View Full Version : about units

31-03-2004, 05:55
sorry i may have asked this question before but, how do we get units.. we order to train them im guessing and how do they come out, like 1 man at a time like AOE or do they come out as a squad or how does it work. thanks

31-03-2004, 12:09
it works a bit like in lords of the realm2,... you recruit your soldiers from the population

31-03-2004, 12:13
Originally posted by Elewyn
..in squads...not one by one...

ok,... :rolleyes:
you recruit them in SQUADS from the population,...
now ok, elewyn? ;)

31-03-2004, 12:22
Originally posted by Bora
ok,... :rolleyes:
you recruit them in SQUADS from the population,...
now ok, elewyn? ;) I meant it as an add, not as some note or something like this. I was only too lazy to write it all :), so i used your last post and by "..." want to go on ;)

31-03-2004, 12:30
if we would see this forum as a manual i would answer to all double askes questions: RTFM!!! :D

31-03-2004, 12:47
Originally posted by Bora
if we would see this forum as a manual i would answer to all double askes questions: RTFM!!! :D

hmm, you could write: RTFFAQ!
but on the other side its "nice" to answer question of new board members. they are interested in the game im interested in. they must be o.k. :cheers: