View Full Version : Multiplayer Problems

11-07-2006, 00:58
Okay I really don't know what to do to fix my problem. I have looked all over the internet and can't find anybody else who has had the problem. My friend and I are trying to play the multiplayer mode and we can't make it work. Since I am the one with the original game CD I have to host the session and after he put in my IP address all he was shown was a screen saying that the group was not active at the time when I was waiting for him to join at the same time. He tried countless times to make it work but it wouldn't. Any ideas?

11-07-2006, 01:23
either you got different versions or different patches.

if that's not the case it's very likely that someones firewall blocks the connection..

sry for my bad english.

11-07-2006, 02:42
If you have the US version you dont need the CD.. The problem is probably a firewall or router, routers are causing many MP game problems I'm sure there is a thread here to fix the router problem, there is a search function... if it is just a firewall then all you have to do is take it down til your done playing.. and also either one of you can host. If you have the german or any other version then you do need the CD...

11-07-2006, 02:49
Do you have the correct ip address? If you are behind a router, the ip you need is the routers IP.
I also have to turn off my firewall to play. In the US version, you do not need the CD in to play or host the game. Be sure you are both using the TCP/IP method to connect.
Try having the PC that is not behind the router host the game.
If these items don't help, please reply back.

Welcome to the Board !

11-07-2006, 12:11
the routers IP :confused: almost everyone has as routers IP :confused:
i think you need the "normal" IP, look it up here: www.whatismyip.com

11-07-2006, 12:31
The external IP address not the internal one. I get it from my router settings page. From my router.

11-07-2006, 12:47
ah, i see.. sry that it's german but i really can't translate those vocabularies :rolleyes:

i looked some information up in my router settings.. which one is needed for TCP/IP connection?

Zugeteilte IP-Adresse
Primärer DNS-Server
Sekundärer DNS-Server
MAC-Adresse WAN: 00:16:38:47:F6:5E

11-07-2006, 13:25
As I don't know German, my GUESS would be Zugeteilte IP-Adresse

11-07-2006, 17:17
Thanks for all the help. Much appriciated. :biggrin:

11-07-2006, 17:59
As I don't know German, my GUESS would be Zugeteilte IP-Adresse

ok, thnx.. can someone expierenced and german guy confirm that?

/ kann das einer bestätigen?

Sir Henry
12-07-2006, 21:28
That's confirmed. :wink:

Looking up your external IP under http://whatismyip.com is equally fast. :rolleyes:

Find more German explanations here (http://1602.annowiki.de/index.php/Mehrspielermodus) - or in English here (http://www.annozone.de/inhalt.php?id=a1302,2005,1658-28).