View Full Version : Different Cultures?

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06-07-2006, 02:24
Umm yeah i hope that this wasn't posted before but, are there going to be different cultures like the moors, aztecs, mongols, polynesians, inuits etc. with unique trade goods like there were in anno 1503? :confused:

If you could post again that would be great

Zomby Woof
06-07-2006, 20:43
Yes, there will be different cultures like Africans, Aztecs or Iroquois and they will trade with unique goods which you can't produce by yourself.

06-07-2006, 21:44
Is there a list avaliable of all the exact cultures and do they have to live in unique climate zones?

Also can you play these cultures or hire them as mercenaries?

Zomby Woof
07-07-2006, 15:03
No, there is no complete list about the cultures right now.
There is no official information about where they live but i think they will live in their "home" climate zones. So for example the Iroquois are to be found in the northern climate zone and the Africans in the southern one.
You can't play or hire them, maybe in some special scenarios.

08-07-2006, 11:40
No, there is no complete list about the cultures right now.

Really? I read, that there are 4 cultures (Iroquois; Asians; Aztecs; Indians (from India not America)) in the game and every culture has one special/unique good.

Zomby Woof
29-08-2006, 15:06
Some new details about the foreign cultures:
first Flo is right, there are four foreign peoples, those he already mentioned.

If you start trading with them they offer only some basic goods. If trade continues you increase their prosperity and they may upgrade one civilization level. If you get their friendship and they feel like brothers to you they trade with more valuable goods and the colonial goods.
Also you have access to some special skills (curses).

Sell: wood and cloth, later flowers and and the colonial good jade
Buy: food and sweets
Special skill: calm

Sell: food and wood, later gold and the colonial ware amuletts
Buy: cloth and horses
Special skill: Montezumas revenge

Sell: food and wool, later horses and the colonial good fur
Buy: tobacco and weapons
Special skill: storm

Sell: cloth and bricks, later tobacco and the colonial good ivory
Buy: food and lamp oil
Special skill: locust plague

30-08-2006, 02:20
Lol so much for continuing with 1602 and 1503, now there are "magical" powers.

30-08-2006, 03:37
Certainly gives the game a new angle!

30-08-2006, 10:26
imagine sending a storm to your oponents ships..that would be great :biggrin:

31-08-2006, 03:05
Sure it gives a new angle to gameplay, but isn't the anno serie suppost to be based on
16th century colonization, developing a colonial civilization? As far as I know people during those times didn't have "magical" powers to control plagues and storms. When I washed the trailer and saw the tornado I though "cool, now the weather isn't inclined into drought only, but tornados and storms too" But when I read this post It all came down. It seems tornados and storms will only appear if you invoke some mystical power you take from the natives instead of been random natural disasters, like they should be.
Please Don't do this!! or add an option to turn it off and make this disasters random!

31-08-2006, 03:58
I think there will be random tornadoes, and random volcanoes and as far the spells, I am thinking that you will be able to get the natives to cast spells on your opponents for you, or cast a spell of calm on your own people. And as far as the mystical, magical powers, many native cultures of that time period believed they could control natural events by appeasing the gods.

31-08-2006, 18:22
Was there not also a special skill in 1602 :scratch:

31-08-2006, 19:52
Was there not also a special skill in 1602 :scratch:

If you warred with the natives and destroyed their village, you would get a message that you had been cursed, but I was never able to see any effect from it.

01-09-2006, 02:39
It didn't do anything, was just that, a "curse" which anyone with any common sence would know they do nothing.:wink:
As you said before Dobber, they believed they could control nature, but could they? Is the same as the religion cave men, Egyptians, Greeks,romans,ect... used. They believed that If they pleased their gods they would get good harvest, plenty, but not too much rain,growth, good luck in wars, and the earth wouldn't tremble(earthquakes). However if they didn't they though these "gods" would swept the land with destruction, illness and hunger, but at the end, did they really control anything by workshiping these "gods'?
Natural disasters are just that, uncontrollable natural events in which we have absolutly no control off. Sure, there are some ways we can nowadays control the spread of plagues and diseases, and the reasons as to why hurracanes,storms, tsunamies happen, but no one knew about it back then.
All I'm asking for is a little button to "turn off magical powers and make them random natural events"
If you want to have magical powers then leave it on, if you don't, then turn it off.

01-09-2006, 05:52
I wouldn't be suprised that some trides actually did worship some kind of demon thinking they were a god/ancestors and therefore the demon would have control over something. The demon could send a plague or a small storm of some kind. However, the tribe didn't have control over the demon and therefore didn't have any kind of real powers. But I do agree with Richard wishing that the player could turn off these magical powers.

01-09-2006, 07:34
So you are saying demons, fearys, and magic are real things:rolleyes: :rofl: Oh well is a free world, believe what you like to believe:cheers: , though I honestly find it funny, sorry :bash: :silly:

01-09-2006, 11:09
If you warred with the natives and destroyed their village, you would get a message that you had been cursed, but I was never able to see any effect from it.

Yes, that's what i meant. I always got a fire or a meagerness when i destroyed them. But i think that's no longer comparable with the new cultures in 1701.

01-09-2006, 12:56
So you are saying demons, fearys, and magic are real things:rolleyes: :rofl: Oh well is a free world, believe what you like to believe:cheers: , though I honestly find it funny, sorry :bash: :silly:

I don't believe in fairy's, but demons are sure enough real, and magic, well not as we see it with magicians(their magic is illusion and trickery) but the magic of witchcraft, yes I do believe. But as you said believe what you want to believe, and I don't find it funny, sorry! :bash: :silly:

And after all it is just a game, and as for historical accuracy, people in those times believed in such stuff!

And you don't have to use it just because it is there! There is nothing that makes you use that function and if the AI uses it against you, what's the difference from it just being a random event of nature? I really don't see it is necessary to have a feature to turn it off.

02-09-2006, 21:35
Ah I see where this is going, Well I don't want to make this into a religious/believe/faith discussion. All I'm asking the devs for is a way to turn this thing off as not everyone believe in the same things. This feature seems like will impact the gameplay greatly, you can destroy half of the island of an oponent magically:rolleyes: , so please take that into consideration. Or at least release some info on how to mod it out(that would make it easier for the devs)

Anyways the game seems great, nice eyecandy, new features, better graphics, more ai players to choose as enemy(I hope they are smarter than previous AI), and hopefully the gameplay won't suffer too much from this, making this anno the best so far. Oh and I hope it doesn't end the same way as anno 1503,without support nor the promised multyplayer that never came.

03-09-2006, 03:25
Ah I see where this is going, Well I don't want to make this into a religious/believe/faith discussion. All I'm asking the devs for is a way to turn this thing off as not everyone believe in the same things. This feature seems like will impact the gameplay greatly, you can destroy half of the island of an oponent magically:rolleyes: , so please take that into consideration. Or at least release some info on how to mod it out(that would make it easier for the devs)

Anyways the game seems great, nice eyecandy, new features, better graphics, more ai players to choose as enemy(I hope they are smarter than previous AI), and hopefully the gameplay won't suffer too much from this, making this anno the best so far. Oh and I hope it doesn't end the same way as anno 1503,without support nor the promised multyplayer that never came.

I don't intend to turn it into a religiuos/believe/faith discussion either. You popped the top off that can of worms, I just helped pour it out. :biggrin:
But, it is true that people of that era believed in such possibilities, it was their way of explaining the bad things that happened to them. As I said you don't have to go to the natives and use those features, and if playing MP in the absence of a way of turning off special features, you as a group can agree not to use them before you start play. There may be a way to turn them off, I am just trying to suggest an alternative if there is not.

We also do not need to discuss 1503 here, it was discussed and hashed and rehashed enough in it's own forum. Other than the multiplayer issue, I believe 1503 performed in the way they intended it, it was never meant to be this fabulous war game.
I don't know if you have read any of the news releases or official statements about 1701, but in the early stages, it was announced 1701 would not be released without multiplayer. And I have heard reports that the multiplay is functioning properly already, these reports were not from official sources though.