View Full Version : Bohemia
Oh, no... I hope it's not too late.
Everyone who know Bohemia a bit must agree with me that this land MUST have mountain circle all around. I'll find some maps for you to let you know how it was painted on old maps.
So I hope that mountains will be all around my country.:p
26-02-2004, 22:11
1. Alex:
Buy a new keyboard, your capslock is dead.
2. Elewyn
Mountains are absolutely unpassable terrain ingame.
So you would never be able to leave Bohemia because of your mountain-circle.
Can one die from lonelyness?
Doesn't matter, you'd die from starvation anyway... :D
Originally posted by Alex
AND I ALSO HOPE TRANSYLVANIA MOLDAVIA AND WALLACHIA WILL BE 3 INDEPENDENT COUNTRYES!!! Still the same fairy tale.... Transylvania-no independence in middle ages. see this ( thanx.
Don't try to rewrite history!!
Back to theme. Please, make Bohemia have mountain wall all around
. Elewyn
Mountains are absolutely unpassable terrain ingame.
So you would never be able to leave Bohemia because of your mountain-circle.
Can one die from lonelyness?
Doesn't matter, you'd die from starvation anyway... :D
Oh no!!!:eek: some passes, plz, ofcourse. And Elbe river flowing out towards north
26-02-2004, 22:22
If I remember the screenshots right that's exactly how it is like ingame.
Of course the mountain-passes look like big valleys, but that seems to be the smallest unit of passable terrain the KoH-engine is able to handle.
But if I look at the size of an ingame-army it's obvious to me that one knight can easily block a "mountain-pass/valley".
So I think you'll get what you want...
sorry for reviving this not interesting thread.
Regardingthis my post ( from HRE vs. Germany thread, I'll explain here in brief relations between my homecountry and Holy Roman Empire.
I only don't wanna bother with it those who are interested in Germany but not Bohemia.
Bohemia came into history as independent state in 9th century as ally of powerful east-frankish empire which turned to "Roman empire"(formal name, this "roman empire" was in todays Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemboutg, eastern half of France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia and northern Italy) when Otto of Saxony became emperor in 962.
In this time Bohemian duke Boleslav was ally of Otto(after his defeat in 950)
After 1104 when Bohemian duke Jaromir holded to Emperor Heinrich II. to prove his position it became common that ruling bohemian duke (after claiming bohemian throne) went to Regensburg where he proclaimed his vasality to emperor (reason was simple. There were fights between members of numerous Przemyslid dynasty and nobody wanted to engage powerfull emperor in it, so after one won, he went to Empire to prove his possition. Emperor agreed, never refused it, even if the man who was before him was 4th temporary living Przemyslid who was "legal ruler of Bohemia and vassal of the Emperor", because with every act of vassality he got some money from bohemian ruler :). But emperor never claimed any rights to influence who is duke of Bohemia, Bohemia had it's own laws and foreign policy (but mostly ally of the Emperor which brought king's crown to Bohemia in 1085 and 1158 and finally in 1198 )
Things changed rapidly when Frederick Barbarossa became Holy Roman Emperor and king of Bohemia Vladislav II. abdicated in 1172 and his succesor was, against customs, his son. Cruel war between 8 Przemyslids come into being and during it Bohemia became part of HRE formally and Frederic Barbarossa influenced who was Bohemian duke with his military support of his favourites. But still the ruler ws the one who captured Prague as Bohemian capital. But in 1187 there was no winner, so Frederick decided that Bohemia will belong to Bedrich, Moravia to another:Konrad Ota and both Bohemia and Moravia became imperial fiefs. Situation changed in 1197, when Bohemia and Moravia got under rule of Brothers Przemysl-Otokar and Vladislav-Heinrich and in Empire Hohenstauffen faught agaist Welfen. Przemysl became again independent ruler (privilegues given to him for his support of all claimants) and king of Bohemia. Emperor no longer had no rights in Bohemia nor Moravia(which was Bohemian secundogeniture since this time), Bohemian king became suvereign king, but was one of imperial "princes" and became one of kurfirsts after 1250.
Independent kings of Bohemia then engaged in Empire internal policy and king Przemysl Otokar II. tried to claime throne of Emperor in 1273. But he was too powerfull for other kurfirsts, so they voted "nobody" called Rudolph of Habsburg. Rudilph however was very good politic, confiscated Przemysl's lands Austria and Styria and established power of Habsburgs and defeated Przemysl Otokar II. in battle of Moravian field/Dürnkrut in 1278. Power of Przemyslid Bohemia restored in 1283 was enlarged by claiming to Polands (1300) Hungarian (1301) throne, but finally fall into dust when last king was assasinated in 1306.
between 1306 and 1310 Rudolph of Habsburg and Heinrich of Catanthia ruled twice each, but emperor didn't try to use his imperial right (inside empire) to grant a fief to somebody! Why? Bohemia was not under his suverenity, he only must accept a king voted in Bohemia
So John of Luxembourg was elected as king of Bohemia in 1310 and his son Charles became emperor in 1355 and proved rights of Bohemia as independent souvereign kingdom, but part of community of Holy Roman Empire. This havent changed untill the end of HRE.
When in 1512 HRE got system of 10 regions (f.e. Austrian, Burgundian, Swabian, Lower-Saxon, Uppersaxon, Bavarian, UpperRhine, Westphalian, Franconian), Bohemian lands (and Switzerland) were not included, because imperial laws pay there.
So, in very short brief.
1004-1186 Bohemia wasn't part of HRE legaly, only formaly itr's ruler was vassal of an Emperor
1186-1198 Bohemia was part of HRE, but still with own laws and rights (in all german duchies were imperial rights and regional rights, in Bohemia only "regional")
1198-1806 Bohemia was formal part of HRE, king was vasal of an emperor, had right to vote an emperor, bohemian lands were independent under suverein rule of the king who can be voted oly by local nobility. So Bohemia was but temporarily wasn't part of HRE
Sorry for that long post. Hope yo didn't get bored.
28-03-2004, 00:13
:dwink: :cheers:
too long. I understand :(
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
28-03-2004, 00:22
look at the :dwink: !!!
p.s.: you should restrict your consum of pilsener...:cheers:
Emhyr var Emreis
28-03-2004, 22:43
have another one, Elewyn :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: oooops. not one but three :)
May I have some extending notes? :angel:
No, I'm sure this is quite enogh. I hope this will lead to Bohemia playable as nation. I surrender this fight, but you, Elewyn, seem to continue. I'm with you!!!
naaaanaaaa.... naaanaaa-naaaaaana.... heeeeeeeyyyyy, B'emia!!!!!! :D
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