View Full Version : Question on defs/misc/econst.in2 regarding governors values
Testing I did indicates "Cleric#Books = # and Cleric#Happiness = # " don't work.
Am I to assume that all the listed Governor type boosts are not working aside from the base book, gold, workers, food boosts?
If not what else does work, lol. ( j/k) What i am really asking is do any of the other boosts work: Farmer#MaxPop, SeigeTime, Builder#Zones Upgrade, etc., or is just Cleric screwed?
Thx in advance.
Further testing shows no effect from: Farmer#Farms, Builder#Villages, and Cleric#Monast. Hmmm, that sux.
Anyone know? Anyone confirm this stuff?
I can only say that I don't know about them working...
Thx for response Elvain. There are some things about this game that are rather frustrating to get information about.
That's right, happiness & such boni don't work. I didn't know about more - farmer, builder etc.? I thought they were alright. Too nad indeed. At least all base_bonus-es work.
I tested trader#valuables it doesn't do a thing either.
I cleaned up my listings to just use the base values and try and make them significant:
Farmer0Base = 2 : T 2
Farmer1Base = 2 : T 4
Farmer2Base = 3 : T 7
Farmer3Base = 3 : T 10
Farmer4Base = 4 : T 14
Farmer5Base = 6 : T 20 food
Builder0Base = 2 : T 2
Builder1Base = 2 : T 4
Builder2Base = 3 : T 7
Builder3Base = 3 : T 10
Builder4Base = 4 : T 14
Builder5Base = 6 : T 20 workers
Trader0Base = 5 : T 5
Trader1Base = 10 : T 15
Trader2Base = 20 : T 35
Trader3Base = 30 : T 65
Trader4Base = 45 : T 110
Trader5Base = 65 : T 175 gold
Cleric0Base = 2 : T 2
Cleric1Base = 2 : T 4
Cleric2Base = 3 : T 7
Cleric3Base = 3 : T 10
Cleric4Base = 5 : T 15
Cleric5Base = 5 : T 20 books
I'm going to assume for the "governors"(which really don't "govern" )are in reality an abstraction for state administrative attention and the marshalling of resources in a given province.
The cleric and merchant of course have other uses, still they must be assigned to get their book or money boosts.
The builder and farmer i'm going to look at as construction and logistic "corps". The builder useful to more rapidly rebuild or buildup devastated/poor provinces and the farmer being handy to increase food production either at a key troop raisng center or at the front lines for restock and replacements.
I'm not sure at all how this fits with anyone else's modding plans. I'm just posting this to explain concepts I'm using because otherwise builders and farmers look pretty useless on top of which even merchants and clerics are cripped.
Lucky me! I've discovered a way to reliably CTD!
Since it's related to the post right before this on the knight boni changes I made I think, you might want to read my post I attached to the "crashes to desktop" thread in the Tech help forum here.
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