29-02-2004, 00:44
Here's some more "it's too late" ideas I have:
Art. Yes, art and artists... is there a place for art to be a resource or commodity of somekind. I'm really foggy on this idea, but I think having an artist you patron would get you piety points if you can control him well enough to produce pious works... OTOH it may bring down the wrath of the pope. Think early Medici family here.
It will up your prestige to be seen as a patron of the arts... but cost money and maybe too much money that you should have been spending on your armies...? A balance. If you make NO art for the churches or cathedrals or whatever, Pope get angry, people get angry... etc....
Art. Yes, art and artists... is there a place for art to be a resource or commodity of somekind. I'm really foggy on this idea, but I think having an artist you patron would get you piety points if you can control him well enough to produce pious works... OTOH it may bring down the wrath of the pope. Think early Medici family here.
It will up your prestige to be seen as a patron of the arts... but cost money and maybe too much money that you should have been spending on your armies...? A balance. If you make NO art for the churches or cathedrals or whatever, Pope get angry, people get angry... etc....