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21-02-2004, 15:47
I'm curious will there be civil wars and if so how will they work. it would be cool if groups of your knights could revolt/turn against your if they had good reason such as being bribed. Also it would be interest if when an old king died without heirs the remain powerful knight would fight for the crown (Maybe you could choose which side to back). Also are heirs and breeding a royal line part of the game. I hope so because one king is not able to life forever in real life.

Knights of Honor Rocks!

Frank Fay
21-02-2004, 15:56
In KoH we have rebelions. They can be lead by bribed Knights or by a leader. The reason for a rebelion will be shown to the player and he has several options to end the rebelion.

When an old king died without heirs then it is possible that several people may claim the throne and that the kingdom will split.

Yes heirs are important and daughters are a VERY strong "assett". And if a king does not have a follower but a married daughter, her husband can be one of the claimants for the throne too.

21-02-2004, 16:08
Hi, Xante, good question. Here's another one. Do you rate somehow with some genetical problems with having children or simply impotence?

And if you already know it, how many children in average a king can have? Is it limited? Like if he's too old, he can't have any more children etc. Btw, how will we realize that he's too old without year counter.

I think there will be good idea to count years, but not "is 1126 A.D." but, "it is now 12 years of king Phillipe's rule"

I wonder hoe does aging work.

And to rebelions. Can knight-governor be a rebel?

21-02-2004, 21:08
Originally posted by Elewyn
Hi, Xante, good question. Here's another one. Do you rate somehow with some genetical problems with having children or simply impotence?

And if you already know it, how many children in average a king can have? Is it limited? Like if he's too old, he can't have any more children etc. Btw, how will we realize that he's too old without year counter.

I think there will be good idea to count years, but not "is 1126 A.D." but, "it is now 12 years of king Phillipe's rule"

I wonder hoe does aging work.

And to rebelions. Can knight-governor be a rebel?

As always Elewyn, you seem to ask the good questions ;) - i would also really like to hear the answers to your questions.

Frank Fay
21-02-2004, 22:40
The king will have different level of ages, four as far as I can remember. Frujin correct me please ;)

When the stage changes the player gets a notification. So player should start to worry when his king is "very old" ;) and has no heir.

King cant be impotent...it is no life sim mate:D

A king can have a max. of 3 sons and 3 daughters.

A governor can become a rebel = declaring independence

21-02-2004, 22:55
Originally posted by Frank Fay
The king will have different level of ages, four as far as I can remember. Frujin correct me please ;)

When the stage changes the player gets a notification. So player should start to worry when his king is "very old" ;) and has no heir.

I can remember that you once told us something about chosing between 3 three of the knights to find the next king - but if i remember correct this will only happen if the king dieds and don't have a son or daughter to succed him on the throne.....

I also remember that when you chose one of the knights then you also run the risk that the two other knights wont be happy with you choice and so you'll get two new enemies....

Could you give us a statement on how it all works :)

22-02-2004, 00:50
Originally posted by Frank Fay
The king will have different level of ages, four as far as I can remember. Frujin correct me please ;)

When the stage changes the player gets a notification. So player should start to worry when his king is "very old" ;) and has no heir.

King cant be impotent...it is no life sim mate:D

A king can have a max. of 3 sons and 3 daughters.

A governor can become a rebel = declaring independence

i only wonder how you can set the age of the king without a time counter?

so how long in real time hours will a king life (except he dies in war)?

Frank Fay
22-02-2004, 11:34
Of course a clock is running in the background but to make the game working. But the player does not deal with time.

I can remember that you once told us something about chosing between 3 three of the knights to find the next king - but if i remember correct this will only happen if the king dieds and don't have a son or daughter to succed him on the throne.....
The 3 knights were an example, can be less or maybe more. But nothing has changed regarding this. But a heir can be also a married prince to your daughter.

also remember that when you chose one of the knights then you also run the risk that the two other knights wont be happy with you choice and so you'll get two new enemies....
Yes, that hasnt changed either.

22-02-2004, 11:58
Thanks for your reply Frank :)

To the rest of you i've dug up this a nice thread where Frujin explains the hier thing a little bit - if ya don't wanna look at it i can summarize it:

When a king dies:

Frujin: If your King dies w/o heir - 3 of your best Knights will claim the throne. You have to choose one to be teh new King. The other two may agree with your choice and be fine with the new King or they may have some ... erghhh ... concerns

Claiming/"stealing" a throne:

Frujin: Marry your daughter for King of France. Then make sure he has no heirs left. Then deal with him as well ... and then you can claim his lands Just an example ... and When you claim your heritage it always is like "I claim it ... if you do not give it to me ... we will fight for it". So if they deny, most probably this means war. Also, the AI can claim your lands if you didn't prevented it somehow

These answers are all found in the thread Spies and their tactics (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=290)

22-02-2004, 18:46
But a heir can be also a married prince to your daughter.

So if you have more than one married daughter, is there some way to prioritize the heirs, or is it another case of picking one heir and the other being very unhappy with you?

Frank Fay
22-02-2004, 19:21
yes, one would be very unhappy...

22-02-2004, 19:30
Originally posted by Frank Fay
yes, one would be very unhappy...

I really look forward to see how this unhappyness will unfold - ie do the unlucky one threaten you ? - will they slam the door on their way out ? - what can they do ? - I reallly would like to have some more info about this.

I think that this feature, along with lots of other stuff really seperates this game from the rest.

22-02-2004, 20:16
What about inbreeding, can I marry my own daughter? ;)

22-02-2004, 22:09
Originally posted by Jarlabanke
What about inbreeding, can I marry my own daughter? ;)

Now, isen't that just a little repulsive.....:scratch: - btw, the devs have clearly stated that this not a simulation :D
( lots of kinky stuff is known to have happend during ancient time - just think of the old greeks ;) )

22-02-2004, 22:37
It is VERY repulsive, but it would be fun to have a son with three arms or something like that after inbreeding your family for the last 4 generations or so. :p

22-02-2004, 22:42
It is VERY repulsive, but it would be fun to have a son with three arms or something like that after inbreeding your family for the last 4 generations or so. :p In the time of medieval medicine he would't be able to live longer than few hours after his birth. And if he survive medieval medicine, he wouldn't survive medieval inquisition :D

Just to be accurate :D

23-02-2004, 11:48
No, i'm still not to fond of this "idea" :eek:

let's see if it's possible to get this discussion back on the "right" track again - shall we :)

King Yngvar
26-02-2004, 12:12
Yes heirs are important and daughters are a VERY strong "assett". And if a king does not have a follower but a married daughter, her husband can be one of the claimants for the throne too.

And if you have married many daughters away? :D

I think there will be good idea to count years, but not "is 1126 A.D." but, "it is now 12 years of king Phillipe's rule"

Personally I would like a year counter, with dates too.

Pherhaps one second could be one day, depending on the game speed...

26-02-2004, 23:41
As we have discussed, this time issue would cause some problems like: it is now the year 1500 where is the gunpowder" or "it's now year 4xxx where is my lightsaber"

One way they could implement the year counter was if the game endede when the year counter reach the end of the midieval period - this would also put pressure on the player, so maybe this isen't such a bad idea afterall :scratch:

the knightly sword
07-03-2004, 20:35
1 qustion¨

1.if your n war and won the war and the king was with his army can you capture him and excute him:confused: :confused: