View Full Version : Want to mod Kingdom Power gold bonus, which file?
Is this in econst file? I'm not sure where to mod the % of cange you get to gold depending on KP. Help?
I already forgot where exactly it is but I am sure it is in econst
OMG... could you please help me. I've been searching forever trying to figure out how to mod KP... I want to change how much gold it costs and such...
econst seems to only contain costs to increase it and the drops to KP when you do stuff... not how much gold you gain/pay for it's change...
ok, happiness for it is in hconst.
I can't find the costs for it where it modifies your gold still...
values for increasing KP copied from HR1.6
; kingdom power increase costs
KPIPietyBase = 0
KPIPietyRealmBase = 125
KPIPietyReligionAdd = 100
KPIPietyCultureAdd = 100
KPIGoldBase = 0
KPIGoldRealmBase = 500
KPIGoldReligionAdd = 300
KPIGoldCultureAdd = 100
KPIMinRealms = 1
KPIMaxRealms = 30
KPIMinTime = 300
KPIMaxTime = 1800
KPProdMod = -3
but I have forgot the rest I would need to search it for long time but I need to wake soon tomorrow, sorry, maybe later...
now I remember. It's KPProdMod = -3 this influences how is the income boosted by KP. In my mod it is reversed - the higher KP, the higher money penalty. For deeper explanation look into my mod's thread please now I really need to go to sleep :halloha:
Look in the modding thread Mod Finalversion . I write down info for kingdompower.
If you want to change the increase costs, you need to mod the ; kingdom power increase costs lines, but that might be obvious already.
well, I have started to make some changes... now I'm kinda testing it (due to fact I need to study I make all kingdoms be controlled by AI, let the game run on gamespeed 8.0 and from time to time check it if the game isn't paused)
by now it is interesting.
I still don't want to reduce the nostalgy completely so I made it work this way:
max nostalgy is -5 and loyalists are reduced to 1 loyalist per kingdom, so the loyalists don't make big kingdoms care only for rebels
I also plan to make the AI use exotics, converting exotics to valuables...
gems -> jewles (available in jewlery, override of silver mine)
ivory - being available as product of merchant guilds (which will be little more available, but not much)
spices - product of admiralities
silk -> brocade (Angryminer's idea) product of brocader (being upgrade of tailor with silver as requirement - silver, not silver mine)
sugar - product of bulanchery (bakery+honey -> bulanchery)
amber - product of amber collector (hunters' huts -> amber collector)
have no idea what to do with ebony :sad:
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