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15-02-2006, 02:33
In Defender? Yes. Well, you don't have to build everything as there already are some walls and towers set usually. All the other players, naturally, are required to go for offensive strategies in order to storm your place within the time limit. Of course, there's no reason why the defender couldn't pull off some surprise attacks on his own when the enemy may not be prepared for it. ;)

So I know in defender you get preset walls but can you still construct walls on your own, or do you only get to build things like actual buildings? Also can you attach any sort of catupolt or ballista to the walls and add things like watch towers to it? And can people like archers stand on walls? IF so will ther be seige ladders and things to get on the anemies walls?

15-02-2006, 09:14
So I know in defender you get preset walls but can you still construct walls on your own, or do you only get to build things like actual buildings?
Depends on the map. There's one where you have to fully take advantage of the preset defense mechanisms. And there are others where you're allowed to build everything.
Also can you attach any sort of catupolt or ballista to the walls and add things like watch towers to it?
Towers can be integrated into walls. There's also a tribe-specific upgrade that'll make it more dangerous for the enemy to attack your walls.
And can people like archers stand on walls?
and things to get on the anemies walls?
We did have 'wall fights' in the game, but it was somewhat problematic from a gamedesign point of view. Thus dropped.

17-02-2006, 04:59
you took the siege bracerosaur out? the one that puts his head on to the wall and people climb down? noooo!

14-03-2006, 12:16
you took the siege bracerosaur out? the one that puts his head on to the wall and people climb down? noooo!

plz tell us that you did'nt took the siege brachiosaurus out of the game.(i really really really like the siege brachio.)

16-03-2006, 03:49
you cut brach?