View Full Version : April Statistics

03-05-2006, 05:29
April Statistics 2006

22 new members joined in April, which totals the active members to 417!

(And as usual, the "+" sign in front of the name means new on the list.)

Countries represented:

Australia: 2 members
Austria: 3 members
Belgium: 1 member
Bulgaria: 2 members
England/UK: 3 members
Germany: 46 members - 3 new
Holland/Netherlands: 4 members - 1 new
+ Indonesia: - 1 member - 1 new
Israel: 1 member
Norway: 1 member
Poland: 2 members
Sweden: 2 members
Switzerland: 3 members
USA: 26 members
Unknown: 320 members

Angryminer - Germany - 4,693 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-04-02 - College Student
Dobber - USA - 3,057 / Age: 50 Dob: 1955-05-21
Webmaster - Germany - 2,895
Roadrunner - Germany - 1,907 / Age: 42 Dob: 1963-12-31 - banker
Frieden - Germany/EU - 1,703
Kuno of Gersenau - Switzerland - 1,662 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-09-09 - Student
Moryarity - Germany - 1,633 / Dob: April 06 - Student
Jay - Germany - 1,449 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-07-29
Goku - Germany - 1,224 / Age: 16 Dob: 1990-01-18 - Schüler

binchen - Germany - 974 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-06-17 - Schüler
Noldy - Holland - 947 / Age: 17 Dob: 1989-04-17 -scholar
Mircoslavux - Switzerland - 826 /Age: 29 Dob: 1977-04-28
Sentra - Germany - 804 / Age: 28 Dob: 1978-02-10 - Bürokaufmann, Übersetzer
Robitoby - Germany - 673 / Age: 27 Dob: 1978-06-02 - Student
hawk_knight - The Netherlands - 638 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-09-14

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan - USA - 530 / Age: 43 Dob: 1962-07-31
Sir Henry - Germany - 437 / Age: 53 Dob: 1953-03-27
Hilda - Germany - 408 / Dob: January 10
Richard - USA - 354 / Age: 18 Dob: 1988-03-04
Helen - Sweden - 335 / Age: 24 Dob: 1982-04-26 - Student
acon - Switzerland - 320 / Age: 17 Dob: 1989-01-17 - Student
Lanzelot - 304 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-09-08 - Schüler
Dread Pirate Terry - USA - 252 / Age: 54 Dob: 1951-07-07 - Mailman
Gorm - Germany - 213 / Dob: September 16 - Smod bei aut forum.Sunflowers.de
Beduin - 210 / Age: 42 Dob: 1964-02-03
mamayourpeoplearehungry - USA - 208 / Dob: May 20 - Programmer

annouwe - Germany - 199 / Age: 34 Dob: 1971-09-04
wkw427 - USA - 176 / Age: 48 Dob: 1958-02-12
WalkerBoh - Germany - 180 / Age: 41 Dob: 1964-06-20
mamawagonburner - USA - 144 / Age: 69 Dob: 1936-12-07 - Retired
Günter - Germany - 139 / Dob: October 04
Falke - Germany - 133 / Age: 41 Dob: 1964-07-24 - Staatliche Verwaltung

Mirrakor - Germany - 122 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-05-18
furdude6 - USA - 118 / Age: 22 Dob: 1983-10-06
Kleinmanny - Germany - 111 / Age: 26 Dob: 1979-12-03
monstercash - Australia - 105 / Age: 38 Dob: 1968-01-04
Áine - 101 / Age: 26 Dob: 1979-12-23
Budgie - 96 / Dob: November 01
Shane - 93 / Age: 14 Dob: 1990-11-07
Heinrich VI. - 91 / Dob: November 24
Markus69 - 84 / Age: 36 Dob: 1969-09-03
Ghost Walker - Germany - 80 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-12-09
lucifer - 80 / Age: 26 Dob: 1979-05-21
Easter Bunny - Norway - 73 / Age: 14 Dob: 1991-12-05 - Student

W-O-D - 70
RobinBanks - 67 / Dob: September 01
Jannik.E - Germany - 63 / Age: 15 Dob: 1991 -01 29 - Schüler
Robbie47 - Germany - 63 / Age: 53 Dob: 1952-07-04 - Airliner
rovingcowboy USA - 62 / Dob: November 14
Grawshak - 55 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-12-18
annokrat - 47 / Dob: December 01
Pwin - USA - 46 / Age: 17 - Dob: 1988-05-22
Firststrike1984 - 44 / Age: 22 Dob: 1984-01-29
Tatiana - Germany - 42 / Age: 43 Dob: 1963-03-17

gonzo1247 - 39 / Age: 13 Dob: 1992-06-03
KSK - Austria - 39 / Age: 23 Dob: 1983-03-02
Sakim - USA - 39 / Dob: November 02
JoeCool2 - USA - 34 / Age: 18 Dob: 1987-09-01
profeta_gero - 32 / Age: 30 Dob: 1975-07-06
Dunkelelf - 31 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-09-18
onlinedayly - 31 / Age: 58 Dob: 1948-02-25
Maester Sseymour - 27 / Dob: December 09
nicht_der_duke - 27 / Age: 36 Dob: 1970-02-27
King Bigcastle - 25 / Age: 25 Dob: 1980-07-10 - Professional Loafer
annophil - 23 / Age: 60 Dob: 1945-06-19
dicka01 - 23 / Age: 30 Dob: 1975-10-14
dminoz - 22 / Age: 48 Dob: 1957-09-09
eF Jay - 22 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-06-14
Moguntius - 21 / Age: 25 Dob: 1980-05-30
Naxus - 21
falcon - 20 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-10-01

Sparta - USA - 19 / Dob: March 19
tobias - 19 / Age: 15 Dob: 1989-05-26
dolfan1961 - 18 / Age: 44 Dob: 1961-09-21
Justin - 18 / Age: 21 Dob: 1983-11-09
Florian - 17
spacebluesonoma - 17 / Age: 32 Dob: 1972-10-24
Lord Hess Fortescue - Germany - 16 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-10-22 - Auszubildener
Ida - Sweden - 15 / Age: 28 Dob: 1976-11-20
Punisher - 14 / Dob: October 11
tinih1984- 14 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-06-09
Wowlop - 14 / Dob: September 09
Ziggy6401 - 14 / Dob: August 22
DerEroberer - 13 / Age: 17 1989-01-17
desux - 12 / Age: 51 Dob: 1955-01-01
grandpa70 - USA - 12 / Age: 70 Dob: 1935-08-16
Jerek4 - 12 / Age: 22 Dob: 1983-05-08
LegolasD - 12 / Age: 16 Dob: 1990-03-11 - Bagger (Grocery)
Siedler - 12
Wessner - 12 / Age: 71 Dob: 1935-04-28
Zomby Woof - Germany - 12 / Age: 41 Dob: 1965-01-04
Ch. Columbus - 11 / Age: 45 Dob: 1961-04-05
fioralicia - 11 / Age: 34 Dob: 1972-02-11
Mr. Eddie - Bavaria - 11 / Age: 17 Dob: 1989-01-07
Papewaio - 11 / Age: 22 Dob: 1983-07-26
3dsmaxman - Poland - 10 / Age: 13 Dob: 1991-05-09
Avicus - 10
bill07407 - 10 / Age: 52 Dob: 1953-08-31
emisPhere - 10 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-06-10
Knallfix - 10 / Age: 32 Dob: 1973-06-21
lilmisswagonburner - 10 / Age: 51 Dob: 1954-11-09
luxana - Germany - 10 / Age: 26 Dob: 1980-01-23 - zur Zeit aut Jobsuche
+ Paddy - Germany - 10 / Rechtsanualt
syco222005 - 10
Woolridge - Germany - 10 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-11-10 - pupil
Zacard - 10 / Age: 14 Dob: 1991-08-11

Anno 1503 - 9 / Age: 12 Dob: 1992-12-27
+ Flo - Germany - 9 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-07-06
Goatmilk -9 / Dob: January 25
jacBEnimleJACbeQ - USA - 9 / Dob: December 5
monkeylover - 9 / Age: 13 Dob: 1991-11-15
return ofblacstorm - 9 / Dob: September 02
timski - 9 / Dob: September 15
Bidi13 - 8 / Age: 32 Dob: 1974-04-12
CeeZero - 8 / Age: 15 Dob: 1991-02-15
DamianaBlue - 8 / Age: 30 Dob: 1975-10-02
Gary - 8 / Age: 44 Dob: 1962-02-02
SwordierJeY - 8 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-11-02
+ Thorge - 8
burmicop - 7 / Age: 41 Dob: 1964-12-15
Christoph Clumbumbus - Germany - 7 / Age: 20 Dob: 1984-11-07 - Student
derhans - 7 / Age: 38 Dob: 1967-12-27
Gang_Bang - 7 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-01-30
Jogibär - Germany - 7 / Dob: March 20 - SAP R3 Basisbetruer
marcel22 - Germany - 7 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-10-22
Master Jakel - 7 / Age: 27 Dob: 1979-01-07
NessyAdam - 7 / Age: 18 Dob: 1988-04-18
quwertzui - 7
sAIKEE - 7 / Age: 18 Dob: 1986-11-30
Tlaloc - 7 / Dob: April 24
ToBo - 7 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-01-17

@ndi - 6 / Age: 18 Dob: 1987-10-17
^Sim` - 6 / Age: 27 Dob: 1978-12-03
A.P.M - 6 / Age: 31 Dob: 1974-11-23
adijenico - 6 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-03-04
Admiral Vizeroh - USA - 6 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-12-29
Annolise - 6
annonymie - 6 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-04-30
bigboss - 6 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-07-30
buckingham - 6 / Age: 17 Dob: 1989-03-25
Darquies - 6 / Age: 30 Dob: 1975-11-23
darrius- 6
Entdecker - 6 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-08-05
Fenrir - 6 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-08-12
glem - 6 / Dob: January 21
Gunthridge - 6 / Age: 28 Dob: 1977-05-08
jackie - 6 / Age: 39 Dob: 1967-03-18
Miles_glorious - 6
Norten - Germany - 6 / Age: 45 Dob: 1961-03-08
Rita - USA - 6 / Age: 53 Dob: 1952-11-16
Shadow of Dark - 6 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-09-04
skyeye - 6 / Age: 22
sotex - 6 / Age: 18 Dob: 1987-06-06
Trommmelpatrick - 6 / Age: 25 Dob: 1980-10-23
WAVproctor - USA - 6 / Age: 47 Dob: 1958-11-16

DerAnnoist - 5 / Age: 14 Dob: 1992-04-28
Dom - 5 / Age: 18 Dob: 1987-09-17
Franziska - 5 / Age: 17 Dob: 1989-04-13
Gabi - 5 / Age: 28 Dob: 1977-10-16
+ Gonzalez - 5
Hidde_P - 5 / Age: 19 - 1987-03-02
jopenn2003 - 5 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-02-12
magaruis - 5 / Age: 21 - 1985-01-07
Nachtelf - 5 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-10-01
Nilezzz - 5 / Age: 25 Dob: 1980-07-04
Ritter - 5 / Age: 50 Dob: 1955-08-31
Scnee-wolf - 5
Strylin - 5 / Age: 35 Dob: 1970-09-30
Viper85 - 5 / Age: 21 Dob: 1985-03-23
Warren1954 - USA -5 / Age: 51 Dob: 1954-10-12 - Retired
zpmu061 - 5 / Age: 38 Dob: 1967-12-31

Aaron91 - USA - 4 / Age: 14 Dob: 1991-11-20 - Mowing Lawns
Acid_Monk - 4 / Age: 22 Dob: 1984-04-07
+ Angelfaery - 4
danielcart - 4 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-11-14
do_the_right_thing - 4 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-05-29
dominat - 4 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-02-05
dosboxbenutzer - 4
E2D2 - 4 / Age: 32 Dob: 1973-09-29
efteka - 4 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-05-31
Einbahn - 4
em3fan1 - 4 / Age: 13 Dob: 1993-04-22
gamer87 - 4 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-01-01
Gluecki - 4 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-05-28
hirter - Austria - 4 / Age: 45 Dob: 1959-10-07
Indigo - 4 / Dob: November 19
Jester68 - 4 / Age: 38 Dob: 1968-01-26
johaen - Germany - 4 / Age: 24 Dob: 1982-03-09
joy - 4 / Age: 38 Dob: 1968-02-18
Kane - 4 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-06-12
kiri_hacker - Bulgaria - 4 / Age: 16 Dob: 1990-04-17
Krokodil - 4 / Age: 14 Dob: 1992-03-20
+ loci100 - 4
Lord Nobunaga - 4 / Age: 17 Dob: 1989-03-16
Maggus76 -4
+ master2004134 - 4
needforspeed - 4 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-10-10
nirvan8612 - USA - 4 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-06-04
nori - 4 / Age: 14 Dob: 1992-03-20
Premium - 4 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-12-09
Prince Osczievski of Balihi - 4 / Dob: November 08
Sahnetee - 4 / Age: 25 Dob: 1980-08-05
Segurc - 4 / Age: 17 Dob: 1989-04-24
Viperlord - 4 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-12-05

Aluschi - 3 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-08-24
ammon79 - 3 / Age: 26 Dob: 1979-09-03
barbshing - England - 3 / Age: 57 Dob: 1949-04-03 - Support Worker for Police
brokendrum - 3 / Age: 86 Dob: 1920-01-01
Bullfrog - Germany - 3 / Age: 14 Dob: 1991-08-14
critter - 3 / Dob: Fenruary 21
demon3476 - USA - 3 / Dob: October 3
+ Don_Sancez - 3
downunder - 3 / Age: 22 Dob: 1984-04-15
Engel - 3 / Age: 24 Dob: 1981-10-06
Ennovy1980 - 3 / Age: 24
erazer - 3 / Age: 23 Dob: 1982-09-09
Firebird - 3 / Age: 49 1956-05-10
Frederik - 3 / Age: 26 Dob: 1980-01-01
friendlyfire - Germany - 3
Friewilderer - 3
gamenerd - Holland - 3 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-09-02
isy - 3 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-07-16
Jack Sparrow - 3 / Dob: July 7
Joesen - 3 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-01-18
jolle-pe - 3
Josephine - Poland - 3 / Age: 27 Dob: 1978-10-29
josman - 3 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-11-07
Karen - 3 / Age: 43 Dob: 1962-09-07
Kontbanaan - 3 / Age: 45 Dob: 1960-10-10
+ KoRnfreak - Germany - 3 / Schüler
lipton - 3 / Age: 15 Dob: 1991-02-12
lujmos - 3 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-06-29
Manny - USA - 3 / Age: 51 Dob: 1954-05-20
margisama - 3
maskedhedgehog - 3 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-12-18
meisterm - 3 / Age: 24 Dob: 1982-02-04
michi303 - 3 / Age: 23 Dob: 1983-04-10
MikeLowrey - 3 / Age: 23 Dob: 1982-08-11
+ nepeta - Netherlands - 3 / Student
nih - 3
Phillip the Great - USA - 3 / Age: 42 Dob: 1963-05-05
+ Rite Mite - 3
ruwen - 3 / Age: 21 Dob: 1985-01-01
Schmiddi - 3
Tina2oo5 - 3 / Age: 18 Dob: 1987-06-25
tomtom99 - 3 / Age: 39 Dob: 1967-02-05
Winny - 3 / Age: 42 Dob: 1964-01-23

