink:

12-01-2006, 12:03
Well, took me a small time to undestand it, but now I know and I can say :

Thank you all :go:

Everything' s clear now :smile:
(I only must change small thing in the scenario catalogue)

12-01-2006, 12:47
It appears they were not deleted from the pool, (537 downloads) and positioned in the list along about the time I started creating and posting. Just noticed that zip has 5 scenarios in it.

12-01-2006, 13:02
Yes ..the 5th one is "Hostile Grounds"