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Ayyubid Sultan
13-02-2004, 15:53
For example in AOE and other Strategy games all you can hear is music and and a few combat sounds. Will this game have more?

I also have request/suggestion, when you do make an army is it possible to hear them in formation marching. I've been waiting for a game to have this, I think Preotorians had it.

13-02-2004, 16:03
Yes, I want to hear battle cries, swords bashing on shields, horses and dieing soldiers.


13-02-2004, 16:08
Originally posted by Angryminer
Yes, I want to hear battle cries, swords bashing on shields, horses and dieing soldiers.


YES, i also want all of that Angryminer :p - along with the possibility to disable the sound ;)

Takeda Shingen
13-02-2004, 16:15
Hi Guys!

I think your right!

There should be marching sound, or the stamping of the horses.

I think the guys of "Total War" did very well with that!

Hope the battles will be at least as good as in
"Medieval:Total War"!

Well then, see ya in battle!

13-02-2004, 17:02
"Get your weapons ready, your lands are being attacked!!!";)

13-02-2004, 17:07
I would like to hear trumpets and drums, as well. Maybe the sound of marching could even change depending on terrain (E.G. marching through streets would sound different from marching on snow).

Takeda Shingen
13-02-2004, 17:17
Yeah your right!!!!

That would be great!
Diffrent type of drums styles would be great.
Diffrent country, diffrent drum and horn!!!!

Maybe some orders from officers.
Like in Braveheart!!!!
"Bogenschützen voorrrrrrrr, Booogenschützen vorrrr ......."
I haven´t seen it in english, yet!

Ayyubid Sultan
13-02-2004, 17:53
Yeah hehe good ideas. If you watch Braveheart, or some of the movies of The Roman Empire and watch the marching of the formations and sound of the size of enemy, Its preety cool.

13-02-2004, 18:40
Oh, I forgot something:
Really few games have cool sounds for flying arrows.


13-02-2004, 19:42
There could be very real horses and camels sounds, when they are trotting.:cool:

Ayyubid Sultan
13-02-2004, 21:12
or when Infantry march you can hear chainmail/etc armor as they march.

14-02-2004, 12:06
As long as time is taken to create new sound effects and not rehash sounds from games that are already out there.

I get so disappointed in game creators who think of sound design as one of the least important aspects of a game. It's not like this is an alien game with futuristic sounds. It's not difficult for a foley sound company to recreate fantasy sounds of swords clashing, men shouting, and horses stamping. Give us something fresh that I didn't hear in Age of Empires or various other genre games.

14-02-2004, 14:26
I think it would be kinda alright with all those different sounds of horses, marching soldiers etc. and i believe that the devs are well aware of the importance this, so i'm quite sure that we'll get both nice graphic, gameplay and good sound when KOH is released ;)

Have faith :)

14-02-2004, 19:40
I agree with the posts above. Sounds are very important in making the game feel like its polished and wasn't rushed. I remember playing Age of Mythology and the lack of good sound effects was somethin that I noticed right away and bothered me every time I played it.

King Yngvar
15-02-2004, 21:26
Charging Vikings should make wild war cries when running into the enemy :D

when you do make an army is it possible to hear them in formation marching.

That would be nice...

16-02-2004, 13:07
I have a dream...

Yes, battle sounds would be GREAT!

16-02-2004, 16:18
Nike? Where have you been?:)

16-02-2004, 18:27
you should add battlecries

when soldiers charge into battle, they should do it screaming their lungs out

21-02-2004, 04:00
So basically, you should get as close as possible to the (totally awesome) sound effects you hear during the Helm's Deep sequence in The Two Towers (second Lord of the Rings movie).

You know, the footsteps of thousands of troops, arrows flying, units being killed, clash of steel upon steel, the cries of warriors, etc.

Ayyubid Sultan
21-02-2004, 07:50
What space said:)...also a good movie selection. My fav Triol of all time.