View Full Version : A few questions

02-02-2006, 23:37
1. Is it at all possible with the current Knights of Honor to edit the game enough as a mod to be in asia? Like Japan, China, Mongolia, Korea etc.

2. What is the current most difficult mod to play? It's been months since I played KoH and I believe the mod I used was GoG.

02-02-2006, 23:55
1. No.
2. Holy Rome by Elvain is a good guess. Also Laudan is very convinced that his mod is very hard.


03-02-2006, 00:02
1. Is it at all possible with the current Knights of Honor to edit the game enough as a mod to be in asia? Like Japan, China, Mongolia, Korea etc.

2. What is the current most difficult mod to play? It's been months since I played KoH and I believe the mod I used was GoG.
hi, Elazul

1. Yet nobody discovered how to edit the map (thugh many of us would like to).
Frujin once stated that it isn't impossible to change the realm shapes (I tried but failed and then the common opinion is that it's impossible). This is IMO possible if someone would try really hard. But I am very doubtful about extension of the map or even making completely new map. (but maybe we could change shapes of European realms to the stage they look like Eastern Asia :smile:)

2. I can't asnwer this question objectively as I have never player other mod than my HolyRome longer than several hours (and it was only GoG and the first version of mod HARD).
Now I only check what is new in the mod and use it as inspiration for my mod newer versions.

EDIT: I wouldn't say my mod is comparably harder than other mods... I would say that really hardest mod is HARD...

Glory of God is really good (I am sure of Angryminer's good work) and I would give a try to Douxes mod for sure as just hardness isn't the main point of modding IMO. I think that the goal is improved gameplay...