View Full Version : Quick-Battle

30-01-2006, 01:32
I'll get right to the case. Stumbling across the demo on the internet, I found the game had a so-called "Quick Battle" -mode, where you'll get two randomly, yet (Apparently) balanced armies, stuck down on a random battlefield, leaving the player with the blue guys in a pitched battle with an enemy of a red-coloured, yet random nationallity. Either that or something called "Town Assault", where you'll presumably be assaulting towns.

So, I respectfully ask if in the full version, there'll be a SP battle-mode outside of the campaign that's a little more customisable? I mean, it sounds obvious that a player would like to somehow choose his nationallity, adversary, battlefield, troop composition(s) etc?

So please give a simple reply. And if anyone... anyone comes in and asks why I'd want a SP Custom Battle-ish mode when I allready have the Campaign or something, I will promptly seek out their residence, brutally murder them, pleasure myself in their blood and eventually hide their lifeless corpses inside the walls of my house along with all the nuns and girlscouts. :silly:

That said, I eagerly await your reply.

30-01-2006, 06:34
The battles in the whole game aren't that good, its mostly about the big map. But you can do all that in the real game, yes. I think you can atleast, ill check right now.

30-01-2006, 08:19
Welcome on the forum...

I rather won't ask the question I'd like to.. ehm... :lol:

but to the topic:
As far as I know there is not such singleplayer posibility. You can't customize your troops. You can do it only in multiplayer battle and of course in the Europe-map campaign.

I wouldn't say the battles are not good, but they are not the most important part of the game as it is campaign-based in singleplayer (this way I really do't understand why campaign-based game does have only battle-based multiplayer, but it is a question that has been asked here about houndred times...)

30-01-2006, 22:05
You can't play the Campaign-based game mode in MP? Wow. I kinda took that for granted. :beek:

31-01-2006, 11:40
That's one of the flaws that make this game just not a widely known, well-played game. Campaign Multiplayer, wouldn't that be ... *dreams*