View Full Version : MOD InvadeEconomic

24-03-2006, 23:28
Mod InvadeEconomic
THIS MOD make KOH playable

This comes now :

This mod InvadeEconomic have a good economic part. How does the economic part work ? Example: Spain have the valuables horces, honey and spices and have build one market. The fatamids have the valuables honey, salt and spices and have build two markets.The spanish trader becomes for the valuables horces 3 gold (for every valuable you becomes 3 gold) and for each market from the another side 3 gold ( two fatamids market = 6 gold), so the income of the spanish trader is 9 gold. The fatamid trader becomes for the valuables salt 3 gold and for the spanish market 3 gold, so the income of the fatamid trader is 6 gold. For the valuables honey and spices never of the traders become gold, because all have the same valuables.The relationship make the income of the traders up or down.

The exotics come now from followings buildings:

silk------------------merchant guild
amber-------------coast guard

For the kingdom power give it no gold more. The towntribute is reduced.
normaly taxes give for every 10 villager 3 gold
higher taxes give for every 10 villager 9 gold

; economy_tick = 2500
economy_tick = 12000
military_tick = 1000
min_invade_army_squads = 9
min_defend_army_squads = 9
max_invade_armies = 30
invade_levels = 1, 8, 3, 16, 5, 30
conquer_last_realm = 80

HireMarshal = 500
HireBuilder = 1000
HireFarmer = 1000
HireSpy = 1500
HireCleric = 800
HireTrader = 1000
HireMercenary = 100

The upkeep of the cleric and spy is three time higher
The boni of the trader, farmer and builder is now 3 instead 1.
The marshal and the units need for experience more time

The ability engineering have now : 1.Level = Can used laddermens
2.Level = Can used battering ram // 3.Level = can used ballista
For the trebuchets you need the siege workshop, armory and stables. Trebuchets can only build in some provinces.You can pick the trebuchets from the menue "regular" if the provinces can have trebuchets.You can used the trebuchets for the garrision.The trebuchets attacks units in the field or in the town.The combatrange of the trebuchet is very great.The trebuchet shoot with 3 up 6 bolts. The ammunition is limited. The damage zones is great, so you have perhaps luck that the bolts not hit your units.The towndamages great. Catapults need a siege workshop and armory and you can build catapults only in some provinces. They attacks units in the field or in the town.The combatrange is high.The catapult shoot with 1 up 3 bolts. The ammunition is limited. The damageszone is normal. Catapults have now moral. You can used catapults for the garrision. Laddermens attacks units in the field and in the town they go to the wall for place the ladders .Laddermens have now moral and no armour.
The AI can now recuit laddermens and battering rams from the town, if the town have the building siege workshop.
Rebels/Loyalist can used catapults and trebuchets.

But this is not all, the AI make now more alliances and NAP(NotAttackPakt))with the AI in the beginning of the game, this mean, if the AI have more then 2 alliances your troubles grow up!!! The rebells or sympathisants comes in 360/400/440/480 mens, but you see 360 mens often. Per kingdom have only two uprising. After one plunder, the rebels/sympathisants becomes one star and one elitesquad.
The AI will never have a peace with you in the war, except the AI have too much lost armys! Now, the AI play very well!!
Have a fun with these MOD! Many things i change ! The AI build all buildings. TEST IT!!! and you see big kingdoms and strong armies. Till up 30 armies can come in your kingdom! Becareful! TEST THIS MOD for one hour and you will like it. ---Bows-and crossbowattackvalues higher. New armourdefs: chain = 20; scale = 30; plate = 40. --- The moralbase is now 13 instead of 10, but if you dont like the new moralbase , so open defs/Misc and take out the moral IN2 file. Notice: The moralbase of 13 is good for the AI, if they will attack a castle. ---The AI used all kingdom advantages. --- Trench i take out from the game. The AI have more buildingsplaces. --- Farmers, traders and builders have now the bonuses of 3 , not more 1. --- The game start very quiet, but then explode the game! If you attack a kingdom look of his alliances or you die quickley. My TIP: Play the game without the pause-function. Deactivated the pause -function. Fight the battle self.
Please use in your game only 9 squads (normaly 13 squads included siegemachinery can the player used), because the AI can only used 9 squads.

You must start this MOD in the level hard!!

You must start a new game and cannot used your old saves because the mod have many new feature.

First delete any MOD from the Knights of Honor folder.
Extract the files defs, maps, image and text in the archive to your Knights of Honor folder. If the defs,maps, images and text are there the installation should be complete. .

The Downloadlinks:

http://rapidshare.de/files/17058987/InvadeEconomicFinall.zip.html Mod InvadeEconomic

INFO-----Trebuchets and Catapults

Trebuchets and catapults attack only units.

How can i destroy walls ??

After all troops spawn on the battlefield go not to the wall, because if you do that, the AI troops go back to the middle of the castle. Catapults shoot as the crossbow and bow units automatical . Stop the shooting of the catapults. You need two or more trebuchets ( catapults a little more ) for destroying the walls to make a break-through. Mark a AI troop on the wall and shoot with all your trebuchets and/or catapults and you become your break-through.

25-03-2006, 06:06
This looks cool. can you tell me anything about game style? is it geared for diplomacy and economy, with less reliance on combat? and most importanly will I be able to lose more battles to the AI?

I like holy rome becuase of the strong use diplomacy and economy but it still is easy to win most battles. I am just a bit lazy to unload the other mod to try yours with out knowing how it plays :p

25-03-2006, 08:25
Before, every army with siegemachinery loose battle against armies without siegemachinery in the battle .This is not more. For example: trebuchet and catapult have now a battle power of 4000, ladderman have a battle power of 1600 . All siegmachinery have before under 1000 battlepower, laddermens have before no battlepower.Some units battlepower: feudal knights 4400, longbowman 2800, templars 4200. This is a info for all players who fight the battle never self. My proplem was, if i give the siegmachinery a higher battlepower, so they must see this in a self leading battle.
Of cource, you loose now battles and must retread often. But the biggest proplem is now your money is less, but you need every time money to refill units.
The diplomatic part in the game is very nice and the clerics and spys do his work.(Thx Körby).
Now you play the holy rome mod, and i think play this mod first and after you can test this mod.The holy rome is a good vote.

25-03-2006, 12:39
Great, I'll have a look Laudan! Some ideas are very neat - I'm interested how they will work out.

"The boni of the trader, farmer and builder is now 3 instead 1."
What do you mean, exactly?

Also, I have not been able so far to open the Excel [.XLS] files that were edited by you - how does that come? Do you have an older version of excel or do you use another program?

26-03-2006, 12:53
It was a hard work for my brain to give the trebuchet this great function. My god sometimes i want throw away the computer. Only the ";" give the trebuchets the real function. Now the AI trebuchets and catapults attack only the units. Also the AI rebels with the trebuchets and catapults can win agains the players town. I need now a little calm. i think the laddermens in combat is a great idea.
Why cant use the AI the laddermens and battering ram never. The answer is very easy. Units without Attackvalues the AI never used.
This info is for the modders:

All in the bold i change.
open defs/units/Military and then the folders trebuchet or siege_catapult or ladderman


class = CRangedUnitDef

id = trebuchet
name = units;trebuchet
;selradius = 48
;selimage = images/units/selection/sel.img
selimage = images/units/selection/treb_sel.img
walk_speed = 30
projectileid = treb_projectile
fire_projectileid = treb_fire_proj
min_projectiles = 3
max_projectiles = 6
minrange = 300
maxrange = 800
maxforce = 128
shootdispersion = 128
dwTurnTime = 4000
dwTurnDirections = 8

capture = 1
canattack = 1
attackable = 1
mounted = 0
groundonly = 1
nomorale = 1
nocommand = 0
noselect = 0
noplace = 0
hashealth = 1
archer = 1
spear = 0
;siege = 1

battle_pos = 2

small = images/units/icons/small/dummy.img
squad = images/screens/playwnd/Castle interface/army/dummy.img

; cart
walk = images/units/trebuchet/cart_Walk.img
idle = images/units/trebuchet/cart_Idle.img
die = images/units/trebuchet/cart_Die.img

; trebuchet
destroy = images/units/trebuchet/treb_destr.img
deployed = images/units/trebuchet/treb_Turn.img
turn = images/units/trebuchet/treb_Turn.img
turnreverse = images/units/trebuchet/treb_Turn.img
shoot = images/units/trebuchet/treb_Shoot.img

shoot = Sounds/units/trebuchet/
die = sounds/units/diemachine/trebuchet/

spawn = CTrebuchet
maps = c
menu = defs/menus/trebuchet.menu
;menu = defs/menus/unit.menu

ladderman :

class = CUnitDef
id = ladderman
name = units;ladderman
selradius = 16
selimage = images/units/selection/sel.img
walk_speed = 40

capture = 0
canattack = 1
attackable = 1
mounted = 0
groundonly = 0
nomorale = 0
nocommand = 0
noselect = 0
noplace = 0
hashealth = 0
archer = 0
spear = 1
siege = 1

small = images/units/icons/small/dummy.img
squad = images/screens/playwnd/Castle interface/army/dummy.img
wbmeter = Images/Units/Icons/Battle meter/ladderman_%s.rle

idle = images/units/SiegeLadder/ladderman_Idle.img
walk = images/units/SiegeLadder/ladderman_Walk.img
run = images/units/SiegeLadder/ladderman_Walk.img
charge = images/units/CastleGuard/guard_Charge.img
fight = images/units/CastleGuard/guard_Strike1.img
fight1 = images/units/CastleGuard/guard_Strike2.img
die = images/units/SiegeLadder/ladderman_Die.img
taunt = images/units/CastleGuard/guard_Taunt.img
turn = images/units/SiegeLadder/ladderman_Walk.img
;diebywall = images/units/SiegeLadder/ladderman_Die-at-wall.img

holdladder = images/units/SiegeLadder/ladderman_Standbywall.img

fight = sounds/units/fight/
die = sounds/units/die/

sq_march = sounds/squad loops/infantry/march/
sq_run = sounds/squad loops/infantry/run/
sq_charge = sounds/squad loops/infantry/charge/
sq_melee_fight = sounds/squad loops/infantry/melee/

spawn = CLadderMan
maps = c
kill_with_map = 1
menu = defs/menus/unit.menu


class = CRangedUnitDef

id = catapult
name = units;catapult
;selradius = 40
selimage = images/units/selection/battle.img
minrange = 300
maxrange = 800
maxforce = 128
walk_speed = 30
shootdispersion = 32
projectileid = arrow_treb

min_projectiles = 1
max_projectiles = 3
dwTurnTime = 4000
dwTurnDirections = 8

capture = 1
canattack = 1
attackable = 1
mounted = 0
groundonly = 1
nomorale = 0
nocommand = 0
noselect = 0
noplace = 0
hashealth = 1
archer = 1
spear = 0
;siege = 1

small = images/units/icons/small/dummy.img
big = images/units/icons/big/swordsmans01.img
squad = images/screens/playwnd/Castle interface/army/dummy.img

idle = images/units/catapult-siege/katapult-idle.img
walk = images/units/catapult-siege/katapult-walk.img
die = images/units/catapult-siege/katapult-death.img
shoot = images/units/catapult-siege/katapult-fire.img

shoot = Sounds/units/catapult/
die = sounds/units/diemachine/catapult/
sq_march = sounds/units/movemachine/

spawn = CTrebuchet
maps = c


open defs/units/military/units text:

ladderman 200 0 0 0 0 8 400 50 100% 100 30 60 siege workshop 1 laddermen
castle guard 120 0 20 0 n 20 0 0 100% 30 60 melee elite
knight guard 30 250 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 100% 70 120 knight
knight 30 250 0 40 0 0 10 0 0 100% 70 120 +5 knight
ballista 600 0 900 0 40 100,80 1 800 0 100% 500 300,800 siege workshop 3 siege units
catapult 1000 0 4000 0 20 200,300 1 500 0 100% 500 400,2800 siege workshop,armory siege units
trebuchet 2000 0 4000 0 20 200,300 1 600 0 100% 800 400,4200 siege workshop,stable,armory siege units

02-04-2006, 11:56
The InvadeEconomic is out now!
Have a fun with this mod.