View Full Version : Fire Arrows
30-03-2004, 22:45
Well i saw a screenshot with archers shooting fire arrows and so my question is if those fire arrows hit an enemy will they start to burn? And when you shoot at a building will it start to burn after one hit? (not like other games where you have to shoot 20 arrows until the buiding starts to burn)
31-03-2004, 03:44
I agree, being able to set buildings on fire would be a great addition. Especially during sieges.
the question has already be answered, people and buildings will start to burn.
the only discussion left here, if they had made that also siege (catapult etc.) would start to burn. siege equipment would be the only thing what wouldnt born. everything else that has to do with buildings and millitary will start to burn.
but for shooting firearrows on poeple/enemy soldiers your commanding knight must have a special skill.
shooting firearrows on buildings is always possible.
the reason is clear: shooting firearrows on buildings is needed to destroy them, shooting firearrows on people is not that necessary cause you could also kill them with standart arrows. but using firearrows is more effective AND MORE BRUTAL!
31-03-2004, 13:03
I like the BRUTEL part
Originally posted by Silverwolf
I like the BRUTEL part
dont worry, you have the chance to get it
20-04-2004, 03:39
I have a new question about arrows due the new screenshots.
I saw units of archers firing against enemy, then can they only fire burning arrows?
20-04-2004, 14:45
Haegemon: You just saw an especially cruel knight. There is a speciel skill that makes a knight's archers shoot fire-arrows at enemy-soldiers.
However, if the knight doesn't have that skill they'll shoot normal arrows.
But ALL archers will shoot fire-arrows at buildings.
20-04-2004, 18:41
Ah. OK, thanks to answer.
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