View Full Version : ArmosaDrako's Medieval Comic

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20-03-2004, 22:07
i specially like the title "outpost chronicles"
the thing with the dishes should be in every episode,...

20-03-2004, 23:48
Originally posted by Bora
i specially like the title "outpost chronicles"
the thing with the dishes should be in every episode,...

LOL, i especially like that one....I'll have another one soon

the knightly sword
21-03-2004, 12:07
hahahaha this comic rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!. make some more of them they really rock:D :D :D :go:

Nadine Knobloch
26-03-2004, 15:30
Where's the update??? :angry:


26-03-2004, 17:15
Originally posted by Nadine Knobloch
Where's the update??? :angry:


You couldn't resist, could you?:lol:

Nadine Knobloch
26-03-2004, 17:57
Originally posted by Rnett
You couldn't resist, could you?:lol:

More than that!
I think it is my damn duty to demand my weekly dosage of humour! :D

26-03-2004, 19:18
Sorry guys, been tired last week...i'll make more this weekend...:D :D :cheers: i'll let you know when they are up..

06-04-2004, 11:18
Where is ArmosaDrako with his new comics?:confused:

06-04-2004, 13:48

:lol: :cheers:

06-04-2004, 14:17
armosadrako, i want to read a new episode, pleeeaaase!!!

06-04-2004, 17:14
It look like he actually has "a life" outside our community ;)

06-04-2004, 17:38
Sorry guys, i had lots of painting to do in my home and built a new PC so I was very busy but i'm back and ready to make more comics, someone have a suggestion for some funny skits? Thanks for being loyal fans, lol :)

06-04-2004, 17:59
Originally posted by ArmosaDrako
Sorry guys, i had lots of painting to do in my home and built a new PC so I was very busy but i'm back and ready to make more comics, someone have a suggestion for some funny skits? Thanks for being loyal fans, lol :)

Welcome back - it has been toooo long, but it's to see that you're still alive and kicking - GREAT :)

06-04-2004, 18:49
Good to see ya:go:

I don't have any idea's right now:scratch:, but you could use me as Cannon Fodder if you want.:rofl: :wacko:

06-04-2004, 21:07

Although i find it difficult to read the letters..

08-04-2004, 18:21
Thanks for the support guys, i'm going to try my damndest to make the comics better and i'll make an easter one too.

09-04-2004, 04:48
Episode 4 now up, not the greatest, but hope you like it!!
http://home.cogeco.ca/~gdaoust1/kohcomic4.html .

09-04-2004, 08:16
Haha! Great work man! :go:

09-04-2004, 12:31
:go: WOOW :bday:

09-04-2004, 12:56
:go: Great work ArmosaDrako :go: