View Full Version : The Netherlands
I canīt really do modding, but it would be great to have the netherlands in the game:biggrin:
If some one has time for it, please put it in the next mod you make/update:hello:
21-02-2006, 17:41
Hoi, welkom bij de forum Steef weer een nederlander erbij :go:
ja dat zou leuk zijn dan kan ik eindelijk met de nederlanders europa regeren :knight: :evil: :evil:
Ik ben ook nog niet zo goed in
modden :rolleyes: Ben het wel aan het leren :cheers:
Hi, welcome to the forum :cheers:
yes that would be fun :biggrin:
Hmm, was Holland really in the Middle Ages:scratch: :lol:
Ah well, for fun, you could put it in.
Gelre however, could work pretty fine too.
there was several counties in the Netherlands in middle ages.
In my mod HolyRome (and also in other mods that use my mapchanges, like f.i. Fun mod, Glory of God and AFAIK also Name of the Rose mod) there is county of Flandres in the high and late periods and county of Holland in the late middle ages (in late Flandres and Holland replace Gelre)
i found it as the best way how to make the area of the Netherlands more histricaly acurate. Kingdom of the Netherlands would be inacurete
That's true, but for fun it would be great, and I think it was the Batavian Republik at that time:rolleyes:
Batavian republic was as far as I know dring the French revolution. Before that it was (To go backwards in time) league of Utrecht, Spanish Netherlands, Burgundian domains, and in the time of KoH there were counties more or less independent on France or Holy Roman Empire
maybe there could be a quest for Holland to unite Netherlands, but that would mean there can be such quest also for Romania and other states - what would all be inacurate.
Looks like some data for a new mod ;)
Adding just one quest or changing just one name isn't very much work, luckily. Have a look in the What can you change where ( thread.
I think one can edit it himself very easily and fast...
definitely I won't make it part of my mod (I believe that county of Holland where it beongs is enough)
if I would make the quest for Netherlands, I should do the same quest also for Romania, Ukraine, Yugoslavia.. what I definitely don't want.
But yes, if someone makes "dutch mod" or "modern mod" there would be no reason why not offer it :wink:
I'm trying to add The Netherlands in the 800 map, only got one problem, the play when you select it is somewhere above schotland in the sea
any help on how to fix this?
eh? what?
what play? I'd like to help you but I don't understand you :silly:
and hey, to 800? :eek:
22-02-2006, 18:55
His problem is that the flag of his new country is placed at the coordinates 0,0 in the "select your kingdom"-screen at gamestart. You had a similar problem in your early HR-versions so you propably know how to help.
oh, this.. I'm dumb :bash:
open maps/europe/politmap/kingdomnamepos0.in2
in maps/europe/politmap/kingdomnamepos2.in2 find what is position of Gelre and use this position for the netherlands in the kingdomnamepos0.in2
It worked, now modding a lot more
I will maybe make it like todays europe:P
Where can I find the file to make the squad size bigger?
I already made rebels more hard, by making them spwan faster, increasing their expierence and I mnade able to have 100 rebels armies at a time, and they gain expierence faster:lol:
It worked, now modding a lot more
I will maybe make it like todays europe:P
Where can I find the file to make the squad size bigger?
I already made rebels more hard, by making them spwan faster, increasing their expierence and I mnade able to have 100 rebels armies at a time, and they gain expierence faster:lol:
to increase squads sizes, edit units.xls and then copy it and paste to units.txt
from own experience: making rebels stronger may make rebels challenging for the player, but deadly for the AI. All Ai kingdoms will soon brake up into small 1-4 province "rebel kingdoms" who will keep emerging and you as player will swaloww them all very easily one by one. I was in this phase too with my mod, but I changed it to make AI kingdoms stronger and sacrifise rebels...
but if you like to fight strong rebels rather that strong Ai kingdoms, go ahead and continue in this way.
Anyway, there's qute good source of information in What can you edit and where ( thread. There you will find how to mod most of things we actualy can :go:
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