View Full Version : New mod comming

23-02-2006, 19:44
Tomorrow, vacation.

I practised a lot with modding last week, and I will make a new mod in the coming weeks. Maybe it will take 1 week, maybe 2. Depends on the time I have.

What will I change?

- Larger armies
- Harder AI, maybe unbeatable:rofl:
- Maybe some new kingdoms, but I will try to make it identical to the european map I looked up.
- Harder rebels, only a bit less strong than AI.

Maybe more, you can post ideas here, but this will be the first things I will do.

PS: If you want to help with some stuff, send me a private msg. I will contact you back and we could use MSN to talk etc.

I will use this pic as map for 800 AD.


This one for 1000 AD.


And this one for 1200 AD.

You can see, especially at the 800 AD map less kingdoms, but bigger, so bbigger wars:rofl:

Name will prolly become: Crouching Tiger Mod

23-02-2006, 21:01
How are you going to put in a new era for 800 AD? At the moment there's 1000 AD, 1200 AD, and 1300 AD.
What's the name of your mod?
Anyway, good luck, and I hope it will turn out to be one of the best:go:

23-02-2006, 21:09
I'm gonna try to add a decade:lol:

Dunno if it will work:rofl:
Still searching for a 1350 map, anyone?
Found one of 1300

a lot of countries:scratch:


23-02-2006, 21:30
The maps are very inacurate.

24-02-2006, 06:32
The maps are very inacurate.
Of course they are. Especially the last one (for 1300)! I don't know about the other European states, but from where did that Srednogorie appear in Bulgaria?

Good luck with your mod, Steef!

24-02-2006, 09:13
Not to mention Macva, Srem, that thing that says SO, which is most probably Soli and Slavonia.

24-02-2006, 09:38
Very true

I will maybe not edit the maps, saves a lot of work:wink: :silly:

24-02-2006, 10:10
I thought you will make map of modern Europe, could be fun too :lol:

I found somewhere map of Europe in 1360, but don't know where at the moment, but maybe this may help you:

24-02-2006, 10:52
:scratch: Does simple replacement of original maps by these in JPEG format work?
Has this been used successfully in any Mod? :rolleyes:

24-02-2006, 13:05
Hey, Elvain, that's a great site! Thanks for the links! :go: