View Full Version : Claim chances files?

06-01-2006, 22:00
There are two places where claim is listed: econst and claim.ini

How do these work?

I experimented and made all chances 0, then I played a game, and claimed: I didn't get the land. reloaded, made some other choices to throw off the random numbers, then claimed- got it! Again: claimed: got it.

So if the chances are 0 shouldn't the AI deny my claim always!? I can't figure out how those work... :scratch:

06-01-2006, 22:13
I think that claim.in2 actually overrides econst.in2 (regarding claiming), because the former is more extensively written.

What you describe is strange indeed..you set values in both files to 0?

By the way - I always get confused by that file. Does "chance=0" actually mean the zero chance of the AI to answer 1 [yes] (to a claim)? I logically thought so, but I hope somebody can confirm it.

07-01-2006, 01:45
It doesn't make any sense... I've tested it and can't figure it out. If anything it seems to mean the chance the AI will NOT dispute your claim and the chance the AI will NOT claim your land.


20-01-2006, 21:09
I don't think it's publicly known. Too bad.

27-01-2006, 15:47
By the way - I always get confused by that file. Does "chance=0" actually mean the zero chance of the AI to answer 1 [yes] (to a claim)? I logically thought so, but I hope somebody can confirm it.
Angryminer, Elvain, do you know? Or maybe somebody else?

27-01-2006, 18:10
I don't know..

27-01-2006, 19:21
Same here. I also thought they'd work the obvious way.
