View Full Version : CV also in peacefull Times?

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31-03-2004, 09:22
Originally posted by Henrik
I have cast my vote on: No, Close View just in battle its enough! - because i really don't think that we have much time for this - please bear in mind that you also have all those other tasks to do - i can't see the point in making something that you probably only have time to look at on very rare occasions - i would prefer that the devs concentrated on issues that really matters instead - anyone not following me and don't see my point?

i see your point!
but if close view is programmed, why not watch it in peaceful times?
if "peaceful cv" has to be developed additionally, i would prefer to concentrate them on more important issues, like you.

31-03-2004, 09:40
Just to have it, even if use it n more than about 3 times during whole one game?

Why not? I will like it if I have it. But making option for very few occasions is IMO little useless, when there is so many important things to be done still...

EDIT: However, if work on CV is already done and don't need no more work, I don't see any reason why not let us relax by observing our kingdom, have a look at our serves, farmers etc. working for us. It will please everybody once, twice or who knows how many times when game flows calmly with no battle, no king's action needed. (btw, I voted for having it also in peacefull times, even if I think when it needs more work, I'm saying NO.)

31-03-2004, 10:18
i think its not useless, cause this poll is proving that a lot of poeple would enjoy that feature. and according the commenst no one hates the CV, there are only some few "i dont care"
or "i dont need" comments

but i share the opinion, if that "klick&watch" would take weeks to implement i dont want this in the basic version, i also could wait for a patch or an add on,... i dont want to wait till a KoH2 for this feature cause:

1. too long to wait
2. a patch costs usually nothing and an add on not even the1/2 price of the full version ;)

31-03-2004, 11:38
I dont quite get one part. i know that in battle mode its gona be cv but i see these screenshots in close view even theres no battles goin on????????.... so how can u manage your cities and stuff like dat......i think its really stupid....a cv should be included and accessed whenever u want, but overall its a fantastic game!

31-03-2004, 12:04
Originally posted by Dino-e
I dont quite get one part. i know that in battle mode its gona be cv but i see these screenshots in close view even theres no battles goin on????????.... so how can u manage your cities and stuff like dat......i think its really stupid....a cv should be included and accessed whenever u want, but overall its a fantastic game!

you have you tool and menubars in the world view tahst how you manage it. the point here is that the CV looks that great (sepcvially from towns and villages) that i like to know how many poeple (including me) wnat to see it more often then only in battles. so it doesnt matter if you can mange your cities and poeple also there, it has only to do with the nice optic :)

01-04-2004, 12:05
sorry guys to interrupt you, buit this vote will heve no effect on the game.

read the resons here comment of frank fay:

Please have in mind that the team works since almost 3 years on the game and that they do things for many reasons.

Look, we want to be honest and want that you do not get wrong expectations about the game. This is an example, where you had something else in mind. We played the game, we tested the game, we changed, we retested etc. That was a long way to there where we are now and we think it is the right way.

But there are two other possibilities, regarding sharing information:

- We dont answer

- We lie

What do you want? I prefer to say the truth...

As you can see already, many of your wishes have been incorporated. But not all can for many reasons, technically, philosophically or economically.

And this map thing has a lot of reasons. Many of them are not be discussed at this point and not here.

My advice if you now hate the game because of that, play the demo when it is out, read the post mortem and then decide to purchase.

But I swear to you, we do not make this game for our own good, we listen and hear and get suggestions since 3 years. We want to make the game for you guys and we want to make it for everyone right. But it is NOT possible to meet all expactions. But want that everyone knows what he is expecting and what not. You can bash us all the way long when the game is out.

As more we disclose as more you may not like something. Please tell us, but please bear in mind that we can not make all...

And maybe it is important to remind that the WV and CV are NOT an exact match. They were but it caused lots of problems. So what you say is that you want to build a structure and want to see it in CV -> wont be there.

Also you say you want to zoom when you want. The CV maps are handcrafted. Because you battle they have to have empty spaces, terrain advantages and disadvantages. But the ones you want, shall be made for the eye, loads of objects, loads of buildings, villagers performing their jobs, buys towns etc. -> like in city builder games

I dont say the CV maps now look bad, but they are meant for one purpose to battle. When you zoom in peace they would not be that what you want. As said above, there is no exact match. If you build a cathedral in WV, there is no cathedral in CV (visually).

Well maybe Frujin, wants to ad here something...
you also fidn it here:

that means to 100% cv only in battle views!
so nothing with "klick&watch"

sorry to frank, i did not want to discuss it in two threads. :(
but this a poll for just that we talked about and i thought the information in the "CV scrolling thread" are not less important for this one. so sorry for the inconvenience!

as you amy noticed i overworkd this post, caúse the last news overruned me a little to fast. but dont want to post something thats maybe mean, when i am the person who dont gets the clue.

but thats the way, some are more interested in name of countrys and some have theyre eyes on the close view :)

01-04-2004, 13:29
so just to be fair to the other guys, close this one adn reopen the other one.
why? this one makes no sense, cuae frank was honest,... thanks :go:, and wrote us why and how, so a poll for it, its unecessary

Frank Fay
01-04-2004, 15:19
As you wish, the other is open now :)