28-01-2006, 19:16
******THIS THREAD IS DEAD!!! PAY NO ATTENTION TO IT. IT WAS BASED ON A Corrupted install of the game.
I'm posting this here because it is a "mod" fix not a code solution to a CTD cause I seem to identified. It may be causing many or all of the 'random" CTD problems players are having as it seems to happen whenever a 2 star builder is a governor of a province.
This fix requires you to modify some of the game files.
To fix the crash you need to prevent the ai( or yourself) from ever educating a builder to two stars. (Yes, this really really sux, but I have a solution I think.)
The first file you need to edit is Knights of "Honor/defs/Knights/educatcosts.in2". In this file change the "builder" line to read :( builder = 1200, 9999999, 9999999, 9999999, 9999999 ) What this will do is make the first star cost 1200 piety. If you use vanilia KoH set the 1200 to 1000. If you have some other mod or mod your own stuff set to whatever you want. The key point is to make the second star cost so much piety it never gets built. Hopefully +9 million will do the trick.
Ok, as far as trapping the buggy that's about it.
I did some other stuff also for myself in defs/economy/econst.in2 based on other stuff i found messing with the governors. I'll list them below for anyone who is interested.
Since builders will still "drink though a straw"( this filter sux, lol), ( but less so now because they shouldn't crash your games ) I tried to fix them to be less bogus.
1. I increased their initial recruitment gold cost to 3000g. WoW!!! you say. Well, they only have two levels now you can use, the first costs 3000g the second costs 1200 piety, maybe 1000 for you( i mod off of elvian's mod mostly). However, I want the builder to be of some use but I don't want you or the AI running around with 8 builders because they are too cool. So at level zero they add 4 workers and at level 1( start) they add 8 more. That's +12 workers now for a maxed out 1 star builder. To keep them from being just too attractive to build I changed their upkeep for each additional builder to : 10, 50, 250, 1000, 4000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 128000 gold.
2. Based on a bunch of other things I've found out i changed my other governor's bonuses to these:
Farmer0Base = 2
Farmer1Base = 1
Farmer2Base = 1
Farmer3Base = 1
Farmer4Base = 1
Farmer5Base = 1
Since the farmer also "drink through a straw" badly since the max farm boost i've discovered is 7, i also reduced the educate costs in educatcosts.in2 to :
farmer = 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 piety
3. I've found that trader gold adds to base maximum is 80g. Since much of the other stuff doesn't seem to work my traders just add gold to the province base as follows :
Trader0Base = 5
Trader1Base = 10
Trader2Base = 15
Trader3Base = 15
Trader4Base = 15
Trader5Base = 20
4. All clerics do is add books to a province base if they are a governor. I've changed them so at level 5 star they now give you 20 books. See below :
Cleric0Base = 2
Cleric1Base = 2
Cleric2Base = 3
Cleric3Base = 3
Cleric4Base = 5
Cleric5Base = 5
Btw, I've tested cleric book output to about 200(silly amount) and it seems to work at that number.
So there you have it. Have fun, hope this help some of you.
I'm posting this here because it is a "mod" fix not a code solution to a CTD cause I seem to identified. It may be causing many or all of the 'random" CTD problems players are having as it seems to happen whenever a 2 star builder is a governor of a province.
This fix requires you to modify some of the game files.
To fix the crash you need to prevent the ai( or yourself) from ever educating a builder to two stars. (Yes, this really really sux, but I have a solution I think.)
The first file you need to edit is Knights of "Honor/defs/Knights/educatcosts.in2". In this file change the "builder" line to read :( builder = 1200, 9999999, 9999999, 9999999, 9999999 ) What this will do is make the first star cost 1200 piety. If you use vanilia KoH set the 1200 to 1000. If you have some other mod or mod your own stuff set to whatever you want. The key point is to make the second star cost so much piety it never gets built. Hopefully +9 million will do the trick.
Ok, as far as trapping the buggy that's about it.
I did some other stuff also for myself in defs/economy/econst.in2 based on other stuff i found messing with the governors. I'll list them below for anyone who is interested.
Since builders will still "drink though a straw"( this filter sux, lol), ( but less so now because they shouldn't crash your games ) I tried to fix them to be less bogus.
1. I increased their initial recruitment gold cost to 3000g. WoW!!! you say. Well, they only have two levels now you can use, the first costs 3000g the second costs 1200 piety, maybe 1000 for you( i mod off of elvian's mod mostly). However, I want the builder to be of some use but I don't want you or the AI running around with 8 builders because they are too cool. So at level zero they add 4 workers and at level 1( start) they add 8 more. That's +12 workers now for a maxed out 1 star builder. To keep them from being just too attractive to build I changed their upkeep for each additional builder to : 10, 50, 250, 1000, 4000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 128000 gold.
2. Based on a bunch of other things I've found out i changed my other governor's bonuses to these:
Farmer0Base = 2
Farmer1Base = 1
Farmer2Base = 1
Farmer3Base = 1
Farmer4Base = 1
Farmer5Base = 1
Since the farmer also "drink through a straw" badly since the max farm boost i've discovered is 7, i also reduced the educate costs in educatcosts.in2 to :
farmer = 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 piety
3. I've found that trader gold adds to base maximum is 80g. Since much of the other stuff doesn't seem to work my traders just add gold to the province base as follows :
Trader0Base = 5
Trader1Base = 10
Trader2Base = 15
Trader3Base = 15
Trader4Base = 15
Trader5Base = 20
4. All clerics do is add books to a province base if they are a governor. I've changed them so at level 5 star they now give you 20 books. See below :
Cleric0Base = 2
Cleric1Base = 2
Cleric2Base = 3
Cleric3Base = 3
Cleric4Base = 5
Cleric5Base = 5
Btw, I've tested cleric book output to about 200(silly amount) and it seems to work at that number.
So there you have it. Have fun, hope this help some of you.