View Full Version : Attention 1602 city builders!!!

Dread Pirate Terry
10-06-2006, 19:49
A new challenge for those that like the peace & quiet of city building.
No pirates, no AIs in your way.
A plentiful map with everything you need and as few glitches as possible.:go:
Just listed on the Anno-Pool, "Ultra City (the beginnig)".
Savegame of my test & screenshot included.
Have Fun:silly: :silly: :silly:

10-06-2006, 20:48
oh, sounds like my kind of game :biggrin: will go and check it out later :)

10-06-2006, 21:49
...and for your convenience, here the links:
Ultra City (The Beginning): http://www.annopool.de/deutsch/comment.php?dlid=532
Ultra City (37000 aristocrats with stable, full supplies): http://www.annopool.de/deutsch/comment.php?dlid=531

I just had a look at it - it's great. I doubt that I could ever build such a huge city... :silly:

12-06-2006, 18:56
hat jmd das savegame davon? ills ma chnell anschaun =)

12-06-2006, 19:49
Der zweite Link (http://www.annopool.de/deutsch/comment.php?dlid=531) ist zwar kein Savegame, aber Du kannst die szs-Datei in den Ordner "Eigene Szenarien" entpacken und dann als Szenario laden.

Falls Du nur die Basisversion hast, kannst Du die Datei auch in *.gam umbenennen. Allerdings weiß ich nicht, was Anno macht, wenn die Basisversion so ein Savegame lädt...

Dread Pirate Terry
13-06-2006, 01:06
I could also send you the savegame of the continuing test if I had your e-mail address Lord Remiel. I have had the scene running continuously on another computer for 60 consecutive hours, with no adjustments made. They are all still happy about the 35% taxes though the cocoa production could use a little improvement. Cocoa runs out periodicly but only for a few seconds before more gets delivered.

30-08-2006, 22:14
...this challenge couldn't let me sleep well :biggrin: As you possibly know - I LOVE to build to the maxx...

So I went into it and now I have the status of 40.160 Aristocrats on the main Island, fully supplied and with 35% tax.

The only thing i changed (i have to admit it :angel: ) is the maximum number of ships to 60 (changed it with Sir Henry's goal editor) - everything else stayed unchanged. I am always a little bit wasteful with ships to keep clarity concerning the autoroutes.

The supply status would allow 4.000 to 5.000 more aristocrats, but the bug "new pioneers find no market place" prevents the settlement of more inhabitants. You can build a few new houses though, but then the game crashes when trying to save it. :silly:

If anyone wants my savegame or a screenshot as proof - plz tell me. The Game would run continously, but i prefer the status with 3 "emergency ships" (="Springerschiffe") to react to the needs of the inhabitants or overcapacities on the production islands. So actually it may sometimes come to a shortness of some good, but there is always enough left of it on some island.

Best Greetings


31-08-2006, 00:15
Paddy, I think DPT's challenge was to eclipse his totals without manipulation of the game setup. He reached his 37,000 with 33 ships! I also know that Terry does not like having his scenes changed.

Dread Pirate Terry
31-08-2006, 01:55
As far as I'm concerned once you download a scenario you are free to do whatever you want with it. I change other peoples scenarios all the time for my own use. I change them to make them harder, not easier!:wink:

31-08-2006, 04:02
I stand corrected on my assumption concerning DPT's stance on changing his scenario's. But the matter still remains Paddy you made it easier to attain the goal, what are you able to get with just the 33 ships?

01-09-2006, 21:31
I've shortened the number of ships to 33 again - and it works, too :go:

It doesn't run as smooth as with the larger amount - sometimes the people shout for cocoa and clothes, but there is enough on the production islands to collect it manually then.

Ok, maybe you'll say now - "Then it doesn't run continously:nono: ", but then i don't really care :wink: it runs without houses falling down or the number of aristocrats decreasing in another way.

So I am happy with this status and I don't see me as a victor or such thing, i'm just proud i made it to more than 40k aristocrats :bday: ,which i assume to be the maximum possible anyway (as i experienced this "limit" also in a self-made scenario).

So thank u DPT for this nice scenario and the challenge. Let's see if similar things will be possible in 1701... :cheers:

Best Greetings


Dread Pirate Terry
01-09-2006, 22:17
Congratulations Paddy, well done!
In my spare time I'm working to extend my 37,000 scene.
So far I'm up to 33,000 while using only 20 ships.
In search of the mythical 50,000 aristocrats? I'll keep you posted.

01-09-2006, 22:36
... if it is possible to increase the number of 40.xxx Aristocrats in an significant way. I tried it with several (self-made) scenarios, and with everything that makes it easier :wink: (Full fertality, max. amount of ships etc.).

It was never the problem that there wasn't enough building space or a shortness of goods, just the bugs (non-working farms and pioneers missing market places) prevented me from settling more inhabitants as soon as the number of aristocrats exceeded 38.000 -39.000. So with very "tricky" (and ugly :sad: ) building methods i "puzzled" a few additional houses and reached 40.160 here and 40.400 on "Paddys Wahnsinn".

So in my opinion the "mythical" 50.000 isn't a question of player's skills, it's just limited by the game engine :sad: :sad: .

But you are right with yout statement to the "Ultra City" - scenario that there are islands that are more touchy for the bugs than others ... in your scenario i had much less "non-working-farms" than in my own ones :go:

So keep on hoping and good luck for further tries :hello:

Best Greetings


01-09-2006, 23:19
Congratulations Paddy, I am proud of you! :cheers:

02-09-2006, 01:17
Paddy, I'd like you to upload your savegame and screenshots to the Annopool...

Anyway, 40000 aristocrats - that's something I cannot even imagine. :go: