View Full Version : I wonder about the Spanish and the Moors

09-03-2004, 19:00
Since this Middle Ages, i was just wondering how the spanish and moors are going to fit into this and how they are going to fit christians, muslims and jews together in a country like Spain?

09-03-2004, 23:41
Originally posted by fallen_saint
Since this Middle Ages, i was just wondering how the spanish and moors are going to fit into this and how they are going to fit christians, muslims and jews together in a country like Spain?

well, don't ya think it's just a question of making the Spainish territories large enough to fit'em all ;) - coz i do :D

10-03-2004, 20:32
well it's a little bit more complicated then that. Most lived in their own region, but some did live together. As we all know during that time, their was a lot of oppresion towards non catholics, but then again the Moors were the rulers for most of the middle ages and lived in somewhat harmony with the Jews and Catholics:cheers:

10-03-2004, 22:41
Originally posted by fallen_saint
well it's a little bit more complicated then that. Most lived in their own region, but some did live together. As we all know during that time, their was a lot of oppresion towards non catholics, but then again the Moors were the rulers for most of the middle ages and lived in somewhat harmony with the Jews and Catholics:cheers:

well, i don't think that realm automatic are at war with eachother just because one of them muslem and the other catholic, besides one has always to keep in mind that this is not a simulation, so the devs are allowed to take themselves a little "freedom" and cut a few corners here and there.

11-03-2004, 06:44
Later of Roman Imperivm fall, in Hispania lived hispanic-romans and celtibers (all christians) mantaining the roman law. Jews lived in Hispania since unknown date during The Roman Imperivm.

In that time Vandals, Alans and Sueves started to attack Iberia from north. Hispanic-romans called for help to the Goths. They fought those peoples (the remains of the sueves ended in the noth west (Galicia)). The Visigoths who were few estabilished in peninsule, and become dominant in Hispania. They become christians and to unite all people they seek a common enemy (Bizantivm) and a common religion (catholicism).
The first visigoth catholic king promoted racial unions and feared of jews cos they were living apart from this new religious-state union.
This started a persecution of the jews (year 586).
Year 694, jews of peninsule in contact with jews of North-Africa where was preparing the arabian invasion (solicited by rebel visigoths), conspired to help to the muslim invasion with the hope to be free of persecution.

With the muslim invasion at the beginning the jews lived pacefully, also christians who lived in muslim side, but with time
they started to limit jews' influence. Was since the first Almoravid period (1086) when jews and christians(mozarabes) started to be persecuted.

Chistian realms in north (VIII-XI), had poor economy. And some jews migrated to south during that time.
During XI century christians started to recover theirselfs and territories from muslims. That's when the Almoravids, and jews started to migrate to north. Christian kings needed people to repeople the new territories and activate comerce activity, jews were welcome. During 1148-1348 jews lived a gold age cos they were free men and direct vassals of the crown protected by this one.
They had more and less privileges, but they could have a weathy status or become high 'charges' in administration of state, during long time, but they weren't allowed to marry a christian, have christian slaves, also convert Christians(under capital punishment).
In 1137 they start to lose their status.

By the mid-thirteenth century the Christian army had conquered virtually the whole of Spain with the exception of the kingdom of Granada. Many of the Muslims who were not killed in the fighting, and who could not bear to work as slaves for the Christians, made their way to Granada. This became the last defiant stronghold of the Muslims and the practice of Islam continued to thrive there for another two and a half centuries after the fall of Seville. The Muslims of Granada regarded all those who had chosen to remain in the territories occupied by the Christians with contempt. They were regarded in no better light by the Christians, who tolerated them only because of their economic usefulness, and who eventually eliminated them in spite of it.
In the territories reconquered by christians, muslims(mudejares) were allowed to live in its. The name 'Mudejar', which originates from the Arab 'mudajjal' was originally used as a term of ridicule for the Muslims who made pacts with the Christians, and even fought their Muslim brothers with the Christians. It was also used to describe all the Muslims who remained in the North after first wave of persecution by the Church, and who worked for the Christian nobles on their large country estates....
When, in the next stages of persecution, the Mudejares were eventually all forcibly baptised, they became known as Moriscos, the 'Christian Moors'. This term was also used to describe the Muslims in the South who, after the fall of Granada in 1492, were also forcibly baptised.

XIV century things went wrong (Inquisition).

12-03-2004, 20:44
thx, i appreciate the info there