+ _Andy - 2
AfcAjax - 2
andy-held - 2 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-08-09
AnnoMizaniac - 2 / Age: 30 Dob: 1976-02-20
Archy - 2
ares1956 - Germany - 2 / Age: 49 Dob: 1956-11-30
ArmouredGoo - 2 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-07-17
blacky - 2
brunotte - 2 / Dob: October 4
calvera - 2 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-06-08
+ CEnforcer - 2
chrishillcoat - UK - 2 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-11-24 - Student
ConKo - 2 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-03-31
darky - 2 / Age: 15 Dob: 1991-02-08
Despotar - 2 / Age: 14 Dob: 1992-01-12
devil - 2
Ditroit - 2 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-10-19
DonChris - 2 / Age: 14 Dob: 1991-12-05
Dri - 2
dror - Israel - 2 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-04-06 - C.S. student
Eightball - 2 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-06-14
el-butre - 2 / Age: 31 Dob: 1974-11-10
FIghter - 2 / Dob: December 09
Freak von Ogame - 2 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-08-05
freezing - 2
Frundsberg - 2 / Age: 21 Dob: 1985-03-01
gerard - 2 / Age: 46 Dob: 1960-01-01
Golden - 2 / Dob: October 13
Hank - 2 / Dob: February 27
helpneeded - 2 / Age: 28 Dob: 1978-03-16
+ Hobo - Indonesia - 2 / retired
JochenK2 - 2 /Age: 26 Dob: 1979-06-14
JohnnyBAR - 2 / Dob: May 21
keonkeon - 2 / Age: 18 Dob: 1988-01-22
Kerry - 2 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-01-15
KIKOO - 2 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-03-26
Klastcher - 2 / Age: 26 Dob: 1980-03-25
König Krull - 2 / Dob: July 07
lacrii - 2 / Age: 21 Dob: 1985-03-22
Lobst - 2 / Age: 25 Dob:1980-10-12
Lokki - 2
lonelyboy20 - 2 / Age: 21 Dob: 1985-02-28
MadTaz90 - 2 / Age: 33 Dob: 1972-09-28
Magadeky - 2 / Age: 22 Dob: 1984-04-08
MarioL - 2
markeymakey - 2 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-04-03
Maximilian1 - 2 / Age: 12 Dob: 1993-07-09
Mietze - 2 / Age: 26 Dob: 1979-05-24
Migraman - USA - 2 / Dob: March 31 - International Relations and Commerce
Mikado - 2
Mike23 -USA - 2 / Age:23 - Electric company employee
Nobody - 2 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-10-16
parasprinter - 2 / Age: 30 Dob: 1975-12-06
patvdm - 2 / Dob: March 09
PirateZoe - 2 / Age: 30 Dob: 1975-06-20
Sal - 2 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-10-08
Se7h - 2
Seagirl - Germany - 2 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-08-18
Shrek81 - 2 / Age: 25
Silaz - 2 / Age: 21 Dob: 1985-02-06
simlo - 2 / Age: 46 Dob: 1960-02-05
SkyDragon - Austria - 2
slatka-guja - 2 / Age: 30 Dob: 1975-07-29
surfi2000 - 2 / Age: 17 Dob: 1989-02-13
taky - 2 / Age: 16 Dob: 1990-03-17
thehuntingcrw - 2
thunderbeach - 2 / Dob: August 27
ToFFiFee - 2 / Age: 19 Dob: 1987-01-19
Tom - 2 / Age: 50 Dob:1956-03-29
tonedog - 2 / Age: 28 Dob: 1977-09-23
VDZ - 2 / Age: 16 Dob: 1990-02-12
+ vegeta - 2
weeman - 2 / Age: 18 Dob: 1988-03-18
Winddragon - 2 / Age: 22 Dob: 1984-01-21

+++atheistic+++ - 1 / Age: 16 Dob: 1990-02-06
Adam Smith *1723 +1780 - 1
AF_joe - 1 / Age: 22 Dob: 1983-10-21
agateelite - 1 / Age: 15 Dob: 1991-01-23
aien - 1 / Age: 35 Dob: 1970-06-07
Alex_B - 1 /Age: 20 Dob: 1986-03-22
allroundgoodguy - 1 - Australia / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-12-18 - Commerce/Law Student
anno1602 - 1
asta46 - 1
awol_2shae - 1 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-11-20
b2bHans - 1
Bagde2005 - 1 / Dob: August 26
+ Banana_Split - 1
BerserkerA3 - 1 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-06-04
Brian Meulengracht - 1 / Age: 35 Dob: 1971-01-08
Chrissytina21 - 1 / Age: 21 Dob: 1985-03-30
Cims - 1
Citizen_X - 1 / Age: 22 Dob: 1983-07-28
cogmetall - 1 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-09-14
curry0211 - 1 / Age: 26 Dob: 1979-11-02
Da_Junker - Germany - 1 / Age: 14 Dob: 1992-03-07 - Schüler
DAK - 1 / Age: 15 Dob: 1991-03-07
dragon - 1 / Age: 18 Dob: 1987-06-10
Eichboson - 1
eric the man - 1 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-09-18
evenlonger - 1 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-11-19
Finlands_elf - 1 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-11-06
Flaca - 1 / Age: 39 Dob: 1967-03-06
Flopsy - Germany - 1 / Age: 16 Dob: 1990-03-23
Fluppe - 1 / Age: 22 Dob: 1984-04-26
FreakNo1 - 1 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-10-28
+ fujio - 1
Gruhtsalok - 1 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-01-15
hasgotaproblem - 1 / Age: 27 Dob: 1978-07-28
Hutchinson01 - Germany - 1
Hauke - 1 / Age: 18 Dob: 1987-11-15
iluvithot NZ - 1 / Age: 26 Dob: 1979-12-19
Imi - 1 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-07-09
Inselfürst - 1 / Age: 33 Dob: 1972-05-05
Iris - 1
Ironclap - 1 / Age: 25 Dob: 1981-01-09
Isobutan - 1 / Age: 26 Dob: 1979-11-17
Jilad - 1 / Age: 16 Dob: 1989-09-11
JLL07 - 1 / Age: 21 Dob: 1984-11-24
jlpbowlgod - 1 / Dob: December 13
Johnny1976 - 1
keks-dose - 1 / Age: 22 Dob: 1984-01-29
kid1 - 1
Killingmaster - 1 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-01-20
Kitze - 1 / Age: 28 Dob: 1977-12-27
Kora - 1 / Dob: November 16
Liggi - 1 / Dob: january 26
LORD_AYER - 1 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-10-16
love actually - 1 / Age: 18 Dob: 1988-03-14
Mac.Stef - 1 / Age: 23 Dob: 1982-11-05
Maike85 - 1 / Age: 21 Dob: 1985-03-01
mastakilla - 1
+ Mr.Pampf - 1
murbs - 1
MysticFist - Belgium - 1 / Age: 30 Dob: 1975-05-06 - Analist - Softwere Engineer
NannO - 1 / Age: 18 Dob: 1988-02-27
Nico90 - 1 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-08-31
novalee - 1 / Age: 17 Dob: 1988-06-15
papa - 1 / Age: 23 Dob: 1983-03-03
pelek - 1 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-08-14
Pfaffe1478 - 1 / Age: 18 Dob: 1987-04-02
Phipo - 1 / Age: 26 Dob: 1980-02-07
rednaxela - 1 / Age: 10 Dob: 1995-08-09
Rimer Dal - USA - 1 / Age: 16 Dob:1989-07-29
robbah - 1 / Age: 25 Dob: 1980-05-30
Roemerpils - Germany - 1 / Age: 40 Dob: 1966-03-28
Sardonicus - 1 / AGe: 23 Dob: 1983-01-24
+ seaxneat - 1
Selachi -1
Sgt.Pain - 1 / Age: 27 Dob: 1978-05-09
ShdwOTMn - 1 / Age: 30 / Dob: 1975-11-06
Shogun - 1 / Age: 28 Dob: 1978-01-01
Smith - 1 / Age: 60 Dob: 1945-06-07
soner - 1 / Age: 15 Dob: 1990-06-17
Sunshine86 - 1 / Age: 19 Dob: 1986-06-20
The_Joker - 1
tidus@unbroken - 1
tiger1511 - 1 / Age: 16 Dob: 1990-02-02
trivial - 1 / Age: 24 Dob: 1982-03-07
Tsvetan - Bulgaria - 1
+ ulla - 1
waywardsoul - 1 / Age: 42 Dob: 1963-05-03
welte260 - 1 / Age: 31 Dob: 1974-12-01
Whitewolf - 1
wuselmensch - 1 / Age: 14 Dob: 1991-12-10
Wyatts64 - 1
Xell - 1 / Age: 20 Dob: 1986-01-10
+ xxxxxpitbullxxxxx - 1
Zaggit - 1 / Age: 20 Dob: 1985-05-10
+ zelly - 1
ziggy_man_himself - USA - 1 / Age: 18 Dob: 1988-03-17 - Student
Zulu, King Of The Dwarf People - 1 / Dob: January 01

03-05-2006, 05:40
And this was the activity in April 2006:

New threads: 26 [Mar: 27, Feb: 31, Jan: 32]
Active threads: 36 [Mar: 38, Feb:43, Jan: 41]
Thread with the most activity - "Seefahrt/Schiffe" (30 posts this month)

Posters: 50 [Mar: 54, Feb: 61, Jan: 59]
Posts: 224 [Mar: 254, Feb: 269, Jan: 375]

RoadRunner - 51 [45, 64, 101]
annouwe - 17 [4, -, -]
Dobber - 13 [19, 14, 6]
+ Paddy - 10

+ Flo - 9
Sir Henry - 9 [19, 22, 15]
+ Thorge - 8
Frieden - 7 [15, 15, 42]
Avicus - 6 [4, -, -]
syco222005 - 6 [4, -, -]
+ Gonzalez - 5

Áine - 4 [9, 2, 10]
+ Angelfaery - 4
annokrat - 4 [4, 6, 8]
Beduin - 4 [3, -, 4]
+ loci100 -4
+ master2004134 - 4
Nachtelf - 4 [-, 1, -]

+ Don_Sancez - 3
furdude6 - 3 [7, 2, 9]
Hilda - 3 [4, 2, 1]
+ KoRnfreak - 3
luxana - 3 [2, 5, -]
+ nepeta - 3
+ Rite Mite - 3

+ _Andy - 2
acon - 2 [2, -, 5]
Angryminer - 2 [3, 1, 1]
+ CEnforcer - 2
Dread Pirate Terry -2 [-, 1, 18]
+ Hobo - 2
Moryarity - 2 [6, 1, 4]
Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan - 2 [4, 5, 5]
+ Vegeta - 2

adijenico - 1 [-, -, 4]
+ Banana_Split - 1
binchen - 1 [1, -, -]
+ fujio - 1
Helen - 1 [4, 2, 1]
Kleinmanny - 1 [5, 5, 5]
lucifer - 1 []
mamayourpeoplearehungry - 1 [-, 1, 3]
margisama - 1 [2, -, -]
+ Mr.Pampf - 1
+ seaxneat - 1
Swordierjey - 1 [-, -, 1]
+ ulla - 1
+ xxxxxpitbullxxxxx - 1
+ zelly - 1
Zomby Woof - 1 [-, 2, -]

03-05-2006, 07:33
Great work, Dobber! Thank you! :cheers:

03-05-2006, 10:05
Thanks a lot, Dobber. Great work! :go:

03-05-2006, 12:08
I would like some input on the continuance of listing age, date of birth and occupation on the stats(mainly age). Many of the newly joining members are giving no info in their profiles and some folks have given an age but no DOB, so I don't know at which point to advance their age on the list. What do you think?

03-05-2006, 13:38
I do not know how you create the statistics; but if you use Excel, you may create a "technical" birthday on 01-01 (seems that some people do that when they register). If you need a formula to do this, I could send you one.

But generally, I would not put too much work in that part of the statistics: If someone wants to see his birthday here, he will indicate it...

03-05-2006, 13:44
Hallo Dobber,

Danke für Deine großartige Arbeit! Es ist faszinierend zu sehen, wieviel Arbeit da drin steckt - um Ordnung ins System zu bringen.
Mach weiter so - ich bin ein interessierter Statistikfan.
Grüße von Uwe

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
03-05-2006, 22:45
Good work, Dobber! Thanks!:go:

03-05-2006, 23:26
Nice work dobber ^^
and thank you :)

09-05-2006, 21:57
Great one again...hail to the keeper of the stats :go: