View Full Version : Will there be difficulty levels? And other start up features?
I can't believe I'm asking for so BASIC a feature but games lately have been really poorly designed, so:
This was missing from Lords of the Realm 3- I want us to be able to SET THE AI level so that we can vary the challenge. If the AI is always playing at the same level (as in LoTR3) it will really not be fun!
So, can we vary the AI's playing ability? Agressiveness, etc...? What can we set up before we start a game- what sorts of features can we turn on and off?
C'mon let me know!
Frank Fay
29-03-2004, 19:55
There are in fact three levels to specify the diffulty
1) Entry period
2) Selected kingdom
3) Diffifculty
29-03-2004, 20:00
Originally posted by Frank Fay
There are in fact three levels to specify the diffulty
1) Entry period
2) Selected kingdom
3) Diffifculty
ad 1)
is it more difficult to play in 1000 than in 1350??? (or vice versa)
ad 3)
how many levels are intended?
Thank you for the good news!
Frank Fay
30-03-2004, 08:27
1) no vice versa... In 1000 are less kingdoms and they are bigger. In 1350 are more and smaller kingdoms.
3) two at the moment
But what will happen if you play more then ten years in the game
from 1350-for example 1361. Will it stop before 1361 or will it go on?
Emhyr var Emreis
05-04-2004, 13:18
No year counter. Those years are more for orientation-which nations are there and what area they cover. But when you once start playing, you will play until your want (or until you got defeated)
Originally posted by Frank Fay
1) no vice versa... In 1000 are less kingdoms and they are bigger. In 1350 are more and smaller kingdoms.
3) two at the moment
Only 2???
I suggest you make 3
1. Normal
2. Hard.
3. Extreme (Very Hard)
this will make the game more fun for veteran players, don't you think?
05-04-2004, 14:53
Originally posted by Platina
Only 2???
I suggest you make 3
1. Normal
2. Hard.
3. Extreme (Very Hard)
this will make the game more fun for veteran players, don't you think?
i suggest 5:
very hard
unbelievable extreme
hurt me plenty
:D ;)
Originally posted by timurlenk
i suggest 5:
very hard
unbelievable extreme
hurt me plenty
:D ;)
LOL! or how about these ones:
Don't Hurt Me!
Very Easy
Very Hard
Extreme Hard
King of the World
05-04-2004, 19:14
I'd be fine with those from Duke Nukem 3D...
Piece of Cake! :cool:
15-04-2004, 21:05
They should have 5 imho:
Man at arms
Peasant being the easiest of course.:D
These would equate to :
Very easy
Very hard
Two are enough imo, you can set the overal difficulty by the other 2 options (time and side).
But is it possible to start allied with some other kingdom ?(oposed to history for example)
peasant should be the hardest, since you'd have to start out as a peasant, which would severely lower your chances to conquer the world...
22-04-2004, 15:14
Originally posted by Jorghan
peasant should be the hardest, since you'd have to start out as a peasant, which would severely lower your chances to conquer the world...
i agree the peasent should be the hardest :D
Maybe the Sick Old Dog of the peasant. It's like the Pinky and the Brain where they try to take over the world.
(enough offtopic)
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