View Full Version : Hotkeys?

12-03-2006, 02:13
Will there be alot of hotkeys for the game, such as to minimize mouse usage. Example include specified keys to build buildings / able to select certain groups of units when u press 1,2,3 etc.

And if there are hotkeys, will you be able to customize them? Or will they be fixed?

12-03-2006, 09:06
i certainly hope that there is the select group of units hotkey

12-03-2006, 09:18
We designed a very specific hotkey system to meet the demands of the game. There's no sense in simply copying another approach. Buttons should be configurable to a certain extent via file though.

12-03-2006, 09:29
Interesting, it seems like you guys have something new up your sleeve. I'm hoping for something really innovative, the RTS genre is in need of fresh blood :go: .

13-03-2006, 07:48
yes it does.
dinosaurs is the first big new thing and the army builder.

13-03-2006, 08:13
I'd really like a more detailed description of the functionality of the Army Builder and Army Controller. So far all I've seen of the Army Controller is that it seems to be something that sorts all your units out by rank. I have no clue of what the Army Builder is at all. Can some one please enlighten me?

13-03-2006, 09:25
you'll get enlightened some day, but pretty soon, be asured, that we put out every detail about that topic, but not now, it's quite some time to the release ;)

14-03-2006, 07:42
ya a long time to wait.

is there attack (ungrif?) move?

coz that is helpful

14-03-2006, 09:22
haha carnosaur are you another SC / BW player? 1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9a0a is fun, but I hope we won't have to see that in Paraworld. RTS has evolved beyond that stage I think. (though I still play BW and think its one of the best ever made) Paraworld should definitely have a better interface that a 10 year old game.

Samurai Squirrel
14-03-2006, 12:10
I'd really like a more detailed description of the functionality of the Army Builder and Army Controller.

There was some info on the Army Builder in a german preview: itīs used to build a "deck" (like magic the gathering) of starting units and resources, according to your strategy. sounds nice, i guess thereīll be quite a lot of different build orders. the limit of starting units & resources can be increased, so itīs possible to start with a full army for some quick carnage :biggrin:

14-03-2006, 17:58
Mmm...I would actually prefer starting w/ low money / units w/ decisions made upon scouting opponent choices rather than both sides starting w/ an idea army, with choices being hidden and rock-paper-scissors like in the beginning. I hope there is a standard resource mode (preferrably low) that one can start with so as not to divide the fanbase. I hope it won't turn out like Starcraft, with the normal players playing competitive maps and the vast majority of casual players playing money maps and the like.

14-03-2006, 18:01
Mmm...I would actually prefer starting w/ low money / units w/ decisions made upon scouting opponent choices rather than both sides starting w/ an idea army, with choices being hidden and rock-paper-scissors like in the beginning. I hope there is a standard resource mode (preferrably low) that one can start with so as not to divide the fanbase.
Rest assured that you can adapt the game to your personal preferences. If you want to start with many units and resources - possible. If you want the opposite - possible.

15-03-2006, 02:40
Oh I understand that, but to be conducive to a balanced game and as well as a big and long-life community, its usually good to have a standard setting for games. Really great RTSes are generally very fine-tuned and thats usually only possible for some game settings, and also strategies won't all work if everyone plays a different setting.

Just my two cents :p

15-03-2006, 09:59
you've got 3 standard settings (set by the server, so everyone on a server starts with the same possibilities), currently these are 1000, 3000 and 10000 points, you may chose one of them, by default its 1000 points, so you start with a main house, afew ressources, a few workers and maybe a hero or some small units. If you want to play faster you just choose 3000 points, so you have more ressource or units, if you want a really fast game you can start with 10k, thats a pretty nice army, but definitely not a really large one, because big units cost more.

15-03-2006, 11:36
Excellent. Looks like you guys covered all the bases. :go:

16-03-2006, 03:46
yes i am a SC and BW fan:)
but attack move is on AOE3 to.
its useful.
so is unit groups.

16-03-2006, 05:23
Cool looks like Paraworld is off to a great start as far as competitive gaming goes.

OT: Carnosaur, I was a AoE1 and 2 fan, then switched to SC BW. Did you hear from this game from TLnet? Thats where I heard of it. Btw, game sometime on BW?

17-03-2006, 01:04
well i played it at a mates house then i went to find more on net.

ok sometime
i sorta.........ahem.................not to good at it.....:sad:

17-03-2006, 03:24
Wait .... you played it..??!!

And if you feel like gaming on BW, I'm SCC-Aphelion02 on USEast.

18-03-2006, 08:02
i ment i lernt about it from my mate.