View Full Version : Battleships Lousy

Rite Mite
19-05-2006, 20:51
I can have 10 large battleships and put at least 2 cannoners on each 1 and the AI will sink them all with 2 small battleships and not loose either of them-why is this?:scratch:

Sir Henry
19-05-2006, 20:57
Hello Rite Mite,

do you really mean you have loaded cannoneers not cannons?

Cannoneers will not shoot while they are on board. What you have to do is load cannons and then mount them. You can mount up to 14 cannons on a big battleship.

This is from Timski's guide (http://www.capsu.org/1602/):
Transfer Cannon to the ship as cargo from your Warehouse. Select the ship, with the combat menu selected. Click on the Cannon in the ship's hold to mount them. To unmount Cannon, click on the larger Cannon icon in the upper part of the ship menu.

Hope it helps... :smile:

Rite Mite
19-05-2006, 21:19
Hi Sir Henry,
Thank you very much for helping me.I like this game very much but with no real manuel to go by I have been depending on others for help.Thanks to you and others I have not been let down yet.I wish you all the best and thanks once again.:hello:

20-05-2006, 07:38
Well, I think you will find the manual on your game CD. Just search for a *.pdf file... :wink: