View Full Version : A couple questions

02-04-2004, 23:37
Im new here so spare me!

If u control another city which has a different culture then yours will u get a penalty or such for it like in Europa Universalis II?

Will every nation have his own character like for example: France tends to be aggresive while Ireland is rather in peace and quite?

Is there a downside when your empire gets bigger?

How many more months before this game is finished?

And i could not resist to ask but when will the demo probably come out?

03-04-2004, 00:08
Originally posted by Ghost
Im new here so spare me!

Hi and welcome to our nice little community :)

Regarding you request that we should "spare you" - whatever that means - i would recommend you to read our FAQ (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=671) - it's quite large and is enlarge rather frequently this will also spare our board for being spammed with double/trible posts of the same topic ;)

now lets get on with your questions:

If u control another city which has a different culture then yours will u get a penalty or such for it like in Europa Universalis II?

We haven't been told much about whether you will suffer a los on the scale which shows your kingdom power.

Will every nation have his own character like for example: France tends to be aggresive while Ireland is rather in peace and quite?

Since a "nation" or kingdom in Koh can be made of several realms and we know that KoH will have around 150+ knights each with their personality then i think the answer to your question is YES

Is there a downside when your empire gets bigger?

we are still waiting for news about this one read this thread (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=807&highlight=your+empire+gets+bigger)

How many more months before this game is finished?

Well, according to the official site ( which you probably have visited ;) ) KoH is scheduled to release in Q2/2004 - count on the month of June

And i could not resist to ask but when will the demo probably come out?
Acording to Frank from Sunflowers he says qoute:
Just to avoid many posts about this same topic. There will be demo but it will be announced, when, where etc.

Well, that was just about it - i'll hope that you're satisfied with the answers :)

03-04-2004, 02:24
Yeah thx very much for the info.

Frank Fay
03-04-2004, 10:50
If u control another city which has a different culture then yours will u get a penalty or such for it like in Europa Universalis II?

A realm of different culture gets a penalty, so does a realm with different religion and different nationality. You can "convert" culture and religion but not nationality.

Also these are additive = you can get penalty by different culture + different religion + different nationality all together.

05-04-2004, 21:51
So will there also be religious units in order to convert your newly "acquired" citizens?

And how would you convert someone's culture? What units, besides religious, would be able to that? That's like trying to get Americans to use the metric system :D !

Has there been any comments on the types of religions that will be in KOH?

06-04-2004, 00:23
there are 4 religions in KoH. Catholicism(latin/western christianity), Orthodoxy(eastern christians), Islam and Paganism. First three have their leaders, but that's all we know yet.
For converting there are Clerics (one type of knight, which can be marshall, governor, trader, spy or cleric) but also not revealed yet how.

06-04-2004, 00:29
Do you think we'd be able to change our realm's faith? Maybe you're a little tired of the Pope pushing you around so you suddenly swing to Paganism or Islam?:angry:

And I cetainly hope the Pagan religion has it's units that are able to convert! I think I would enjoy changing history and having an entire Paganist Europe.

12-04-2004, 20:55

12-04-2004, 22:39
that would make thingd harder 4 the people making the game. there is alredy sooo much you can do!!!