View Full Version : Kingdom Power

19-01-2006, 02:42
How do you edit the effects of Kingdom Power? I looked through most of the files and I can't find it. Can anybody help? And also.... I'm using Holy Rome 1.6 and the trade potential is like nothing between nations.... how do I increase it?

19-01-2006, 10:09
Source: [INFO]What can you edit and where? ( 1 2 3 ) by Elvain (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?p=129420#post129420)
many, many constants regarding economy are defined here.
e.g. relation changes, trade incomes, knight bonuses, knight upkeeps, realm conversion speed/cost, kingdom power costs/effects, emperor voting, religion changing,
KPProdMod = 10 in econst.in2 is for income. 10 means +30% for +5 KP if I remember it correctly. -10 would mean that positive KP reduces income.

For Happiness effects you need to be in hconst.in2 (defs/happiness/)
kingdompower = 1 ; Modifier, not really necessary
kingdompowerpos = 3 ; Positive KP happiness increase
kingdompowerneg = 1 ; Negative KP happiness decrease

By the way - Trade icome was reduced by Elvain and more modders on purpose, because in vanilla KoH it was too overpowered, but if you're sure you want to mod it: it's in econst.in2 too. Have a look, it's pretty self-explanatory I think.

19-01-2006, 11:40
1-Is there a way in which kingdom power will automatically increase without consuming money and piety if you do some thing really honorable? If yes then which file controls that?

19-01-2006, 11:58
it is in econst

I made it in my mod that when you honor an alliance, your KP increases, when you claim independence, your KP increases etc.

I don't know right now, but you can compare the values in my mod and in vanilla econst file and you'll find it

20-01-2006, 12:40
1. You could make the increase costs of KP incredibly high, and let KP only be dependent on honouring/breaking etc. All of that is mentioned after the line:

; kingdom power decreases