View Full Version : Found the save game files

23-01-2006, 01:41
Hi. I only purchased the game about 3 days ago as well as being totally new to these forums. i've been enjoying the game so far and started to look at the files for modding as well as the potential toward editing saved game files.

Well, i couldn't find the game saves nor did there seem to be any information on the board or web regarding where i could locate them.

So, after running the game with filemon, I think I've found them. On my machine(running XP) they are located in :

Documents and Settings\"myname"\Application Data(normaly a hidden file)\Black Sea Studios\Knights of Honor\save\2

You guys may already know this, but I thought I'd post it as I couldn't find any information on this issue. It might be handy to figure out how to add resources, buildings, or other things to the provinces or units via a saved game edit for scenario development.

I'm not sure if it's possible yet ( I'm not a programmer) but I'll probably give it a shot this later week. ( Right now I'm going to play the game using the cool HR mod)

Now can someone tell me how to bypass the cheesy intro stuff from BSS/Sunflowers/Paradox? Watching them once was ok, but having to watch them every darn time I want to play the game really bites. :/


23-01-2006, 09:55
first, welcome to the forum, tenryu :hello:
Now can someone tell me how to bypass the cheesy intro stuff from BSS/Sunflowers/Paradox? Watching them once was ok, but having to watch them every darn time I want to play the game really bites. :/

it is part of some mod, I guess, I will also make it part of next HR's version, but at the moment I really don't know. But take a look and I'm sure you'll find it :go:

23-01-2006, 12:52
First, welcome to the boards! :cheers:
Second, I think it was said many times where the save files are, but I guess you couldn't fing them with the search engine (Murphy laws)...
Third, IIRC, you could pass the BSS intro with CTRL + LMB (Left Mouse Buttone). And some time ago (actually, soon after the release of the game) there was some file somewhere around here on the board, which made all the intros 1sec. long. But, alas, I don't remember where that thing was...

23-01-2006, 15:17
Thanks for replies guys.( Really like your mod so far, Elvain.)

Question: does anyone know how to add(or remove) resources to the various provinces in the save game file?

24-01-2006, 10:33
The *illegal* intro skip Elvain is talking about is still around on the web. You're sure you want to include it in your mod?

tenryu - I think the save game files are not editable (yet) by us.

24-01-2006, 14:20
"Illegal"? Naw, I don't think so. I'm not talking about a exe hack, just something to blast past the BBS>Sunflowers>Paradox time waster videos. The Cntrl+lmb click does help some. I found the Logo bik files. I tried removing them but it generates a file not found error, of course. I suppose someone who can edit bik videos could shorten them or substitute a file of the same name which is tiny as one possible solution. I was hoping there was an ini file somewhere that calls the videos but haven't found one yet. If so it'll be easy to fix, if not, well, Cntrl+lmb will have to do until someone edits the biks.

Thx, for info on save game edits. I really wish there was a way to attribute resources to particular provinces at start. Oh well.

24-01-2006, 15:03
For skipping intros check (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=4333&highlight=intro) these (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=3615&page=2&pp=25&highlight=intro) threads (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=5482&highlight=intro).

24-01-2006, 19:34
Thx Traveler but the link deadends. Anyway, I made my own fix. For anyone interested:
(basic koh modding experience assumed)

1. make a windows paint .bmp file( you can probably put one dot on it, i freehanded "duh"), save as something like fakebss.bik

2. Convert it to a .bik file( you can get a free tools set from Rad Games)

3. Extract to logos.pak file, put the original pak away safe in a backup folder

4. Go to: driveletter:\Program Files\Black Sea Studios\Knights Of Honor\movies\logos folder and remove or delete the four files named ( bss.bik, bss_sm.bik, sf.bik, ea.bik )

5. copy your fakebss.bik file into the folder and rename it bss.bik. Copy and rename the fakebss.bik 3 more times renaming it bss_sm.bik, ea.bik, sf.bk appropriately at each instance.

When you load the game, i think you just need one or two strategically timed Lmouse clicks on the black screen to bypass the intro movie and get right to the launch menu.


25-01-2006, 15:26
The *illegal* intro skip Elvain is talking about is still around on the web. You're sure you want to include it in your mod?

tenryu - I think the save game files are not editable (yet) by us.
I was not referring to nothing illegal but part of a mod that someone have made.

I don't see modding as illegal activity. The intro-skip I meant was done simply by making the duration of the intro extremely short so noone even sees the intro...

25-01-2006, 17:21
Hehe, but thát part of the mod was illegal too, of course ;) [You mean Viridovix' mod?]

I see it as illegal - i don't think we're *officially* allowed to remove core things from KoH such as the intro films from the developers. Not that anybody would make a problem if we would, probably, but that's another point.

I use that intro skip too. Maybe I'll upload it in a separate file - the files are only 456 bytes.

30-01-2006, 03:08
I dislike that the savegame files are on the Windows drive. It forces me to move save files to other hard disks. Now if I could modify that, I would be happy.

30-01-2006, 08:05
Hehe, but thát part of the mod was illegal too, of course ;) [You mean Viridovix' mod?]

I see it as illegal - i don't think we're *officially* allowed to remove core things from KoH such as the intro films from the developers. Not that anybody would make a problem if we would, probably, but that's another point.

I use that intro skip too. Maybe I'll upload it in a separate file - the files are only 456 bytes.
hehe, it's not removed :smile: it's still here...

the problem is that you aren't fast enough to be able to see it... If you are able to noptice miliseconds, you would see it :wink:
And I believe Sunflowers won't let us do illegal activities against them on their own forum :biggrin: