View Full Version : Province Special units

19-02-2006, 16:39
I've got several questions I ran into when recompiling my mod.

1. Where is defined what units are province specials and what are not? I think it depends on EXP COST in Units.txt, because when I increased the archer EXP COST to 150% it became more expensive (by 150% of normal price) and province special unit if it was not kingdom special unit. Can this be confirmed?
2. Is this EXP COST then not Experience cost, as I have always thought -and to to have noticed in game? What then is it for?
I was heavily confused when KoH took the standard prices only for units with 100% EXP COST and increases the price of units with EXP COST% and made them province special units.
3. Can the price increment be taken out? I'm pricing my units "logically" so a double or triple price makes no sense in my mod.

Any help on this would be appreciated! :sad:

19-02-2006, 18:10
I noticed this too some time ago when I made Byzantian spearmen province special unit for many provinces but finaly saw them as local unit.

to make kingdom special unit you need to add the unit to the part where kingdoms are listed one after another.
there are 4 parts in TrainUnits files

first defines kingdom special units for "nationals" like french, german, turkish, byzantian etc.

second defines what are locl units for regions

third part defines kingdom specific units where first you see the "nationality" + if there are some more units, they are added

and finaly fourth part defines province units - each province is listed as part of some region (hi byzantine) + there are listed province special units if there are any

19-02-2006, 22:33
So, burgundy in vanilla KoH has an impressive amount of local special units?

Burgundy (empty) militia swordsman man at arms archer spearman halberdier crossbowman feudal knight

20-02-2006, 03:35
So, burgundy in vanilla KoH has an impressive amount of local special units?

Burgundy (empty) militia swordsman man at arms archer spearman halberdier crossbowman feudal knight
nope, as I (and also you) discovered, the units that have 100% experience value can't be province special units so they emerge as local units, that means archers, men at arms, swordsmen and peasants are as local uznits whie feudal knights, halberdiers and crossbowmen are province special units :wink:

20-02-2006, 11:53
Well, thats nasty. I'll then just reduce the unit EXP COST to 100% for all units except a few that may be 101%.

Do you know what EXP COST stands for and if the price increase is the only thing it does?

20-02-2006, 12:30
Well, thats nasty. I'll then just reduce the unit EXP COST to 100% for all units except a few that may be 101%.

Do you know what EXP COST stands for and if the price increase is the only thing it does?
When the unit is killed, the killer gets that % of experience. Though I didn't watch it exactly..

20-02-2006, 14:34
Ok, well I had a similar idea, but it turns out to be more likely "expense (increase) cost" to determine province special units.
I fixed it satisfactorily now, by setting EXP COST's of 101% units are still special, but the increase in price is acceptable (for me).

Also, I can now officially confirm that the order in units.txt is not important. KoH reads it well, even now that I put archers with archers, cavalry with cavalry et cetera and inserted some blank rows.

Thank you very much again for your help, Elvain!

20-02-2006, 14:43
btw, have you tried it in reverse? to make the exp val lower than 100% I thuoght about it to make some units cheaper if being kingdom specials.. I'll try it

tried and it would be bad as it would disadvantage kingdoms that have them as kingdom special units.

So I will leave this as it is (I think that the prize shuold be higher in case of province specific units. And maybe this proves me wrong about the experience.